Ty'a Dynevor reflects on cadetship with the Institute

    It has been over 12 months since Bachelor of Science student Tyá Dynevor joined The Cairns Institute (TCI) as a casual Research Assistant (RA) through a cadetship opportunity. Her reflections on her experiences are shared below. 

    My cadetship involves supporting the development of Traditional Owner activities and engagement across Crown of Thorns Starfish Research and Management on the Great Barrier Reef. The Reef Trust Partnership, James Cook University (JCU) and other stakeholders who are the primary associates involved in this project. I am a TCI Research Assistant and my direct supervisor is Dr Vincent Backhaus.

    I have been able to maintain my studies and I work one day a week where I have assisted with producing reports, data entry, analysis, and interpretation, meaningful stakeholder relationship management, especially with reef Traditional Owners and note taking, transcribing and utilising Microsoft and Adobe software.  
    The cadetship relates to my degree and area of interest as I have gained knowledge on how to conduct professional co-research methods with Traditional Owners, particularly on Sea-Country and understanding Marine Ecosystems from a Traditional Ecological Knowledge perspective. This allows both academic researchers and Traditional Owners to co-operate and receive recognition for their work and be followed for future scientific practices. The role has added to my professional skills such as Critical thinking, Active Learning and Listening, Researching and Cultural sensitivity. 
    An objective that aligns with my RA role is supporting my supervisor in submitting and writing JCU’s Ethics and Research Integrity in June 2023. I also supported this process by writing and submitting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Ethics Application Supplement, Information Sheet, and Informed Consent Form.

    What I have found most challenging throughout my cadetship is balancing my personal circumstances; caring for my Mum, and handling my other subjects alongside with my cadetship. I feel I have overcome this challenge through perseverance and a supportive and understanding supervisor and team.
    The RA experience has set up my future career pathway by maintaining professional relationships with all stakeholders involved in this project, especially with Traditional Owners. This cadetship also links in with my Zoology and Ecology majors as I have gained working experience in research through a Traditional Ecological perspective.
    It has given me an opportunity to give back to communities in a meaningful, and proactive way, especially in the Social Science, Marine Science and Ecology Science community. I am proud to be the first undergraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research assistant that JCU has employed at The Cairns Institute.

    The Cairns Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cadetships provide undergraduate and honours students enrolled at JCU the chance to undertake a paid research placement related to their degree and professional development goals.
    As part of the cadetship, students receive employment with the Cairns Institute one day per week, reimbursement for study expenses up to $1000, access to professional development and networking opportunities, and credit towards degree completion, contingent upon meeting entry and assessment criteria for relevant work integrated learning subjects. 

    Find out more about The Cairns Institute's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cadetships and register your interest here.

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