TEDxJCU Cairns update

    Our resident TEDxJCU Cairns curator, Jennifer McHugh writes an apology to the greater Cairns TEDx followers. ‘We’re sorry!! I know it’s been a while since you have heard from us. We are still here but have just been busy with changes brought on by COVID. It’s no excuse but as TEDxJCUCairns relies on volunteers, who have been giving so many hours in the last 7 years, we all just needed to take a step back. We are all still very passionate about showcasing our amazing region through TEDx’.

    Jennifer explained that TEDxJCUCairns could not hold an event in 2020 due to COVID restrictions and campus closures. They shifted into 2021 with optimism and were thinking they would be back bigger and better. Unfortunately they faced another hurdle; funding! Although TEDxJCUCairns is held together by our volunteers and none of the speakers are paid, to get the quality video capture, funding is required for lighting, staging and editing. COVID has already over-stretched many budgets and the committee deliberated that it was not possible to go ahead with the wonderful experience that is a TEDx day.

    However, the team behind TEDxJCUCairns have had numerous enquiries from people wanting to know what is happening and when they will be back. in addition, the team misses the wonderful TEDx Cairns community and are regrouping for a Facebook live event on Saturday 27th November at 2pm. It will be a free event and will give you the chance to hear from previous speakers. Note that not all of the 80 speakers are available on that day.
    To vote for the speaker you would most like to hear from, use the anonymous poll or copy and paste https://bit.ly/TEDxJCU2021 into your web browser. The top three will join us on the 27th to share updates on their ‘ideas worth sharing’ and where they are now.

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