SATSIE presence at DNA Conference 2023

    The Tropical North Queensland Drought Hub’s (TNQDH) Sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Enterprise (SATSIE) program sponsored 5 Indigenous business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders from Cape York, Cairns, the Torres Strait and Alice Springs to attend the July Developing Northern Australia (DNA) Conference in Darwin as part of an Indigenous Business Scholarship package.

    The sponsored delegates joined other sponsored delegates from the NT and WA. They were all selected as individuals working for/running an Indigenous organisation working to elevate Indigenous business capabilities in Northern Australia. All of the scholarship recipients gave very positive feedback and felt that their attendance would have positive outcomes for their businesses and individual development.

    Fraser Nai one of the recipients who also stepped into being a panel member for the Enabling Infrastructure for Northern Australia workshop said that; ‘Going to DNA is about knowing the latest Data, Trends, Geopolitics, Geo-Economics and Geo Technologies affecting our world. If we are to consolidate our place in the world, then being relevant in the things that are shaping our place in this world is of upmost importance. Visionary courageous leadership is what this moment is calling for.’

    A great feature of the conference was the well-received first keynote session. The plenary Indigenous Business session was chaired by Jerome Cubillo of the Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN), Northern Australia Reference Group (IRB). Speakers were;
    • Michelle Deshong, Acting CEO – Supply Nation
    • Julie-Ann Lambourne, Qld Indigenous Business Network
    • Naomi Antess, NT Indigenous Business Alliance.

    In her presentation, Julie-Ann was able to outline the emerging development of the Queensland Indigenous Business Network (QIBN). These speakers spoke about how we can unlock Indigenous Business excellence. Two of the keynote speakers, Julie-Anne Lambourne and Michelle Deshong have both previously given a TEDxJCUCairns talk.

    Image top inset: Jaime Gane, Dennis Fay and Fraser Nai

    Further information, email

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