Cairns Local COVID-19 Rapid Social Needs Assessment

    Cairns Local COVID-19 Rapid Social Needs Assessment

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    Image of Cairns Lagoon

    By Hurriyet Babacan, Jennifer McHugh and Allan Dale

    This Rapid Social Needs Assessment (RNA) was commissioned by the Cairns Regional Council Commissioned to explore the impact of COVID-19. Cairns region is identified as a high impact area for the consequences of COVID-19. Being a rural-regional location and economically being largely reliant on the tourism industry, its unique socio-economic characteristics has rendered it as ‘highly vulnerable,’ with significant impacts on the social, economic and emotional health of the local population. Despite the regions vulnerability we have an opportunity to meet our challenges in new and innovative ways that build on the region's many strengths. The report provides a number of short and long term priority areas for action and concludes that there is now more than ever a need for integrated thinking that captures complexity. Everyone needs to be given a stake in recovery and that cross-sectoral partnerships and engagement will be fundamental for future success in addressing the unprecedented and devastating consequences of COVID-19. It is important that we close knowledge gaps and that we continue to learn and adapt from this and other disasters.



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