2024 Publications

    2024 Publications


    Hayes, A., Henry, R., & Wood, M. (2024). The Chinese in Papua New Guinea: Past, Present and Future. ANU Press. [Fellow: Henry]

    Petray, T., & Osbaldiston, N. (2023). Exploring sociology in the Antipodes: Introduction to sociology – 1st Australian edition. James Cook University. [Researchers: Petray & Osbaldiston]

    Book Chapters

    Attard, S., Connell, J. G., & Chaiechi, T. (2024). Pathways to improved water quality in the GBR lagoon—Exploring opportunities for broadscale application of low-risk practices in the lower Burdekin irrigated agriculture areas. In Oceanographic processes of coral reefs (2nd ed., p. 18). CRC Press. [Fellow: Chaiechi]

    Neuendorf, N., Innes, T., Backhaus, V., & Brooksbank, L. (2024). Critical Reflections on Blackness/Blakness and the Whiteness of Coloniality in the Pacific. In: Ravulo, J., Olco?, K., Dune, T., Workman, A., Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Critical Whiteness. Springer, Singapore. [Adjunct: Neuendorf; Researcher: Backhaus]

    Onnis, L. (2024). Integrating corporate social responsibility and the sustainable development goals: A tropics perspective. In Economic growth and development in the tropics (pp. 83-104). Routledge. [Fellow: Onnis]

    Sliwa, M., & Case, P. Leadership-as-practice: Appreciation, critique, and future directions. In The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies (pp. 160-171). Routledge. [Fellow: Case]

    Smith, B. (2024). Colourblindness in/of Place: Memory, colonial place, and education's ignorance of the blue. In Critical Approaches to the Australian Blue Humanities (pp. 187-197). Routledge. [Fellow: Smith]

    Smith, B. (2024). Placial Villains: Naming, Memorial Geographies of Invasion, and the Work of Social Studies. Teachers College Press. [Fellow: Smith]

    Wood, M., & Backhaus, V. (2024). What was Colonial in Extending Australian Citizenship to New Guinea Chinese? In: Hayes, AnnaHenry, Rosita, and Wood, Michael, (eds.) The Chinese in Papua New Guinea Past, Present and Future. Pacific Series. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 53-76. [Researcher: Backhaus]

    Zuchowski, I., McLennan, S., Buchta, K., Cordes, K., Sen Gupta, T., Ladesma, C., ... & McArthur, L. (2024). Curriculum development for social work student placements in primary health careSocial Work Education43(4), 1173-1190. Fellow: Zuchowski]

    Journal Articles (A-K)

    Bartelet, H. A., Barnes, M. L., & Cumming, G. S. (2024). Estimating and comparing the direct economic contributions of reef fisheries and tourism in the Asia-PacificMarine Policy159, 105939. [Researcher: Bartelet]

    Boon, H. J. (2024). A comprehensive approach to water literacy in the context of climate change. Education Sciences, 14(6), 564. [Fellow: Boon]

    Boon, H. J. (2024). Applications of codes of teacher ethics in the context of anthropogenic climate change. Teachers and Teaching30(3), 341-360. [Fellow: Boon]

    Burnett, G., & Suluma, W. (2024). Formal education in Nauru: A Pacific development assistance story. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. [Fellow: Burnett]

    Carrington, A., Croker, F., Lee-Ross, A., Keogh, S., Dewar, S., Townsend, C., & Chan, W. (2023). Interprofessional collaboration to develop and deliver domestic violence curriculum to dental students. Australian Social Work. [Fellow: Carrington]

    Chinofunga, D., & Chigeza, P. Developing Complex Unfamiliar Mathematics Questions: A Perspective. [Fellow: Chigeza]

    Chinofunga, M. D., Chigeza, P., & Taylor, S. (2024). How can procedural flowcharts support the development of mathematics problem-solving skills? Mathematics Education Research Journal. [Fellows: Chigeza & Taylor]

    Chong, M. D., Bennet, V., Messigah, G., Boulard, F., & Fellows, J. (2024). A Critical and Comparative Analysis of the Laws Pertaining to Intimate Partner Violence in Queensland (Australia) and Lagos (Nigeria). In Families and Gendered Violence and Conflict: Pan-Continent Reach (pp. 1-29). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Fellow: Fellows]

    Coggan, A., Hay, R., Jarvis, D., Eberhard, R., & Colls, B. (2024). Increasing uptake of improved land management practice to benefit environment and landholders: insights through a transaction cost lensJournal of Environmental Planning and Management67(5), 1053-1076. [Fellows: Hay & Jarvis]

    Conte, K. P., Laycock, A., Bailie, J., Walke, E., Onnis, L. A., Feeney, L., ... & Bailie, R. (2024). Producing knowledge together: a participatory approach to synthesising research across a large-scale collaboration in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthHealth Research Policy and Systems22(1), 3. [Fellow: Onnis]

    Dadpour, R., Law, L., & Osbaldiston, N. (2024). Expected Versus Experienced Liveability for Amenity Migrants in Cairns, Australia: The Grass is not Always Greener in the TropicsUrban Policy and Research, 1-15. [Researcher: Dadpour; Fellow: Osbaldiston]

    Eurich, J. G., Friedman, W. R., Kleisner, K. M., Zhao, L. Z., Free, C. M., Fletcher, M., ... & Mills, K. E. (2024). Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systemsFish and Fisheries25(1), 38-59. [Fellow: Cinner]

    Ford?Learner, N., Addison, J., & Smallhorn?West, P. (2024). Conservation and human rights: The public commitments of international conservation organizationsConservation Letters, e13035. [Fellow: Addison]

    Freedman, B., Li, W. W., Liang, Z., Hartin, P., & Biedermann, N. (2024). The prevalence of incivility in hospitals and the effects of incivility on patient safety culture and outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. [Fellow: Li]

    Gaggiotti, H., Austin, H. M., Case, P., Gosling, J., & Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2024). Translating organizing and organizational metaphors: from the universal to the particular. [Fellow: Case]

    Gair, S., Zuchowski, I., Jebichii, D., O’Reilly, S., Rauwerda, R., & Savuro, N. (2024). At-risk youth peer researchers highlight safety and “the bonds you make with staff and peers”. Australian Social Work77(2), 311-323. [Fellow: Zuchowski]

    Green, H., Larsen, P., Liu, Y., & Nelson, P. N. (2024). Carbon dioxide removal via weathering of sugarcane mill ash under different soil conditions. Applied Geochemistry, 165, 105940. [Fellow: Nelson]

    Hampton-Smith, M., Gurney, G. G., & Cinner, J. E. (2024). A systematic review of equity perceptions and outcomes in marine conservationBiological Conservation289, 110395. [Fellow: Cinner]

    Heward, C., Li, W., Chun Tie, Y., & Waterworth, P. (2024). A scoping review of military culture, military identity, and mental health outcomes in military personnel. Military Medicine. [Fellow: Li]

    James, J., Comley, R., Wurster, C. M., Levchenko, V., Gadd, P., & Bird, M. I. (2024). Holocene savanna hydroclimate record from Kinrara Lake, north-east Queensland, Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 637, 111985. [Researcher: Bird]

    Jefferson, G., Henry, R., Heyeres, M., Morgan, R., Tomas, L., Tsey, K., et al. (2024). Impact through research in education and studies in human society: A review of Australian Research Council ‘high-for-impact’ case studies. PLoS ONE, 19(5), e0302877. [Researcher: Henry & Zuchowski]

    Jogulu, U., Green, N., Franken, E., Vassiley, A., Bentley, T., & Onnis, L. (2024). Work arrangement “yo-yo”: Forced flexibility from the office to home and back again. Personnel Review, 53(5), 1224-1243. [Fellow: Onnis]

    Jordan, L. P., Zhou, X., Abdullah, A., & Emery, C. R. (2023). Gendered dimensions of demand for commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Kathmandu, Nepal. Violence Against Women. [Fellow: Jordan]

    Journal Articles (L-Z)

    Lambrides, A. B. J., Ditchfield, K., Ulm, S., & Veth, P. (2023). A moving feast: Australia’s coastal and island archaeological record. In S. M. Fitzpatrick & J. Erlandson (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of island and coastal archaeology. Oxford Academic. [Researcher, Ulm]

    Leow, T., Li, W. W., Miller, D. J., & McDermott, B. (2024). Prevalence of university non-continuation and mental health conditions, and effect of mental health conditions on non-continuation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Mental Health, 1-16. [Fellow: Li]

    Li, W. W., Heward, C., Merrick, A., Astridge, B., & Leow, T. (2024). Prevalence of experiencing public humiliation and its effects on victims’ mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 18, 18344909241252325. [Fellow: Li]

    Lignier, P., Jarvis, D., Grainger, D., & others. (2024). How selective mobility, social and ecological influence may impact geographic variations in life satisfaction scores: An Australian longitudinal study. Social Indicators Research, 173, 803–826. [Fellows: Jarvis & Chaiechi]

    Lignier, P., Jarvis, D., Grainger, D., & Chaiechi, T. (2024). Spatial heterogeneity and subjective wellbeing: Exploring the role of social capital in metropolitan areas using multilevel modelling. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(5), 52. [Fellows: Jarvis & Chaiechi]

    Madanayake, A., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2024). Spatio-Temporal Contact Mining for Multiple Trajectories-of-InterestIEEE Access. [Fellow: Lee]

    Meechan, E., Geia, L., Taylor, M., Murray, D., Stothers, K., Gibson, P., & Barker, R. (2024). Culturally responsive occupational therapy practice with First Nations Peoples—A scoping reviewAustralian Journal of Rural Health. [Adjunct: Barker]

    McKercher, B., Tolkach, D., Lee, A., Macionis, N., & Jin, X. (2024). How successfully do we educate tourism, hospitality, and events graduates? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 36(2), 182-191. [Fellow: Tolkach]

    Merrick, A., Li, W. W., & Miller, D. J. (2024). A study on the efficacy of the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons for improving mental health and self-concepts in a community sample. Games for Health Journal, 13(2), 128-133. [Fellow: Li]

    Napier, T., Ahn, E., Allen-Ankins, S., Schwarzkopf, L., & Lee, I. (2024). Advancements in preprocessing, detection and classification techniques for ecoacoustic data: A comprehensive review for large-scale passive acoustic monitoringExpert Systems with Applications, 124220. [Fellow: Lee]

    Nunn, P. D., Kumar, R., Barrowman, H. M., Chambers, L., Fifita, L., Gegeo, D., Gomese, C., & others. (2024). Traditional knowledge for climate resilience in the Pacific Islands. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e882. [Fellow: Cheer & Maclaren]  

    Osborne, R. (2024). The persistence of print: Editing Nostromo for the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph ConradScript & Print46(2), 102-114. [Fellow: Osborne]

    Rashti, M. R., Nelson, P. N., Lan, Z., Su, N., Esfandbod, M., Liu, X., Goloran, J., Zhang, H., & Chen, C. (2024). Sugarcane cultivation altered soil nitrogen cycling microbial processes and decreased nitrogen bioavailability in tropical Australia. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 24(2), 946-955. [Fellow: Nelson]

    Rizk, N., Taylor, S., & Taylor, N. (2024). Remote classroom modelling: A professional development model for in-service generalist primary teachers of science. The Australian Educational Researcher, 51(1), 195-211. [Fellow: Taylor]

    Rowe, C., Brand, M., Wurster, C. M., & Bird, M. I. (2024). Vegetation changes through stadial and interstadial stages of MIS 4 and MIS 3 based on a palynological analysis of the Girraween Lagoon sediments of Darwin, Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 642, 112150. [Researcher: Bird

    Sayedi, S. S., Abbott, B. W., Vannière, B., Leys, B., Colombaroli, D., Romera, G. G., S?owi?ski, M., Aleman, J. C., Blarquez, O., Feurdean, A., Brown, K., Aakala, T., Alenius, T., Allen, K., Andric, M., Bergeron, Y., Biagioni, S., Bradshaw, R., ... & Marlon, J. (2024). Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology, 20(1), 18. [Researcher, Rehn]

    Smith, B. (2024). Curriculum as invader: Normalising white place in the Australian curriculumThe Curriculum Journal35(1), 108-124. [Fellow: Smith]

    Smith, B. (2024). Walking the stories of colonial ghosts: A method of/against the geographically mundaneJournal of Curriculum and Pedagogy21(1), 84-108. [Fellow: Smith]

    Smyth, E. (2024). Alone together. Meanjin83(1), 122-128. [Fellow: Smyth]

    Smyth, W., McArdle, J., Heinrich, G., Manickam, V., Lee, I., Holdsworth, J., ... & Nagle, C. (2024). Unravelling the possibilities: a cross-over randomised controlled feasibility trial on immersive virtual reality in haemodialysisBMC Digital Health2(1), 27. [Fellow: Lee]

    Soofi, M., Ghasemi, B., Ahmadpour, M., Soufi, M., Islami, I., Eckert, A., ... & Pavey, C. R. (2024). Application of the integrated threat theory to conservation law enforcement. Conservation biology, e14248. [Fellow: Addison]

    Ulm, S., McNiven, I. J., Summerhayes, G. R., Wu, P., Bunbury, M. M. E., Petchey, F., Hua, Q., Skelly, R., Lambrides, A. B. J., Rowe, C., Lowe, K. M., Reepmeyer, C. H., Maclaurin, C., Woo, K. G. P., Harris, M., Morgan, S. B., Turner-Kose, K. L., Slater, S. A., Connelly, J. D., Kneppers, M. C., Szabó, K., Fairbairn, A., Haberle, S. G., Hopf, F., Bultitude, R., Ash, J., Lewis, S. E., Beaman, R. J., Leon, J. X., McDowell, M. C., Potter, M., Connelly, B., Little, C., Jackson, S., McCarthy, J., Nothdurft, L. D., Zhao, J., Bird, M. I., Felgate, M. W., & Cobus, B. (2024). Early Aboriginal pottery production and offshore island occupation on Jiigurru (Lizard Island group), Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 333, 108624. [Researchers: Ulm & Bird]

    Wang, J.-H. Z., He, J., & Wilmsen, B. (2024). Farmers’ cooperatives in Southwest China: Beyond the dichotomies of failure/success and (in)authenticity? Outlook on Agriculture, 53(1), 72-83. [Fellow: Wang]

    Welters, R., Gerards, R., & Mellor, K. (2024). Homeownership, the unemployed and financial hardship. Journal of Housing Economics, 64, 101996. [Researcher, Welters]

    Yap, J. Q. H., Kamble, Z., Kuah, A. T. H., & Tolkach, D. (2024). The impact of digitalisation and digitisation in museums on memory-making. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(16), 2538–2560. [Fellows: Kuah & Tolkach]

    Zhou, X., Jordan, L. P., & O'Leary, P. (2023). Organizational and service support for boys' pathways out of commercial sexual exploitation in Nepal: Key learning for an under-recognized population. Child & Family Social Work. [Fellow: Jordan]

    Zuchowski, I. (2024). Social work education: Developing professional identity and readiness for practice. Australian Social Work, 77(3), 333-336. [Fellow: Zuchowski]


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