Book Chapter
Allison, F., & Cunneen, C. (2023). Coroners Courts and Death Investigations. In Australian courts: Controversies, Challenges and Change (pp. 247–268). essay, Palgrave Macmillan. [Researcher: Chris Cunneen; Adjunct: Allison]
Allison, F., & Cunneen, C. (2023). Coroners Courts and Death Investigations. In Australian courts: Controversies, Challenges and Change (pp. 247–268). essay, Palgrave Macmillan. [Researcher: Chris Cunneen; Adjunct: Allison]
Ahern, T., Pardon, M., Lindsay, D., & McAuliffe, M. (2023). Linking student in nursing/student in midwifery employment to Australian professional standards: A cross-sectional study. Collegian, 30(3), 498-505. [Fellow: Lindsay]
Astridge, B., Li, W., McDermott, B., & Longhitano, C. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis on adverse childhood experiences: Prevalence in youth offenders and their effects on youth recidivism. Child Abuse and Neglect, 140. [Fellow: Li]
Baigry, M., Ray, R., Lindsay, D., Kelly-Hanku, A., & Redman-MacLaren, M. (2023). Barriers and enablers to young people accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Pacific Island Countries and Territories: A scoping review. PLoS One, 18(1). [Fellows: Lindsay, Redman-MacLaren]
Bartelet, H., Barnes, M., Bakti, L., & Cumming, G. (2023). Testing the reliability of adaptive capacity as a proxy for adaptive and transformative responses to climate change. Global Environmental Change, 81. [Fellow: Barnes; Researcher: Bartelet]
Bartelet, H., Barnes, M., & Cumming, G. (2023). Microeconomic adaptation to severe climate disturbances on Australian coral reefs. Ambio, 52, 285-299. [Fellow: Barnes; Researcher: Bartelet]
Bentley, T., Caponecchia, C., Onnis, L., Brunetto, Y., Farr-Wharton, B., Cattani, M., Neto, A., & Vassiley, A. (2023). A systems model for the design of occupational health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements. Applied Ergonomics, 109. [Fellow: Onnis]
Bergseth, B., Arias, A., Barnes, M., Caldwell, I., Datta, A., Gelcich, S., Ham, S., Lau, J., Ruano-Chamorro, C., Smallhorn-West, P., Weekers, D., Zamborain-Mason, J., & Cinner, J. (2023). Closing the compliance gap in marine protected areas with human behavioural sciences. Fish and Fisheries, 24, 695-704. [Fellows: Barnes, Cinner]
Bradshaw, C., Crabtree, S., White, D., Ulm, S., Bird, M., Williams, A., & Saltré, F. (2023). Directionally supervised cellular automaton for the initial peopling of Sahul. Quaternary Science Reviews, 303. [Fellows: Ulm; Researcher: Bird]
Buhrich, A., Winn, N. B., Ferrier, Richards, J., Hudson, D., Lacey, T., Lacey, W., Kapteyn, M., Ray, O., Roberts, N., & Wargent, S. (2023). Preliminary results of the Undara Archaeology Project. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, 10(1), 67–78. [Adjunct: Robert]
Carrington, A. (2023). Making sense of the social work field education liaison role and impacts of neoliberalism: An invitation to reflect and reimagine! Social Work Education, 42(1), 80-93. [Fellow: Carrington]
Carrington, A., Croker, F., Lee-Ross, A., Keogh, S., & Dewar, S. (2023). Critical reflections on an interprofessional collaboration to develop domestic violence curriculum in an undergraduate dentistry program. Reflective Practice, 24(2), 183-196. [Fellow: Carrington]
Chaitae, A., Addison, J., Gordon, I. J., & Marsh, H. (2023). Domestic ivory trade: The supply chain for raw ivory in Thailand is driven by the financial needs of elephant owners and market factors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. [Fellow: Addison]
Cheesman, A., Todd, S., Owen, L., AhKee, D., Lim, H., Masson, M., & Nelson, P. (2023). In-drain denitrifying woodchip bioreactors for reducing nitrogen runoff from sugarcane. Ecological Engineering, 192. [Fellow: Nelson]
Chen, S., Wang, P., & Wood, J. (2023). What is a retail brand - a systematic review of terms and definitions. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 51(5), 653-673. [Fellow: Wood]
Chigeza, P. (2023). Preservice Teachers’ Wellbeing in Mathematics Education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(12), 37-52. [Fellow: Chigeza]
Chinofunga, M., Chigeza, P., & Taylor, S. (2023). Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of a planning framework on content sequencing for the teaching and learning of mathematics. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(4). [Fellows: Chigeza, Taylor]
Clough, A., Evans, A., Graham, V., Catterall, J., Lakeman, R., Gilroy, J., ... Stone, R. (2023). Emergency examination authorities in Queensland, Australia. Emergency Medicine Australasia. [Researcher: Graham; Fellow: Clough]
Coggan, A., Hay, R., Jarvis, D., Eberhard, R., & Colls, B. (2023). Increasing uptake of improved land management practice to benefit environment and landholders: Insights through a transaction cost lens. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. [Fellow: Jarvis; Researcher: Hay]
De Valck, J., Jarvis, D., Coggan, A., Schirru, E., Pert, P., Graham, V., & Newlands, M. (2023). Valuing ecosystem services in complex coastal settings: An extended ecosystem accounting framework for improved decision-making. Marine Policy, 155. [Fellow: Jarvis; Researcher: Graham]
Dewar, S., Mensinga, J., Redman-MacLaren, M., & Johns, L. (2023). A qualitative interpretive meta-synthesis of social workers’ experience in end-of-life care. Journal of Social Work, 23(2), 280-299. [Fellow: Redman-MacLaren]
Farr-Wharton, B., Bentley, T., Onnis, L., Caponecchia, C., Neto, A., O’Neill, S., & Andrew, C. (2023). Older Worker-Orientated Human Resource Practices, Wellbeing and Leave Intentions: A Conservation of Resources Approach for Ageing Workforces. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3). [Fellow: Onnis]
Fisher, V., Li, W. W., & Malabu, U. (2023). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on the mental health, HbA1C, and mindfulness of diabetes patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing. [Fellow: Li]
Gair, S., Zuchowski, I., Jebichi, D., O'Reilly, S., Rauwerda, R., & Savoru, N. (2023). At-risk youth peer researchers highlight safety and “the bonds you make with staff and peers”. Australian Social Work. [Fellow: Gair]
Gerards, R., & Welters, R. (2023). Unemployment benefit eligibility requirements and perceived time pressure. Social Science Quarterly. [Fellow: Welters]
Green, H., Larsen, P., Koci, J., Edwards, W., & Nelson, P. (2023). Long-term effects of gypsum on the chemistry of sodic soils. Soil and Tillage Research, 233. [Fellow: Nelson]
Izak, M., Shortt, H., & Case, P. (2023). Learning to inhabit the liquid liminal world of work: An auto-ethnographic visual study of work-life boundary transitions. Management Learning, 54(2), 198-222. [Fellow: Case]
Jacups, S. P., & Kozlowski, W. (Lawrence). (2023). Safety Planning for youth with suicide risk: A clinical audit. Australian Social Work, 76(2), 259–273.
King, J., Miles, D., Jones, P., Gopalkrishnan, N., & Watling, H. (2023). Hosting Australian social work students on exchange: The search for equity and mutual benefit between the Global South and North. Australian Social Work. [Researcher: Gopalkrishnan]
Kowal, E., Weyrich, L., Argüelles, J., Bader, A., Colwell, C., Cortez, A., Davis, J., ... Yracheta, J. (2023). Community partnerships are fundamental to ethical ancient DNA research. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, 4(2). [Fellow: Ulm]
Larson, S., Jarvis, D., Stoeckl, N., Barrowei, R., Coleman, B., Groves, D., ... Douglas, M. (2023). Piecemeal stewardship activities miss numerous social and environmental benefits associated with culturally appropriate ways of caring for country. Journal of Environmental Management, 326(Part B). [Fellow: Jarvis]
Lignier, P., Jarvis, D., Grainger, D., & Chaiechi, T. (2023). Does the Climate Impact Satisfaction with Life? An Australian Spatial Study. Weather Climate and Society, 15(1), 159-175. [Fellows: Jarvis, Chaiechi]
Linnenlucke, L., Bird, M., Petchey, F., Alliston, G., Mcniven, I., David, B., & Ulm, S. (2023). Assessing the Reliability of a Small-Scale Legacy Radiocarbon Dataset Using Chronometric Transparency Approaches: Torres Strait Radiocarbon Database. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 11(2), 1-9. [Fellow: Ulm; Researcher: Bird]
Lindsay, D., Ahern, T., Pardon, M., McAuliffe, M., & Rannard, S. (2023). Student Employment Models for Undergraduate Nurses and Midwives in Australia: A Scoping Review. SAGE Open Nursing, 9. [Fellow: Lindsay]
Mayfield, H., Eberhard, R., Baker, C., Baresi, U., Bode, M., Coggan, A., ... Helmstedt, K. (2023). Designing an expert-led Bayesian network to understand interactions between policy instruments for adoption of eco-friendly farming practices. Environmental Science & Policy, 141, 11-22. [Fellow: Jarvis; Adjunct: Eberhard]
Marshall, A., Wilson, C.-A., & Dale, A. (2023). New Pathways to Crisis Resilience: Solutions for improved digital connectivity and capability in rural Australia. Media International Australia. [Researcher: Dale; Adjunct: Marshall]
Marshall, A., Wilson, C.-A., & Dale, A. (2023). Telecommunications and natural disasters in rural Australia: The role of Digital Capability in building disaster resilience. Journal of Rural Studies, 100, 102996. [Researcher: Dale; Adjunct: Marshall]
McCalman, J., Caelli, N., Travers, H., Graham, V., & Hunter, E. (2022). Towards best practice during COVID-19: A responsive and relational program with remote schools to enhance the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. School Psychology International, 44(2), 214–235. [Adjunct: Hunter]
Menges, J., Caltabiano, M., & Clough, A. (2023). What Works for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men? A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 4(2). [Fellow: Clough]
Monks, C., Stannard, G., Ouzman, S., Manne, T., Garside, J., & Ulm, S. (2023). Why do students enrol in archaeology at Australian universities? Understanding pre-enrolment experiences, motivations, and career expectations. Australian Archaeology, 89(1), 32-46. [Fellow: Ulm]
Moxey, L., & Daniel, R. (2023). Reimagining careers in unpropitious creative fields through the meta-creativity of alternative creativity: Implications for the music industry. Creativity Studies, 16(1), 241-254. [Fellow: Daniel]
Napier, T., & Lee, I. (2023). Using mobile-based augmented reality and object detection for real-time Abalone growth monitoring. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 207. [Fellow: Lee]
Orr, R., Northfield, T., Pattison, T., & Nelson, P. (2023). Soil physicochemical characteristics and leaf nutrient contents on banana farms of North Queensland, Australia. Crop & Pasture Science, 74(5), 483-493. [Fellow: Nelson]
Osborne, R. (2023). “The Covers Gave Me More Trouble than Anything Else”: Illustrating R. G. Campbell’s Australian Journal, 1926–1955. Journal of Australian Studies, 47(1), 10-26. [Fellow: Osboune]
Pipai, R., McNeill, A., Unkovich, M., Banabas, M., & Nelson, P. (in press). Biological nitrogen fixation by legume cover plants in oil palm plantations: Calibration of the ureide technique and effects of plantation age and soil nitrate. Plant and Soil. [Fellow: Nelson]
Prabowo, N., Foster, H., & Nelson, P. (2023). Potassium and magnesium uptake and fertiliser use efficiency by oil palm at contrasting sites in Sumatra, Indonesia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 126, 263-278. [Fellow: Nelson]
Rakhsh, F., Golchin, A., Nelson, P., & Agha, A. (2023). The effects of Fe- and Mn-oxides and imogolite in the presence of kaolinite on organic nitrogen mineralization and soil enzyme activities. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. [Fellow: Nelson]
Rivera-Araya, M., Rowe, C., Ulm, S., & Bird, M. (2023). A 33,000-year paleohydrological record from Sanamere Lagoon, north-eastern tropical savannas of Australia. Quaternary Research, 113, 146-161. [Fellow: Ulm; Researcher: Bird]
Saktura, W., Rehn, E., Linnenlucke, L., Munack, H., Wood, R., Petchey, F., ... Ulm, S. (2023). SahulArch: A geochronological database for the archaeology of Sahul. Australian Archaeology, 89(1), 1-13. [Fellow: Ulm]
Sayem, Md. A., Edwin Kiky Aprianto, N., & Voak, A. (2023). Perspectives on the Islamic Welfare State: The Goals of Economic Development Justice. El-Jizya : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 11(1), 103–120. [Adjunct: Voak]
Scambler, E., Nevard, T., & Grant, J. (2023). New Records and a review of animal foods in the diets of the brolga Antigone Rubicunda and Australian sarus crane A. Antigone Gillae. Australian Field Ornithology, 40, 34–45. [Adjunct: Nevard]
Setiyorini, H., Chen, T., & Pryce, J. (2023). Seeing coffee tourism through the lens of coffee consumption: A critical review. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34. [Fellow: Pryce]
Sinclair, J., Suwanwiwat, H., & Lee, I. (2023). A hybrid data gathering and agent based cognitive architecture for realistic crowd simulations. Journal of Simulation, 17(2), 121-148. [Fellow: Lee]
Voak, A., Fairman, B., Helmy, A., & Afriansyah, A. (2023). Kampus Merdeka: Providing meaningful engagement in a disruptive world. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(8).
Zuchowski, I., Cleak, H., & Jefferson, G. (2023). The importance of connection: A quantitative study of students’ learning in placements completed remotely from an organisation. British Journal of Social Work, 53(4), 2370-2391. [Fellow: Zuchowski]
Zuchowski, I., & McLennan, S. (2023). A systematic review of social work in general practice: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 20(5), 686-726. [Fellow: Zuchowski]
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