2017 publications

    2017 publications

    2017 publications

    2017 publications for Institute staff, Tropical Leaders and their teams, Fellows, Visiting Scholars and Adjuncts.


    Aikhenvald, A. Y., & Dixon, R. M. W. (2017). The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y., & Dixon, R. M. W. (Eds.). (2017). Commands: A cross-linguistic typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Gair, S., & van Luyn, A. (Eds.). (2017). Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives. Abingdon: Routledge. [Gair Fellow]

    Mihas, E. (2017). Conversational structures of Alto Perené (Arawak) of Peru. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Murphy, P. (2017). Auto-industrialism: DIY capitalism and the rise of the auto-industrial society. Los Angeles, CA, USA: Sage. [Fellow]

    Newlands, M. (in press). Environmental activism and the media: The politics of protest. Peter Lang.

    Osbaldiston, N. (2017). Towards a sociology of the coast: Our past, present and future relationship to the shore. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.[Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2017). The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    Book chapters

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). Imperatives and commands: A cross-linguistic view. In A. Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (Eds.), Commands: A cross-linguistic typology (pp. 1-45). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). Polysynthetic structures of Lowland Amazonia. In M. Fortescue, M. Mithun & N. Evans (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of polysynthesis (pp. 284-311). New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). Tariana, an Arawak language from north-west Amazonia. In M. Fortescue, M. Mithun & N. Evans (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of polysynthesis (pp. 713-734). New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). A typology of noun categorization devices. In A. Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology (pp. 361-404). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y., & Dixon, R. (2017). Linguistic typology: setting the scene. In A. Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology (pp. 1-36). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Allison, F., Cunneen, C., & Schwartz, M. (2017). The civil and family law needs of Indigenous people forty years after Sackville: The findings of the Indigenous Legal Needs Project. In A. Durbach, B. Edgeworth & V. Sentas (Eds.), Law and poverty: 40 years after the Commission of Inquiry into Poverty (pp. 231-248 ). Sydney: Federation Press.

    Babacan, H., & Gopalkrishnan, N. (2017). Prevailing paradigms: enforced settlement, control and fear in Australian national discourse. In A. Fischer-Tahir & S. Wagenhofer (Eds.), Disciplinary spaces: Spatial control, forced assimilation and narratives of progress since the 19th century (Vol. 14, pp. 189-219). Blelefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag. [Babacan Adjunct; Gopalkrishnan Fellow]

    Benveniste, T., Guenther, J., Rainbird, S., Dawson, D., & King, L. (2017). Race, rules and relationships: What can critical race theory offer contemporary Aboriginal boarding schools? Knowledge intersections: Exploring the research of central Australia. Research symposium proceedings (pp. 18-31). Batchelor, NT: Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. [Guenther Fellow] 

    Bhati, A., & Pearce, P. (2017). Tourist behaviours, vandalism and stakeholder responses. In J. N. Albrecht (Ed.), Visitor management in tourism destinations (pp. 102-116). Boston, MA, USA: CABI. [Pearce Fellow]

    Blackman, A. (2017). Commonwealth of Australia statutory authority. In D. Clutterbuck, F. Kochan, L. Lunsford, N. Dominguez & J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of mentoring (pp. 1-7). London, UK: Sage. [Blackman Fellow]

    Blackman, A., & Benckendorff, P. (2017). Learning from part-time employment: reflections from Australia. In P. Benckendorff & A. Zehrer (Eds.), Handbook of teaching and learning in tourism (pp. 218-230). London, UK: Edward Elgar. [Blackman Fellow]

    Boon, H. J. (in press). Explicit tertiary ethics education for prospective teachers: An essential precursor for quality teaching. In S. S. Sethy (Ed.), Higher education and professional ethics: Roles and responsibilities of teachers. New Delhi, India: Routledge. [Boon Fellow]

    Carter, M. A., M'Balla-Ndi, M., van Luyn, A., & Goldie, D. (2017). Taking a stand against cyberbullying in higher education. In O. Dreon & D. Polly (Eds.), Teacher education for ethical professional practice in the 21st century (pp. 197-235). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [M'Balla and van Luyn Fellows]

    Comrie, B., Forker, D., & Khalilova, Z. (2017). General noun-modifying clause constructions in Hinuq and Bezhta, with a note on other Daghestanian languages. In Y. Matsumoto, B. Comrie & P. Sells (Eds.), Noun-modifying clause constructions in languages of Eurasia: Rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries (pp. 121-146). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Forker Adjunct]

    Cunneen, C. (2017). Visual power and sovereignty. In M. Brown & E. Carrabine (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of visual criminology (pp. 376-388). Abingdon: Routledge.

    Cunneen, C. (2017). Young people and juvenile justice. In L. Young, M. A. Kenny & G. Monahan (Eds.), Children and the law in Australia (2nd ed., pp. 177-194). Chatswood, NSW: LexisNexis Butterworths.

    Cunneen, C. (2017). Police violence: The case of Indigenous Australians. In P. Sturmey (Ed.), The Wiley handbook on violence and aggression. John Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, New Jersey.

    Cunneen, C., & Porter, A. (2017). Indigenous peoples and criminal justice in Australia. In A. Deckert & R. Sarre (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of Australian and New Zealand criminology, crime and justice (pp. 667-682). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Cunneen, C., & Russell, S. (2017). Social media, vigilantism and Indigenous people in Australia. In H. N. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 1-28). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.109

    Cunneen, C., Schwartz, M., Stubbs, J., Brown, D., & Young, C. (2017). Justice reinvestment as social justice. In L. Weber, E. Fishwick & M. Marmo (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of criminology and human rights (pp. 309-318). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

    Cunneen, C., & Tauri, J. (2017). Indigenous criminology. In A. Brisman, E. Carrabine & N. South (Eds.), The Routledge companion to criminological theory and concepts (pp. 306-310). Milton Park: Routledge.

    Cunneen, C., & Tauri, J. (2017). Survival, dignity and well-being: Indigenous human rights and transformative approaches to justice. In L. Weber, E. Fishwick & M. Marmo (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of criminology and human rights (pp. 429-439). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

    Dale, A. (2017). The Cape York region package. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 22-25). Townsville: James Cook University.

    Dale, A. P., Potts, R., & Harwood, S. (2017). Northern Australia: A contested landscape. In N. Sipe & K. Vella (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Australian urban and regional planning (pp. 86-97). London: Routledge.

    Dale, A., Ryan, S., & Broderick, K. (2017). Natural resource management as a form of multi-level governance: The impact of reform in Queensland and Tasmania. In K. A. Daniell & A. Kay (Eds.), Multi-level governance: Conceptual challenges and case studies from Australia (pp. 327-359). Canberra: ANU Press. doi:10.22459/MG.11.2017

    Deger, J. (2017). Curating digital resonance. In L. Hjorth, H. Horst, A. Galloway & G. Bell (Eds.), The Routledge companion to digital ethnography. New York: Routledge.

    Gabriel, J., Nelson, P. N., Filer, C., & Wood, M. (2017). Oil palm development and large-scale land acquisitions in Papua New Guinea. In S. McDonnell, M. G. Allen & C. Filer (Eds.), Kastom, property and ideology: Land transformations in Melanesia (pp. 205-250). Acton, ACT: Australian National University Press. doi: 10.22459/KPI.03.2017 [Gabriel, Nelson & Wood all Fellows]

    Gair, S. (2017). Fixed or shifting notions of ‘bad mother’? Considering past and future Australian adoption practice. In M. Hughes Miller, T. Hager & R. Jaremko Bromwich (Eds.), Bad mothers: regulations, representations and resistance (pp. 1-17). London: Demeter Press. [Gair Fellow]

    Gair, S., & van Luyn, A. (2017). Introduction: Showing and feeling community narratives. In S. Gair & A. van Luyn (Eds.), Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives (pp. 1-9). Abingdon: Routledge. [Gair Fellow]

    Guenther, J., Disbray, S., Benveniste, T., & Osborne, S. (2017). ‘Red dirt’ schools and pathways into higher education. In J. Frawley, S. Larkin, & J. A. Smith (Eds.), Indigenous pathways, transitions and participation in higher education: From policy to practice (pp. 251-270). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [Guenther Adjunct]

    Hassan, S., & Kuah, A. (2017). Housing a nation: Singapore's housing and development board. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 142-146). Townsville: James Cook University. [Kuah Fellow]

    Henry, R. (2017). Veiled commands: anthropological perspectives on directives. In A. Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (Eds.), Commands: a cross-linguistic typology (pp. 301-312). Oxford: Oxford University Press.[Henry Fellow]

    Holley, K., Kuzhabekova, A., Osbaldiston, N., Cannizzo, F., Mauri, C., Simmonds, S., . . . van der Weijden, I. (2018). Global perspectives on the postdoctoral scholar experience. In A. Jaeger & A. J. Dinin (Eds.), The postdoc landscape The invisible scholars (pp. 203-226): Academic Press. [Osbaldiston Fellow]

    Kanlayanasukho, V., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Thai tourists on tour. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 111-125). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    King, D., & Gurtner, Y. (2017). Utilizing post-disaster surveys to understand the social context of floods-experiences from northern Australia. In D. Molinari, S. Menoni & F. Ballio (Eds.), Flood damage survey and assessment: New insights from research and practice (pp. 107-120). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. [Gurtner Fellow]

    Kuah, A. T. H., & Hassan, S. (2017). Housing the informal economy in Tanzania. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 136-140). Townsville: James Cook University. [Kuah Fellow]

    Leggett, C., Kuah, A. T. H., & Gan, B. (2017). Employers' associations in Singapore. In J. Beson, Y. Zhu, & H. Gospel (Eds.), Employers' associations in Asia: Employer collective action (pp. 82-101). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Kuah Fellow]

    Li, W. (2017). Chinese narrative: A method to explore problem gambling from a cultural perspective. In B. Flett (Ed.), Sage research methods cases (pp. 1-9). London: Sage. [Li Fellow]

    Lu, H., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Learning by and learning from Chinese outbound tourist groups. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 73-91). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    McNaughton, A., & Lockie, S. (2017). Private actors in multi-level governance: GLOBALG.A.P. standard-setting for agricultural and food products. In K. A. Daniell & A. Kay (Eds.), Multi-level governance: Conceptual challenges and case studies from Australia (pp. 385-402). Canberra: ANU Press. doi:10.22459/MG.11.2017

    Moloney, S., & Gair, S. (2017 ). Empathy and transformation in organic inquiry: sharing research in partnership with spirit. In S. Gair & A. van Luyn (Eds.), Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives (pp. 150-162). Abingdon: Routledge. [Gair Fellow]

    Murphy, F., & Nile, R. (2017). Writing silence: Grieving mothers and the literature of war. In D. Das & S. Dasgupta (Eds.), Claiming space for Australian women’s writing (pp. 37-59): Palgrave Macmillan. [Nile Fellow]

    Murphy, P. (2017). Topological creation and the homoeomorphic imagination. In C. R. Dinesen, I. B. Hyams, M. Meldgaard, A. Michelsen & H. Oxvig (Eds.), Architecture drawing topology (pp. 235-246). Baunach, Germany: Spurbuchverlag. [Murphy Fellow]

    Overall, S. (2017). A typology of frustrative marking in Amazonian languages. In A. Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology (pp. 477-512). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316135716

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2017). Meeting Asian tourists. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 1-19). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.[Pearce Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2017). Theoretical and managerial considerations. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 325-343). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    Probyn, E. (2017). Queer fish: Eating ethnic affect. In J. N. Erni (Ed.), Visuality, emotions and minority culture: Feeling ethnic (pp. 27-44). Berlin: Springer. [Probyn Adjunct]

    Rogers, J. (2017). Photoyarn: Developing a new arts-based method. In P. Burnard, V. Ross, H. J. Minors, K. Powell, T. Dragovic, & E. Mackinlay (Eds.), Building interdisciplinary and intercultural bridges: When practice meets research and theory. Cambridge: BIBACC Publishing. [Rogers Adjunct]

    Smith, J. A., Larkin, S., Yibarbuk, D., & Guenther, J. (2017). What do we know about community engagement in Indigenous education contexts and how might this impact on pathways into higher education? In J. Frawley, S. Larkin, & J. A. Smith (Eds.), Indigenous pathways, transitions and participation in higher education: From policy to practice (pp. 31-44). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [Guenther Adjunct]

    Stevenson, R. B., Wals, A. E. J., Heimlich, J. E., & Field, E. (2017). Critical environmental education. In A. Russ & M. Krasny (Eds.), Urban environmental education (pp. 51-58). New York: Cornell University Press. [Stevenson Adjunct]

    van Luyn, A., & Gair, S. (2017). Conclusion: showing inspiring qualitative research? Over to readers. In S. Gair & A. van Luyn (Eds.), Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives (pp. 271-274). Abingdon: Routledge. [Gair Fellow]

    van Luyn, A., Gair, S., & Saunders, V. (2017). 'Transcending the limits of logic': poetic inquiry as a qualitative research method for working with vulnerable communities. In S. Gair & A. van Luyn (Eds.), Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives (pp. 79-95). Abingdon: Routledge. [Gair Fellow]

    Vávrová, D. (2017). Sharing the visible and invisible domains of lived experiences with the Ambonwari of Papua New Guinea. In S. Gair & A. van Luyn (Eds.), Sharing qualitative research: Showing lived experience and community narratives (130-149). Abingdon: Routledge.

    Volker, C. A. (2017). The legacy of the German language in Papua New Guinea. In K. Mühlhahn (Ed.), The cultural legacy of German colonial rule (pp. 167-191). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. [Volker Adjunct]

    Walsh, C. S. (2017). Anticipatory digital literacies practices for an uncertain future. In W. Fok & V. W. Li (Eds.), Teaching and learning with technology: Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (pp. 1-12). Singapore: World Scientific. [Walsh Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C. S. (2017). Digital literacies. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory (pp. 1-7). Singapore: Springer. [Walsh Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Italian cathedrals and Chinese tourists. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 149-167). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    Yagi, C., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Imagination, anime and Japanese tourists abroad. In P. L. Pearce & M.-Y. Wu (Eds.), The world meets Asian tourists (Vol. 7, pp. 267-286). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

    Journal articles (A-K)

    Acton, R., Salter, P., Lenoy, M., & Stevenson, R. B. (2017). Conversations on cultural sustainability: stimuli for embedding Indigenous knowledges and ways of being into curriculum. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-15. doi:10.1080/07294360.2017.1325852

    Adams, V. M., Álvarez-Romero, J. G., Capon, S. J., Crowley, G. M., Dale, A. P., Kennard, M. J., . . . Pressey, R. L. (2017). Making time for space: The critical role of spatial planning in adapting natural resource management to climate change. Environmental Science & Policy, 74, 57-67. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2017.05.003

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). Disentangling a versatile prefix: the nature and development of a polysemous marker in Arawak languages. International Journal of American Linguistics.

    Alexander, K., Case, P., Jones, M., & Connell, J. (2017). Commercialising smallholder agricultural production in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Development in Practice, 27, 965-980. [Case Fellow]

    Alvanoudi, A. (2017). Language contact, borrowing and code switching: A case study of Australian Greek. Journal of Greek Linguistics, 2017, 1-42. doi:10.1163/15699846-01701001 [Adjunct]

    Antunes, E., Jacob, M. V., Brodie, G., & Schneider, P. A. (2017). Silver removal from aqueous solution by biochar produced from biosolids via microwave pyrolysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 203(Part 1), 264-272. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.07.071 [Schneider Fellow]

    Antunes, E., Schumann, J., Brodie, G., Jacob, M. V., & Schneider, P. A. (2017). Biochar produced from biosolids using a single-mode microwave: Characterisation and its potential for phosphorus removal. Journal of Environmental Management, 196(Supplement C), 119-126. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.02.080 [Schneider Fellow]

    Aswani, S., Basurto, X., Ferse, S., Glaser, M., Campbell, L., Cinner, J. E., . . . Christie, P. (2017). Marine resource management and conservation in the Anthropocene. Environmental Conservation, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0376892917000431 [Cinner Fellow]

    Bergseth, B. J., Williamson, D. H., Russ, G. R., Sutton, S. G., & Cinner, J. E. (2017). A social-ecological approach to assessing and managing poaching by recreational fishers. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15, 67-73. [Cinner Fellow]

    Bermingham, L., & Lee, I. (2017). A framework of spatio-temporal trajectory simplification methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(6), 1128-1153. doi: 10.1080/13658816.2017.1290250 [Lee Fellow]

    Bhati, A., & Pearce, P. (2017). Tourist attractions in Bangkok and Singapore: Linking vandalism and setting characteristics. Tourism Management, 63, 15-30. [Pearce Fellow]

    Boon, H. J., Kimhi, S., Sapountzaki, K., Parmak, M., Groh, A., & Ryan, S. (2017). Preliminary findings from an international study of subjective wellbeing in tertiary students. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3(3), 26-42. [Boon Fellow]

    Brown, D., Cunneen, C., & Russell, S. (2017). ‘It's all about the Benjamins’: Infringement notices and young people in New South Wales. Alternative Law Journal, 42(4), 253-260. doi:10.1177/1037969x17732703

    Burns, M., Natividad Marin, L., & Schneider, P. A. (2016). Investigations of a continuous Poiseuille flow struvite seed crystallizer – Mixer performance and aggregate disruption by sonication. Chemical Engineering Journal, 295(Supplement C), 552-562. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2016.03.061 [Schneider Fellow]

    Cai, G., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2017). Itinerary recommender system with semantic trajectory pattern mining from geo-tagged photos. Expert Systems with Applications, October 23. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.10.049 [Ickjai Lee Fellow]

    Campbell, C., & Walsh, C. (2017). Introducing the 'new' digital literacy of coding in the early years. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 22(3), 10-12. [Walsh Fellow and Theme Leader]

    Carter, A., Blackman, A., Hicks, B., Williams, M., & Hay, R. (2017). Perspectives on effective coaching by those who have been coached. International Journal of Training and Development, 21, 73-91. [Blackman Fellow]

    Carter, A. W., Jacups, S. P., Ackland, H. M., Wright, A., Lawson, A., Armit, D., & Mooney, R. (2017). Spinal clearance practices at a regional Australian hospital: A window to major trauma management performance outside metropolitan trauma centres. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care, 2017(1), 5. doi:10.5339/jemtac.2017.5 [Jacups Adjunct]

    Case, P., Connell, J. G., & Jones, M. J. (2017). The language of leadership in Laos. Leadership, 13, 173-193.[Case fellow]

    Chappell, K., Walsh, C., Wren, H., Kenny, K., Schmoelz, A., & Stouraitis, E. (2017). Wise humanising creativity: Changing how we create in a virtual learning environment. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 7(4), Art. 3. doi:10.4018/IJGBL.2017100103 [Walsh Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Ciucci, L., & Bertinetto, P. M. (2017). Possessive inflection in Proto-Zamucoan: A reconstruction. Diachronica, 34(3), 283-330. doi:10.1075/dia.34.3.01ciu

    Clifford, A., McCalman, J., Jongen, C., & Bainbridge, R. (2017). Cultural competency training and education in the university-based professional training of health professionals: Characteristics, quality and outcomes of evaluations. Diversity and Equality in Health Care, 14(3), 136-147. [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Clough, A. R., Margolis, S. A., Miller, A., Shakeshaft, A., Doran, C. M., McDermott, R., . . . West, C. (2017). Alcohol management plans in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) Australian communities in Queensland: Community residents have experienced favourable impacts but also suffered unfavourable ones. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 55. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3995-8 [Clough Fellow]

    Cunneen, C., Goldson, B., & Russell, S. (2017). Human rights and youth justice reform in England and Wales: A systemic analysis. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 1-26. doi:10.1177/1748895817721957

    Dale, A. P., Vella, K., Gooch, M., Potts, R., Pressey, R. L., Brodie, J., & Eberhard, R. (2017). Avoiding implementation failure in catchment landscapes: A case study in governance of the Great Barrier Reef. Environmental Management, August 12, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s00267-017-0932-2 [Pressey Fellow; Gooch Adjunct]

    Daniel, R. (2017). Arts and culture in an era of austerity: Key stakeholder views on the current and future Australian context. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 1-13. doi:10.1080/10286632.2017.1361943 [Fellow]

    Daniel, R. (2017). Creative and performing arts graduates: a pool of talent and industry insight. NiTRO, 9, 1-1.[Fellow]

    Daniel, R. (2017). The creative industries concept: Stakeholder reflections on its relevance and potential in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies, 41, 252-266. doi:10.1080/14443058.2017.1305431 [Fellow]

    Daniel, R., Fleischmann, K., & Welters, R. (2017). Creativity in the 'Torrid' zone: policy, creative industries and the vision for Northern Australia. International Journal of Cultural Policy. doi:10.1080/10286632.2016.1221949

    Daniel, R., Fleischmann, K., & Welters, R. (2017). Professional development in the creative industries: Methods and insights from regional practitioners. Australian Journal of Career Development, 26(3), 113-123. doi:10.1177/1038416217720780 [Daniel, Fleischmann and Welters Fellows & Welter Theme Leader]

    Daniel, R., & Johnstone, R. (2017). A preliminary exploration of frameworks for building artists’ resilience. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3, 89-104. [Daniel Fellow]

    Daniel, R., & Parkes, K. A. (2017). Music instrument teachers in higher education: An investigation of the key influences on how they teach in the studio. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 29, 33-46. [Daniel Fellow]

    Deger, J. (in press). Book review [Review of the book The Voice and Its Doubles: Media and Music in Northern Australia. AU - Daniel Fisher Durham: PB - Duke University Press , 2016. Pp xix +320, notes, figures, bibliography, index, USD $26.95 (Pb.), ISBN 978-0-8223-6120-6. The Australian Journal of Anthropology. doi:10.1111/taja.12237

    Deger, J. (2017). Warwuyun (worry) in the age of the selfie. Artlink, 37(3), 52-57. https://www.artlink.com.au/articles/4621/warwuyun-28worry29-in-the-age-of-the-selfie/ [Theme Leader: Deger]

    Delisle, A., Kiatkoski Kim, M., Stoeckl, N., Watkin Lui, F., & Marsh, H. (2017). The socio-cultural benefits and costs of the traditional hunting of dugongs Dugong dugon and green turtles Chelonia mydas in Torres Strait, Australia. Oryx, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0030605317001466 [Stoeckl Adjunct; Watkin Lui Theme Leader]

    Diedrich, A., Stoeckl, N., Gurney, G. G., Esparon, M., & Pollnac, R. (2017). Social capital as a key determinant of perceived benefits of community-based marine protected areas. Conservation Biology, 31, 311-321. doi:10.1111/cobi.12808 [Stoeckl Adjunct]

    Dillon, R., & Lundberg, A. (2017). Vampires in video games: Mythic tropes for innovative storytelling. eTropic, 16(1), 46-67. [Lundberg Fellow]

    Disspain, M. C. F., Ulm, S., Santoro, C. M., Carter, C., & Gillanders, B. M. (2017). Pre-Columbian fishing on the coast of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile: an investigation of fish size and species distribution using otoliths from Camarones Punta Norte and Caleta Vitor. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 12, 428-450. doi:10.1080/15564894.2016.1204385 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Disspain, M. C. F., Wallis, L. A., Fallon, S. J., Sumner, M., St George, C., Wilson, C., . . . Ulm, S. (2017). Direct radiocarbon dating of fish otoliths from mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) and black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) from Long Point, Coorong, South Australia. Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia, 41, 3-17. [Ulm Theme Leader and Fellow]

    Dixon, R. M. W. (in press). The grammar of English pronouns. Lingua. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2017.08.002

    Doran, C. M., & Kinchin, I. (2017). A review of the economic impact of mental illness. Australian Health Review. doi:10.1071/AH16115 [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Dyer, M. (in press). Ungrounded cosmopolitanism: Intersections of moral responsibility and gender in environmental activism in rural Solomon Islands. Women's Studies International Forum. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2017.04.006 [PhD student]

    Evans, L. S., Cohen, P. J., Case, P., Hicks, C. C., Prideaux, M., & Mills, D. J. (2017). The landscape of leadership in environmental governance. Human Ecology, 45, 357-365. doi:10.1007/s10745-017-9901-x [Pearce Fellow]

    Evans, N., Stevenson, R. B., Lasen, M., Ferreira, J.-A., & Davis, J. (2017). Approaches to embedding sustainability in teacher education: A synthesis of the literature. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2017.01.013

    Field, E. (2017). Climate change: Imagining, negotiating, and co-creating future(s) with children and youth. Curriculum Perspectives, Online 4 April, 1-7. doi:10.1007/s41297-017-0013-y [Centre for Research and Innovation in Sustainability Education]

    Filer, C., & Gabriel, J. (2017). How could Nautilus Minerals get a social licence to operate the world's first deep sea mine? Marine Policy, Online 4 January 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.12.001 [Gabriel Fellow]

    Fitts, M. S., Palk, G. R., Lennon, A. J., & Clough, A. R. (2017). The characteristics of young Indigenous drink drivers in Queensland, Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18, 237-243. doi:10.1080/15389588.2016.1186273 [Clough Fellow]

    Fitts, M. S., Robertson, J., Towle, S., Doran, C. M., McDermott, R., Miller, A., . . . Clough, A. R. (2017). ‘Sly grog’ and ‘homebrew’: A qualitative examination of illicit alcohol and some of its impacts on Indigenous communities with alcohol restrictions in regional and remote Queensland (Australia). BMC Research Notes, 10(1), 360. doi:10.1186/s13104-017-2691-9 [Clough Fellow]

    Fleischmann, K., Daniel, R., & Welters, R. (2017). Developing a regional economy through creative industries: innovation capacity in a regional Australian city. Creative Industries Journal, 10, 119-138. doi:10.1080/17510694.2017.1282305 [Fleischmann & Daniel Fellows; Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Fleischmann, K., Welters, R., & Daniel, R. (2017). Creative industries and regional economic development: Can a creative industries hub spark new ways to grow a regional economy? The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 23(2), 217-242. [Fleischmann & Daniel Fellows; Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Fowler, M., Ulm, S., & McNiven, I. (2017). Excavating the past. Antenna, 47, 8-9. [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Fraser, K. A., Adams, V. M., Pressey, R. L., & Pandolfi, J. M. (2017). Purpose, policy, and practice: intent and reality for on-ground management and outcomes of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Marine Policy, 81, 301-311. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2017.03.039 [Pressey Fellow]

    Gabriel, J., Filer, C., Wood, M., & Foale, S. (2017). Tourist initiatives and extreme wilderness in the Nakanai Mountains of New Britain. Shima, 11(1), 122-143. doi:10.21463/shima.11.1.11 [Gabriel Fellow]

    Gair, S. (2017). Missing grandchildren: Grandparents' lost contact and implications for social work. Australian Social Work, 70, 263-275. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2016.1173714 [Fellow]

    Gair, S. (2017). Pondering the colour of empathy: social work students' reasoning on activism, empathy and racism. British Journal of Social Work, 47, 162-180. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcw007 [Fellow]

    Gair, S. (2017). Upholding social justice: Obligation or optional extra in social work? Critical reflections on a classroom-based inquiry. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. doi:10.1080/15313204.2017.1409674 [Fellow]

    Gair, S., & Baglow, L. (2017). Australian social work students' experiences of balancing study, work, and field placement: Seeing it like it is. Australian Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017318760776 [Gair Fellow]

    Geerlings, L. R. C., Thompson, C. L., Bouma, R., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Cultural competence in clinical psychology training: A qualitative investigation of student and academic experiences. Australian Psychologist. doi:10.1111/ap.12291 [Geerlings & Hawkins Fellows]

    Geerlings, L. R. C., Thompson, C. L., & Tan, G. (2017). Culturally competent practice: experiences of students, academics, and alumni of clinical psychology degrees in Singapore. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 7, 1-10. [Geerlings Fellow]

    Gelcich, S., Cinner, J., Donlan, C. J., Tapia-Lewin, S., Godoy, N., & Castilla, J. C. (2017). Fishers' perceptions on the Chilean coastal TURF system after two decades: Problems, benefits, and emerging needs. Bulletin of Marine Science, 93(1), 53-67. doi:10.5343/bms.2015.1082 [Cinner Fellow]

    Gooch, M., Curnock, M., Dale, A., Gibson, J., Hill, R., Marshall, N., . . . Vella, K. (2017). Assessment and promotion of the Great Barrier Reef's human dimensions through collaboration. Coastal Management, 1-19. doi:10.1080/08920753.2017.1373455 [Gooch Adjunct]

    Goodrick, I., & Nelson, P. N. (2017). Mineralisation of soil organic carbon in two Andisols under oil palm: An incubation study into controlling factors. Soil Research. doi:10.1071/SR16089 [Nelson Fellow]

    Gould, G., Stevenson, L. C., Cadet-James, Y., & Clough, A. R. (in press). Cultural challenges when developing anti-tobacco messages for Indigenous Australians. Health Promotion International. [Clough Fellow]

    Graham, V. E., Campbell, S., West, C., & Clough, A. R. (2017). Substance misuse intervention research in remote Indigenous Australian communities since the NHMRC ‘Roadmap’. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41(4), 424-431. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12691 [Clough Fellow]

    Hamel, M. A., Pressey, R. L., Evans, L. S., & Andréfouët, S. (2017). The importance of fishing grounds as perceived by local communities can be undervalued by measures of socioeconomic cost used in conservation planning. Conservation Letters. doi:10.1111/conl.12352 [Pressey Fellow]

    Harris, N., Miles, D., Howard, E., Zuchowski, I., King, J., Dhephasadin Na Ayudhaya, P., . . . Puthantharayil, G. (2017). International student exchange in Australian social work education. Australian Social Work, 1-31. doi: 10.1080/0312407X.2017.1309671 [Gopalkrishnan Fellow]

    Hawkins, R.Newitt, H.Piat, M., & Pfeiffer, N. (2017). Mental health in Australian (North Queensland) tertiary students. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3(3),105-123. [Hawkins Fellow]

    Hawkins, R., & Teng Sze Wei, S. (2017). Child sexual abuse attributions among undergraduate psychology students in Singapore. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, August 31, 1-14. doi:10.1080/10538712.2017.1360430 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Hedge, P., Molloy, F., Sweatman, H., Hayes, K. R., Dambacher, J. M., Chandler, J.,  Bax, N., Gooch, M., Anthony, K., & Elliot, B. (2017). An integrated monitoring framework for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Marine Policy, 77, 90-96. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.12.014 [Gooch Adjunct]

    Henry, R. (2017). Book review [Review of the book Remote avant-garde: Aboriginal art under occupation by AU - Jennifer Loureide Biddle Objects/Histories Series. Durham, NC: PB - Duke University Press, 2016. 265 pp]. American Anthropologist, 119(2), 369-370. doi:10.1111/aman.12866 [Fellow]

    Herrmann, J. (2017). Experiences, challenges, and lessons learned — Interviewing Rwandan survivors of sexual violence. Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity, 5(1), 165-188. [PhD student]

    Herrmann, J., & Holland, C. (2017). Co-creating mediation models: Adapting mediation practices when working across cultures. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 28(1), 43-50. [Herrmann PhD student]

    Heyeres, M., McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R., & Redman-MacLaren, M. (2017). Staff capacity development initiatives that support the well-being of Indigenous children in their transitions to boarding schools: A systematic scoping review. Frontiers in Education, 2(Article 1). doi: 10.3389/feduc.2017.00001 [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Hughes, T. P., Barnes, M. L., Bellwood, D. R., Cinner, J. E., Cumming, G. S., Jackson, J. B. C., . . . Scheffer, M. (2017). Coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature, 546(7656), 82-90. doi:10.1038/nature22901 [Cinner Fellow]

    Hunter, E. (2017). “You didn’t tell us what to do”: Trauma2 and critical incident responses in remote Indigenous settings. Australasian Psychiatry, 31 January. doi: 10.1177/1039856217690065 [Adjunct]

    Jacups, S. P., Newman, D., Dean, D., Richards, A., & McConnon, K. M. (2017). An innovative approach to improve ear, nose and throat surgical access for remote living Cape York Indigenous children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 100, 225-231. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2017.07.011 [Jacups Adjunct]

    Jarvis, D., Stoeckl, N., & Liu, H.-B. (2017). New methods for valuing, and for identifying spatial variations, in cultural services: A case study of the Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services, 24, 58-67. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.02.012

    Jongen, C., McCalman, J., & Bainbridge, R. (2017). The implementation and evaluation health promotion services and programs to improve cultural competency: A systematic scoping review. Frontiers in Public Health, 5(24), 1-27. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00024 [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Kinchin, I., & Doran, C. (2017). The economic cost of suicide and non-fatal suicide behavior in the Australian workforce and the potential impact of a workplace suicide prevention strategy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(4), article 347. [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Kinchin, I., Doran, C. M., McCalman, J., Jacups, S., Tsey, K., Lines, K., . . . Smith, K. (2017). Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: Its economic cost from an agency perspective. Evaluation and Program Planning, 64, 85-89. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2017.05.017 [Kinchin, McCalman &, Jacups Adjuncts]

    Kinchin, I., McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R., Tsey, K., & Watkin-Lui, F. (2017). Does Indigenous health research have impact? A systematic review of reviews. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(52). doi:10.1186/s12939-017-0548-4

    Kitau, R., Whiteside, M., Kinchin, I., Hane-Nou, G., & Tsey, K. (2017). Transferring the Aboriginal Australian Family Wellbing Empowerment program from a Papua New Guinea university context to broader community settings: A feasibility study. Pacific Journal of Medical Studies, 17(1), 22-37. 

    Kouadio, A. N. M.-S., Nandjui, J., Krou, S. M., Sery, D. J.-M., Nelson, P. N., & Zeze, A. (2017). A native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculant outcompetes an exotic commercial species under two contrasting yam field conditions. Rhizosphere. doi:10.1016/j.rhisph.2017.10.001 [Nelson Fellow]

    Kuah, A. T. H., Le Queux, S., & Hassan, S. (2017). L'ultra-corporatisme au service du "Singaporean Core" [The ultra-corporatism in the service of "Singaporean Core"]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 156, 60-74. [Kuah Fellow; Graff Adjunct]

    Kuah, A. T. H., & Wang, P. (2017). Fast-expanding "online" markets in South Korea and China: are they worth pursuing? Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(1), 63-77. [Kuah Fellow]

    Journal articles (L-Z)

    Langham, E., McCalman, J., Matthews, V., Bainbridge, R. G., Nattabi, B., Kinchin, I., & Bailie, R. (2017). Social and emotional wellbeing screening for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders within primary health care: A series of missed opportunities? Frontiers in Public Health, 5(159). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00159 [McCalman, Bainbridge & Kinchin Adjuncts]

    Larri, L. J., & Newlands, M. (2017). Knitting nannas and frackman: A gender analysis of Australian anti-coal seam gas documentaries (CSG) and implications for environmental adult education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48(1), 35-45. doi:10.1080/00958964.2016.1249325 [Newlands Fellow]

    Lau, J. D., Hicks, C. C., Gurney, G. G., & Cinner, J. E. (2018). Disaggregating ecosystem service values and priorities by wealth, age, and education. Ecosystem Services, 29, Part A, 91-98. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.12.005 [Cinner Fellow]

    Leavey, K., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Is cognitive behavioural therapy effective in reducing suicidal ideation and behaviour when delivered face-to-face or via e-health? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 46(5), 353-374. doi:10.1080/16506073.2017.1332095 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Lewthwaite, B. E., Boon, H., Webber, T., & Laffin, G. (2017). Quality teaching practices as reported by Aboriginal parents, students and their teachers: Comparisons and contrasts. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(12), 80-97. doi:10.14221/ajte.2017v42n12.5 [Lewthwaite & Boon Fellows]

    Lewthwaite, B., Wilson, K., Wallace, V., McGinty, S., & Swain, L. (2017). Challenging normative assumptions regarding disengaged youth: A phenomenological perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(4), 388-405. doi: 10.1080/09518398.2016.1252867 [Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Li, W., & Caltabiano, N. (2017). Prevalence of substance abuse and socio-economic differences in substance abuse in an Australian community-dwelling elderly sample. Health Psychology Open, 4(1), 2055102917708136. doi: 10.1177/2055102917708136 [Li Fellow]

    Li, Q., Stoeckl, N., King, D., & Gyuris, E. (2017). Exploring the impacts of coal mining on host communities in Shanxi, China – using subjective data. Resources Policy, 53, 125-134. doi:10.1016/j.resourpol.2017.03.012 [Li PhD student]

    Li, Q., Stoeckl, N., King, D., & Gyuris, E. (2017). Using both objective and subjective indicators to investigate the impacts of coal mining on wellbeing of host communities: A case-study in Shanxi Province, China. Social Indicators Research. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1624-2 [Li PhD student]

    Li, W. W., & Miller, D. J. (2017). The impact of coping and resilience on anxiety among older Australians. Australian Journal of Psychology,  doi:10.1111/ajpy.12152 [Li Fellow]

    Lloyd, R., Newlands, M., & Petray, T. (2017). Coral battleground? Re-examining the ‘Save the Reef’ campaign in 1960s Australia. Environmental Sociology, 3(1), 54-63. doi:10.1080/23251042.2016.1259604 [Newlands & Petray Fellows]

    Lockie, S. (2017). A better Anthropocene? Environmental Sociology, 3(3), 167-172. doi:10.1080/23251042.2017.1357096

    Lockie, S. (2017). Post-truth politics and the social sciences. Environmental Sociology, 3(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/23251042.2016.1273444

    Lohr, C., Wenger, A., Woodberry, O., Pressey, R. L., & Morris, K. (2017). Predicting island biosecurity risk from introduced fauna using Bayesian Belief Networks. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602, 1173-1181. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.281 [Pressey Fellow]

    Lundberg, A., & Geerlings, L. (2017). Tropical liminal: Urban vampires & other blood-sucking monstrosities. eTropic, 16(1), 1-4. [Lundberg & Geerlings Fellows]

    Lynas, J., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Fidelity in school-based child sexual abuse prevention programs: A systematic review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 10-21. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.07.003 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Magris, R. A., Pressey, R. L., Mills, M., Vila-Nova, D., & Floeter, S. (2017). Integrated conservation planning for coral reefs: Designing conservation zones for multiple conservation objectives in spatial prioritisation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 11, 53-68. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2017.05.002 [Pressey Fellow]

    Maitz, P., & Volker, C. A. (2017). Documenting Unserdeutsch. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 32(2), 365-397. doi:10.1075/jpcl.32.2.06mai [Volker Adjunct]

    Marriage, N. D., Blackley, A. S., Panagiotaros, K., Seklaoui, S. A., van den Bergh, J., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Assessing parental understanding of sexualized behavior in children and adolescents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 196-205. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.08.009 [Hawkins Fellow]

    M'Balla-Ndi, M. (2017). Division in the land of ‘the unspoken’: Examining journalistic practice in contemporary New Caledonia. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication, 65, 52-71. [Fellow]

    McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R. G., Redman-MacLaren, M., Russo, S., Rutherford, K., Tsey, K., . . . Hunter, E. (2017). The development of a survey instrument to assess Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ resilience and risk. Frontiers in Education. doi:10.3389/feduc.2017.00019 [McCalman, Bainbridge, Hunter Adjuncts]

    McCalman, J., Heyeres, M., Campbell, S., Bainbridge, R., Chamberlain, C., Strobel, N., & Ruben, A. (2017). Family-centred interventions by primary healthcare services for Indigenous early childhood wellbeing in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States: A systematic scoping review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(1), 1-21. doi:10.1186/s12884-017-1247-2

    McCalman, J., Jongen, C., & Bainbridge, R. (2017). Organisational systems’ approaches to improving cultural competence in healthcare: A systematic scoping review of the literature. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(1), 78. doi:10.1186/s12939-017-0571-5 [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Menadue, C. B., & Cheer, K. C. (in press). Human culture and science fiction: a review of the literature 1980 to 2016. Sage Open, 7(3), 1-15. doi:10.1177/2158244017723690. [Menadue & Cheer PhD students]

    Mihas, E. (2017). Interactional functions of lip funneling gestures: A case study of Northern Kampa Arawaks of Peru. Gesture, 16(3), 432-479. doi:10.1075/gest.00004.mih

    Menadue, C. B. (2017). Trysts tropiques: The torrid jungles of science fiction. eTropic, 16(1), 125-140. [PhD student and Postgraduate Fellow]

    Miller, D. J., Hald, G. M., & Kidd, G. (2017). Self-perceived effects of pornography consumption among heterosexual men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. doi:10.1037/men0000112 [Kidd Fellow]

    Mills, R., Tomas, L., & Lewthwaite, B. (2017). Junior secondary school students' conceptions about plate tectonics. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26(4), 297-310. doi: 10.1080/10382046.2016.1262511 [Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Moss, P. T., Ulm, S., Mackenzie, L., Wallis, L. A., Rosendahl, D., & Steinberger, L. (2017). Robust local vegetation records from dense archaeological shell matrixes: a palynological analysis of the Thundiy shell deposit, Bentinck Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1-10. doi:10.1007/s12520-016-0394-0 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Murphy, P. (2017). Book review: Land versus sea. Thesis Eleven. doi:10.1177/0725513617727908 [Adjunct]

    Murphy, P. (2017). Design research: aesthetic epistemology and explanatory knowledge. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 3, 117-132. doi:10.1016/j.sheji.2017.09.002 [Adjunct]

    Mustika, P., Welters, R., Ryan, G. E., D'Lima, C., Sorongon-Yap, P., Jutapruet, S., & Peter, C. (2017). A rapid assessment of wildlife tourism risk posed to cetaceans in Asia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25, 1138-1158. doi:10.1080/09669582.2016.1257012

    Mwaniki, F., & Stevenson, R. B. (2017). Farmers’ uses of indigenous knowledge and practices to cope with climate change in Kilifi County, Kenya. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 9(4), 53-65. doi:10.18848/1835-7156/CGP/v09i04/53-65. [Mwaniki PhD student; Stevenson Adjunct]

    Naidoo, P., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Enclave tourism versus agritourism: the economic debate. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-20. doi:10.1080/13683500.2016.1235554 [Pearce Fellow]

    Nakata, M., Nakata, V., Day, A., & Peachey, M. (2017). Closing gaps in Indigenous undergraduate higher education outcomes: Repositioning the role of student support services to improve retention and completion rates. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-11. doi:10.1017/jie.2017.36 [V Nakata Research Senior Research Fellow]

    Nicholas, C., & Welters, R. (2017). What drives long distance commuting into Australian regions? A spatial panel model approach. Journal of Rural Studies, 49, 140-150. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.11.016

    Nicholls, J. (2017). Queensland teachers and climate change education. Curriculum Perspectives, 37(1), 79-82. doi: 10.1007/s41297-017-0016-8

    Nomanbhoy, A., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Parenting practices of Singaporean mothers of children with ADHD. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, June 13. doi:10.1177/2010105817714805 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Onnis, L. (2017). Attracting future health workforces in geographically remote regions: Perspectives from current remote health professionals. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 12, 25-33. doi:10.24083/apjhm.2017.08.0008 [Fellow]

    Onnis, L.-a. (2017). Human resource management policy choices, management practices and health workforce sustainability: Remote Australian perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 1-21. doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12159 [Fellow]

    Onnis, L.-A., & Dyer, G. (2017). Maintaining hope: the intrinsic role of professional support. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 12, 13-23. [Onnis Fellow]

    Oppermann, E., Brearley, M., Law, L., Smith, J. A., Clough, A., & Zander, K. (2017). Heat, health, and humidity in Australia's monsoon tropics: a critical review of the problematization of ‘heat’ in a changing climate. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e468-n/a. doi:10.1002/wcc.468 [Clough Fellow]

    Orr, R., McBeath, A. V., Dieleman, W. I. J., Bird, M. I., & Nelson, P. N. (2017). Estimating organic carbon content of soil in Papua New Guinea using infrared spectroscopy. Soil Research, 3 May. doi:10.1071/SR16227 [Nelson Fellow]

    Otto, T. (2016). History in and for design. Journal of Design History, 29(1), 58-70. doi:10.1093/jdh/epv044

    Nicholls, J. (2017). Queensland teachers and climate change education. Curriculum Perspectives, 1-4. doi:10.1007/s41297-017-0016-8 [PhD student]

    Pardon, L., Ian Huth, N., Netelenbos Nelson, P., Banabas, M., Gabrielle, B., & Bessou, C. (2017). Yield and nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Main drivers and management trade-offs determined using simulation. Field Crops Research, 210, 20-32. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.05.016 [Nelson Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2017). Entertaining international tourists: an empirical study of an iconic site in China. Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research. doi:10.1177/1096348015598202 [Pearce Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Zare, S. (2017). The orchestra model as the basis for teaching tourism experience design. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 30, 55-64. doi:10.1016/j.jhtm.2017.01.004 [Pearce Fellow]

    Petray, T. L., & Collin, R. (2017). Your privilege is trending: Confronting whiteness on social media. Social Media + Society, April-June, 1-10. doi:10.1177/2056305117706783 [Petray Fellow]

    Pressey, R. L., Weeks, R., & Gurney, G. G. (2017). From displacement activities to evidence-informed decisions in conservation. Biological Conservation, 212, 337-348. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.06.009 [Pressey Fellow]

    Probyn, E. (2017). Eating/space/media. Geoforum. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.06.020 [Adjunct]

    Probyn, E. (2017). How to represent a fish? Cultural Studies Review, 23(1), 36-59. doi:10.5130/csr.v23i1.5110 [Adjunct]

    Ramanathan, S., Reeves, P., Deeming, S., Bailie, R. S., Bailie, J., Bainbridge, R., . . . Searles, A. (2017). Encouraging translation and assessing impact of the Centre for Research Excellence in Integrated Quality Improvement: Rationale and protocol for a research impact assessment. BMJ Open, 7(12). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018572 [Bainbridge Adjunct]

    Redman-MacLaren, M., Klieve, H., McCalman, J., Russo, S., Rutherford, K., Wenitong, M., & Bainbridge, R. (2017). Measuring resilience and risk factors for the psychosocial wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding school students: Pilot baseline study results. Frontiers in Education, 2(5), 1-22. doi:10.3389/feduc.2017.00005 [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Robertson, J. A., Fitts, M. S., & Clough, A. R. (2017). Unintended impacts of alcohol restrictions on alcohol and other drug use in Indigenous communities in Queensland (Australia). International Journal of Drug Policy, 41, 34-40. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.11.014 [Clough Fellow]

    Rodgers-Healey, D. (2017). The unique leadership of women from minority groups - A new lens for diversity and inclusion. Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Gender Diversity Quarterly Report, 10, 25-27. [Adjunct]

    Rogers, J. (2017). Photoyarn: Aboriginal and Maori girls' researching contemporary boarding school experiences. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 1, 3-13. [Adjunct]

    Rolfe, J., Greiner, R., Windle, J., & Hailu, A. (2017). Testing for allocation efficiencies in water quality tenders across catchments, industries and pollutants: A north Queensland case study. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 55(4), 518-536. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8489.2011.00557.x [Greiner Adjunct]

    Rudolph, J., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Shanley, D. C., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Child sexual abuse prevention opportunities: Parenting, programs, and the reduction of risk. Child Maltreatment, September 18, 1-11. doi:10.1177/1077559517729479 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Saiz, G., Goodrick, I., Wurster, C., Nelson, P. N., Wynn, J., & Bird, M. I. (2017). Preferential production and transport of grass-derived pyrogenic carbon in NE-Australian savanna ecosystems. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. doi:10.3389/feart.2017.00115 [Nelson Fellow]

    Sathye, M., Prasad, B., Sharma, D., Sharma, P., & Sathye, S. (2017). Mobile value added services in Fiji: Institutional drivers, industry challenges, and adoption by women micro entrepreneurs. Journal of Global Information Management, 25(2). doi:10.4018/JGIM.2017040101 [Prasad Adjunct]

    Schedlitzki, D., Case, P., & Knights, D. (2017). Special Issue Introduction: Ways of leading in non-Anglophone contexts: Representing, expressing and enacting authority beyond the English-speaking world. Leadership, 13, 127-132. doi:10.1177/1742715017694233 [Case Fellow]

    Schokkin, D., & Otto, T. (2017). Relatives and relations in Paluai. Oceanic Linguistics, 56(1), 226-246. doi:10.1353/ol.2017.0009 [Otto Fellow]

    Schwartz, M., Brown, D., & Cunneen, C. (2017). Justice reinvestment. Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse, Brief 21. https://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/mp/files/publications/files/research-brief-23-fa-28-08-17.pdf [Cunneen Fellow]

    Siddiqui, M. Z., Lahiri-Dutt, K., Lockie, S., & Pritchard, B. (2017). Reconsidering women’s work in rural India: Analysis of NSSO data, 2004–05 and 2011–12. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(1), 45-52.

    Sims, K. (2017). Changing Lives in Laos: Society, Politics, and Culture in a Post-Socialist State ed. by Vanina Bouté and Vatthana Pholsena (book review). Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs, 35(3), 583-586. doi:10.1355/cs39-3l [Fellow]

    Sims, K. (2017). Economic growth and development in Lao PDR: Who pays for progress? Human Rights Defender, 26(1), 20-21. [Fellow]

    Sims, K. (2017). Gambling on the future: Casino enclaves, development, and poverty alleviation in Laos. Pacific Affairs, 90(4), 675-699. doi:10.5509/2017904675 [Fellow]

    Sivongxay, A., Greiner, R., & Garnett, S. T. (2017). Livelihood impacts of hydropower projects on downstream communities in central Laos and mitigation measures. Water Resources and Rural Development, 9, 46-55. doi:10.1016/j.wrr.2017.03.001 [Greiner Adjunct]

    Smith, G. A., & Stevenson, R. B. (2017). Sustaining education for sustainability in turbulent times. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48(2), 79-95. doi:10.1080/00958964.2016.1264920

    Smyth, W., Lindsay, D., Brennan, D., & Lindsay, D. (2017). Medical and allied health staff self-reported long-term conditions: findings from a regional Australian health service. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 10, 418-433. doi:10.1108/IJWHM-07-2017-0050 [Lindsay Fellow]

    Smyth, W., Lindsay, D., Holmes, C., Gardner, A., & Rahman, K. M. (2016). Self-reported long-term conditions of nurses and midwives across a northern Australian health service: A survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 62(Supplement C), 22-35. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.07.008 [Lindsay Fellow]

    Sparke, V. L., MacLaren, D., Mills, J., Asugeni , R., Moutoa , K., & West, C. (2017). Improving infection prevention and control practices in a culturally, linguistically and spiritually diverse environment. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 24, 42-42. [MacLaren Fellow]

    Speakman, R. J., Hadden, C. S., Colvin, M. H., Cramb, J., Jones, K. C., Jones, T. W., Kling, C. L., Lulewicz, I., Napora, K. G., Reinberger, K. L., Ritchison, B. T., Rivera-Araya, M. J., Smith, A. K., & Thompson, V. D. (2017). Choosing a path to the ancient world in a modern market: The reality of faculty jobs in archaeology. American Antiquity. doi:10.1017/aaq.2017.36 [Rivera-Araya PhD student]

    Stephens, A., Bohanna, I., & Graham, D. (2017). Expert consensus to examine the cross-cultural utility of substance use and mental health assessment instruments for use with indigenous clients. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 17(3), 14-22. [Stephens and Graham Adjunct]

    Stevens, B., Watt, K., Brimblecombe, J., Clough, A., & Judd, J. (in press). Development of a locally produced, balanced protein–energy food-based supplement and its acceptance by undernourished pregnant women in Northern Bangladesh. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. doi:10.1080/19320248.2016.1227756 [Clough Fellow]

    Stevenson, L., Campbell, S., Bohanna, I., Gould, G., Robertson, J., & Clough, A. (2017). Establishing smoke-free homes in the indigenous populations of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1382. doi:10.3390/ijerph14111382 [Bohanna & Clough Fellows]

    Stevenson, R. B., Nicholls, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2017). What is climate change education? Curriculum Perspectives, 1-5. doi:10.1007/s41297-017-0015-9

    Tan, E. S. L., & Hawkins, R. M. F. (2017). Psychological and behavioural characteristics of females with anorexia nervosa in Singapore. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22, 657-666. doi:10.1007/s40519-016-0317-1 [Hawkins Fellow]

    te Riele, K., Wilson, K., Wallace, V., McGinty, S., & Lewthwaite, B. (2017). Outcomes from Flexible Learning Options for disenfranchised youth: what counts? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 12, 117-130. doi:10.1080/13603116.2016.1168878 [Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Tsey, K., Lawson, K., Kinchin, I., Bainbridge, R., McCalman, J., Watkin, F., . . . Rossetto, A. (2016). Evaluating research impact: The development of a Research for Impact ToolFrontiers in Public Health, 4(160). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2016.00160 [Kinchin, bainbridge & Mccalman Adjuncts; Watkin Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Twaddle, R. W., Sloss, C. R., Lowe, K. M., Moss, P., Mackenzie, L. L., & Ulm, S. (2017 ). Short-term late Holocene dry season occupation and sandy-mud flat focused foraging at Murdumurdu, Bentinck Island, Gulf of Carpentaria. Queensland Archaeological Research, 20, 9-46. doi:10.25120/qar.20.2017.3588 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Twaddle, R. W., Wurster, C. M., Bird, M. I., & Ulm, S. (2017). Complexities in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological interpretation of isotopic analyses of the Mud Shell Geloina erosa (Lightfoot, 1786). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 613-624. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.010 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Vachette, A., King, D., & Cottrell, A. (2017). Bonding, bridging and linking social networks: A qualitative study of the emergency management of Cyclone Pam, Vanuatu. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, August 13. doi:10.1111/apv.12150 [Vachette Fellow]

    Vallely, A. J., MacLaren, D., David, M., Toliman, P., Kelly-hanku, A., Toto, B., . . . Kaldor, J. M. (2017). Dorsal longitudinal foreskin cut is associated with reduced risk of HIV, syphilis and genital herpes in men: a cross-sectional study in Papua New Guinea. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 20(1), 1-11. doi:10.7448/IAS.20.01/21358 [MacLaren Fellow]

    Vávrová, D. (2017). River nomads [Review of the film River nomads]. Global Ethnographic, May(1), 1-3.

    Vávrová, D. (in press). The rocking of canoe and custom: Shifts in Ambonwari’s perception of invisible realm, secrecy and village hierarchy. Journal de la Soci.t. des Oc.anistes.

    Vávrová, D. (in press). Book review [Review of the book Looking with Robert Gardner, by R. Meyers, W. Rothman & C. Warren]. Visual Anthropology Review.

    Veth, P., Ward, I., Manne, T., Ulm, S., Ditchfield, K., Dortch, J., . . . Kendrick, P. (2017). Early human occupation of a maritime desert, Barrow Island, North-West Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 168, 19-29. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.002 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C., Chappell, K., & Craft, A. (2017). A co-creativity theoretical framework to foster and evaluate the presence of wise humanising creativity in virtual learning environments (VLEs). Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, 228-241. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2017.01.001 [Walsh Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C., & Whitehouse, H. (2017). Disrupting the megatrend of the climate emergency through the Australian curriculum: Technologies. Curriculum Perspectives, 37, 91-98. doi:10.1007/s41297-017-0014-x [Walsh Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Wang, P., & Kuah, A. T. H. (2017). Green marketing cradle-to-cradle: Remanufactured products in Asian markets. Thunderbird International Business Review, 1-13. doi:10.1002/tie.21925 [Kuah Fellow]

    Wang, P., Yuan, L., & Kuah, A. T. H. (2017). Can a fast expanding market sustain with supply-side government aid? An investigation into the Chinese solar photovoltaics industry. Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(1), 103-114. doi:10.1002/tie.21771 [Kuah Fellow]

    Wenger, A. S., Adams, V. M., Iacona, G. D., Lohr, C., Pressey, R. L., Morris, K., & Craigie, I. D. (2017). Estimating realistic costs for strategic management planning of invasive species eradications on islands. Biological Invasions, 1-19. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1627-6 [Pressey Fellow]

    West, C., Muller, R., & Clough, A. R. (2017). Injuries and alcohol management plans in remote Indigenous communities: A two-community comparison. Injury Prevention, 23 August. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042151 [Clough Fellow]

    Woods, C., Carlisle, K., Larkins, S., Thompson, S., Tsey, K., Matthews, V., & Bailie, R. (2017). Exploring systems that support good clinical care in Indigenous primary health care services: A retrospective analysis of longitudinal Systems Assessment Tool data from high improving services. Frontiers in Public Health, 5(Article 45). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00045

    Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. (2017). A tale of two parks: Tibetan youths' preferences for tourism community futures. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 15, 359-379. doi:10.1080/14766825.2016.1156687 [Pearce Fellow]

    Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2017). The rally experience: Exploring motivation patterns of Australian Grey Nomads. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 6, 407-415. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2016.06.008 [Pearce Fellow]

    Zhang, D., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Hierarchical trajectory clustering for spatio-temporal periodic pattern mining. Expert Systems with Applications, 92(Supplement C), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.09.040 [I Lee Fellow]


    Connell, J. G., & Case, P. (2017). Enhancing district delivery and management of agriculture extension in Lao PDR. Canberra: ACIAR. [Case Fellow] 

    Dale, A. (2017). The Cape York region package. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 22-25). Townsville: James Cook University.

    Guenther, John [on behalf of Ninti One Limited]. (2017). VET retention in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Adelaide: NCVER. [Guenther Adjunct]

    Guenther, J., Bat, M., Stephens, A., Skewes, J., Boughton, B., Williamson, F., . . . Dwyer, A. (2017). Enhancing training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. Adelaide: NCVER. [Guenther & Stephens Adjuncts]

    Hassan, S., & Kuah, A. (2017). Housing a nation: Singapore's housing and development board. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 142-146). Townsville: James Cook University. [Kuah Fellow]

    Higham, W., Shellberg, J., Brooks, A., Spencer, J., Rolfe, J., Trevithick, R., . . . Wundersitz, V. (2017). Technical report to the Springvale Station Erosion Management Plan. Atherton, QLD. [Turnour Adjunct]

    Jones, M. J., Case, P., & Connell, J. G. (2017). Critical factors for self-sustaining farmer organizations in northern Laos. Canberra: ACIAR. [Case Fellow]

    Kuah, A. T. H., & Hassan, S. (2017). Housing the informal economy in Tanzania. In S. Harding, D. Trewin, A. Penny & M. Ziembicki (Eds.), Sustainable infrastructure in the tropics (pp. 136-140). Townsville: James Cook University. [Kuah Fellow]

    Rodgers-Healey, D. (2017). Unique leadership of minority women report. Minammura NSW: Australian Centre for Leadership for Women (ACLW). Adjunct]

    Rodgers-Healey, D. (2017). The unique leadership of women from minority groups - A new lens for diversity and inclusion. Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Gender Diversity Quarterly Report, 10, 25-27. [Adjunct]

    Roth, C., Addison, J., Anthony, K., Dale, A., Eberhard, R., Hobday, A., . . . Walshe, T. (2017). Reef 2050 plan review options: Appendix volume for final report. Submitted to the Department of the Environment and Energy. Australia: CSIRO.

    Roth, C., Addison, J., Anthony, K., Dale, A., Eberhard, R., Hobday, A., . . . Walshe, T. (2017). Reef 2050 plan review options: Final report submitted to the Department of the Environment and Energy. Australia: CSIRO.

    Skewes, J., Bat, M., Guenther, J., Boughton, B., Williamson, F., Wooltorton, S., . . . Stephens, A. (2017). Case studies of training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island learners. Adelaide: NCVER. [Guenther & Stephens Adjuncts]

    West, C., Usher, K., & Clough, A. (2017). Kowanyama injury surveillance report: injuries & alcohol management plans. Cairns: James Cook University. [Clough Fellow]


    Cunneen, C., & Russell, S. (2017, November 17). Don Dale royal commission demands sweeping change - is there political will to make it happen? The Conversation

    de la Fuente, E. (2017). Brutalism, a campus love story – or how I learned to love concrete. The Conversation, (March 15). [Fellow]

    Gair, S. (2017, October 11). Grandparents must be included in decisions about children in out-of-home care, Australian News Daily Bulletin. [Fellow] 

    Gair, S., & Zuchowski, I. (2017, October 11). Include grandparents in child out-of-home care, SeniorAu.com.au. [Gair Fellow] 

    Kinchin, I., Doran, C. M., Hall, W. D., & Meurk, C. (2017). Understanding the true economic impact of self-harming behaviour. The Lancet, 4, 900-901. [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Leavey, K., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy for suicidal ideation and behavior: Face to face and e-health treatments. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, (June 19). 

    Lockie, S., & Newlands, M. (2017). Adani aside, North Queensland voters care about crime and cost of living. The Conversation, November 15. [Newlands Fellow]

    Lockie, S., & Newlands, M. (2017, November 16). Adani aside, North Queensland voters care about crime and cost of living, Architecture And Design. [Newlands Fellow] 

    Menadue, C. B. (2017). Science fiction helps us deal with science fact: a lesson from Terminator’s killer robots. The Conversation, (August 23).  [Postgraduate Fellow & PhD student]

    Newlands, M. (2017). Australian Government and UNESCO are oceans apart on climate change and the Great Barrier Reef. The Ecologist, June 12. [Fellow]

    Newlands, M. (2017). Ecologist special report: the world's leading coral reef scientist says only a global effort will save the Great Barrier Reef. The Ecologist, March 17. [Fellow]

    Rogers, J. (2017). We need to know the true cost of Indigenous boarding school scholarships on communities. The Conversation, (June 13). [Adjunct]

    Ulm, S., Ward, I., Veth, P., & Manne, T. (2017). Cave dig shows the earliest Australians enjoyed a coastal lifestyle. The Conversation, (May 19). [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, M., & De la Fuente, E. (2017). Contested spaces: you can’t stop the music – the sounds that divide shoppers. The Conversation, (March 8). [de la Fuente Fellow]

    Welters, R., & Nicholas, C. (2017). How regions can persuade fly-in fly-out workers to live locally. The Conversation, (February 6). [Welters Fellow]


    Leavey, K., & Hawkins, R. (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy for suicidal ideation and behavior: Face to face and e-health treatments. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, (June 19). [Hawkins Fellow]


    Boulard, F. M. (2017). Making Australia's east-side neighbours visible: An investigation into the use of transformative educational strategies as a means of developing knowledge of Australia's east-side neighbours through French-language instruction. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Lewthwaite (Fellow)]

    Buhrich, A. (2017). Art and identity: Aboriginal rock art and dendroglyphs of Queensland's Wet Tropics. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Henry (Fellow)] 

    Burns, M. W. (2017). Kinetic investigations of struvite crystallisation in Poiseuille flow using discretised population balance methods. (PhD), James Cook University. [Supervisor: Schneider (Fellow)]

    Cai, G. (2017). Mining people's semantic trajectory behaviours from geotagged photographs. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Lee {Fellow)]

    D'Aietti, K. M. (2017). Negotiating the dominant discourses of explicit instruction and culturally responsive pedagogy in the Far North Queensland context: a teacher's journey. (Professional Doctorate (Research)), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Lewthwaite (Fellow)]

    Davies, K. J. E. (2017). Carbon cycle processes in tropical savannas of far North Queensland, Australia. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Nelson (Fellow)]

    Dos Santos Antunes, E. M. (2017). Investigations on biochar production from biosolids via microwave assisted pyrolysis and its potential applications. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Schneider (Fellow)]

    Ebeyan, R. (2017). Establishing critical conceptual and pragmatic principles for photointerpretation methodologies when applied as forensic evidence. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Porter (Fellow)]

    Grainger, D. A. (2017). The application of prediction markets to project prioritization in the not-for-profit sector. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisors: Watkin & Case (Fellows)]

    Hansen, L. (2017). The impact of auditory presentation procedures on behavioural measures of emotion lateralisation. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Graham (Adjunct)]

    Hasamoh, A. (2017). Trauma and gender in natural disaster and conflict contexts: A comparative study of Aceh, Indonesia and the Deep South of Thailand. (PhD thesis), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisors: Lockie & Petray (Theme Leader)]

    Huang, K. (2017). Journey of sacredness: assessing how commercial activities in China affect religious tourists' spiritual values. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Pearce (Fellow)]

    Jenberu, G. A. (2017). Biochar, compost and biochar-compost: effects on crop performance, soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical agricultural soils. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Nelson (Fellow)]

    Joyce, R. E. (2018). The butterfly pin: The phenomenon of object-based collecting in Australian contemporary artistic practice. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Naylor (Fellow)]

    Kiup, E. (2017). Maximizing nutrient utilisation and soil fertility in smallholder coffee and food garden systems in Papua New Guinea by managing nutrient stocks and movement. (Masters (Research), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Nelson (Fellow)]

    Levine, B. M. (2017). Between intentionality and reception: the politics of curatorial intervention. (PhD PhD), James Cook University. [Supervisors: Daniel & Fleischmann (Fellows)]

    McArdle, E. (2017). SCOOT: An object-oriented text based computer programming teaching tool for novices, with an emphasis on ease-of-use. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Lui (Adjunct)]

    Milledge, R. J. (2017). Rupture and residue: Intermedia art in action. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Daniel (Fellow)]

    Mills, R. (2017). Representing earth science concepts using slowmation: Influences on middle school students' conceptual change. (PhD), James Cook University. [Supervisor: Lewthwaite (Fellow)]

    Mohamed, M. N. R. (2017). Influence of virtual world end-user motives on social capital. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisors: Hamilton (Fellow) & Lui (Adjunct)]

    Muller, L. (2017). Shifting the lens: Indigenous research into mainstream Australian culture. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Gair (Fellow)]

    Nguyen, T. H. T. (2017). Education to increase climate change adaptation for a Vietnamese community's coastal members. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Boon (Fellow)]

    Pardon, L. (2017). Modelling of the nitrogen budget of oil palm plantations to help reduce losses to the environment. Case study in Sumatra, Indonesia. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Nelson (Fellow] 

    Stevens, B. J. (2017). Preventing intrauterine growth restriction and improving infant growth outcomes in Bangladesh. (Professional Doctorate (Research)), James Cook University. [Supervisor: Clough (Fellow)]

    Talbot, L. D. (2017). Indigenous knowledge and governance in protected areas in Australia and Sweden. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Babacan (Adjunct)]

    Velazquez, M. (2017). Sentencers' attitudes toward women in the criminal justice system: explanations for sentencing treatment disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous women. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisors: Petray (Theme Leader) & Miles (Fellow)] 

    Walsh, M. S. (2017). Marine conservation finance: Strategies and finance mechanisms to improve the amount and efficacy of investment into marine conservation. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville.  [Supervisors: Pressey (Fellow) & Stoeckl (Adjunct)]

    Wang, Y. (2017). Visual analytics of dynamic higher order information. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisors: Lee (Fellow) & Lui (Adjunct)]

    Wen, J. (2017). Astronomy tourism: Exploring an emerging market: group culture, individual experience, and industry future. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Pearce (Fellow)]

    Wojtylak, K. I. (2017). A grammar of Murui (Bue): a Witotoan language of Northwest Amazonia. (PhD), James Cook University, Cairns. [Supervisor: Aikhenvald] 

    Conference presentations

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2017). Serial verb constructions in Amazonian languages. Paper presented at the Italo-Americana VII, Cortona (Arezzo), Italy.

    Benveniste, T., Guenther, J., Rainbird, S., Dawson, D., & King, L. (2017). Race, rules and relationships: What can critical race theory offer contemporary Aboriginal boarding schools? In Knowledge intersections: Exploring the research of central Australia. Research symposium proceedings (pp. 18-31). Batchelor, NT: Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. [Guenther & McCalman Adjuncts] 

    Brooksbank, L., Towle, S., & Lynch, P. (2018). Sustainable Energy for Manus Province. Paper presented at the PNG Impact Conference, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. [Brooksbank PhD student; Lynch Adjunct]

    Ciucci, L. (2017, July). Inflectional morphology in the Zamucoan languages: Alcances y perspectivas para la lingüística del Paraguay. Invited book presentation at II Seminario Taller “Investigación lingüística en el Paraguay”. Secretaría de Politicas Lingüísticas del Paraguay / Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica, Asunción (Paraguay).

    Croaker, S., Gurtner, Y., & Bandaranaike, S. (2017). Identifying student work skills and personal values for work-integrated learning: a host organisation perspective. Paper presented at the 20th WACE World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Gurtner Fellow]

    Dale, A. P. (2017, June). Conference Chair, Developing Northern Australia Conference 2017: Progress, Growth and Investment, Cairns.

    Dale, A. P. (2017, June). Northern regional development Australia alliance - Collaboration delivers. Paper presented at the Developing Northern Australia Conference 2017: Progress, Growth and Investment, Cairns.

    Daniel, R., Millcock, S., Fleischmann, K., & Welters, R. (2017). Developing creative industries in northern Australia: a report on key developments and outcomes in the city of Townsville, North Queensland. Paper presented at the Developing Northern Australia Conference 2017, Cairns, QLD, Australia. [Daniel & Fleischmann Fellows; Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Fleischmann, K. (2017). Design evolution and innovation for livable cities: Toward a circular economy. Paper presented at the Living Cities: Tropical Imaginaries, Singapore.  [Fellow]

    Geia, L., & Lindsay, D. (2017, April). Towards an Indigenous youth led strategy: Building research capacity in vulnerable youth. Paper presented at the 14th National Rural health Conference, Cairns.  [Lindsay Fellow]

    Guenther, J. (2017). Applying ‘Red Dirt Thinking’ to adult learning in the Northern Territory. Paper presented at the ACAL Conference, Darwin.

    Guenther, J. (2017). Factors contributing to educational outcomes for Indigenous students from remote communities: A systematic review. Paper presented at the AARE Conference, Canberra. [Adjunct]

    Guenther, J., Benveniste, T., Redman-Maclaren, M., O'Bryan, M., Mander, D., Osborne, S., . . . Lloyd, A. (2017). Theorising the mechanisms and outcomes pathways from boarding school participation for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Paper presented at the AARE, Canberra. [Guenther Adjunct]

    Guenther, J., & Osborne, S. (2017). Red Dirt education leaders' perceptions about what is important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. Paper presented at the AIATSIS National Indigenous Research Conference Canberra. [Guenther Adjunct]

    Jacups, S. P. (2016). Developing a quality of life app. Paper presented at the myPHN 2016: Connecting General Practice, inaugural Northern Queensland Primary Health Care Conference, Cairns. [Adjunct]

    Jones, P., Miles, D., & Gopalkrishnan, N. (2017). Developing a critical approach to student preparation for international mobility experiences: moving beyond the practical. Paper presented at the AIEC 2017: Australian International Education Conference: Embracing diversity, Hobart, TAS, Australia. [Gopalkrishnan Fellow]

    Lasen, M., van Niekerk, M., McMahon, G., & Naylor, S. (2017). James Cook University: Engaging in the IRU Academic Calibration Process for subject review and the Peer Review Portal to support program review. Paper presented at the Assessment and Review Summit, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.[Naylor Fellow]

    Lewis, E., & Stephens, A. (2017). Inclusive systemic thinking supporting the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Paper presented at the 61st Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Vienna, Austria. [Stephens Adjunct]

    Lewthwaite, B. E., Boon, H. J., Webber, T., & Laffin, G. (2017). What Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in North Queensland say about effective teaching practices: measuring teacher pedagogical cultural competence. Paper presented at the AERA 2017: Achieving the Promise for Indigenous Peoples: research and praxis I, San Antonio, TX, USA. [Lewthwaite & Boon Fellows]

    Lewthwaite, B. E., Owen, T., Doiron, A., & Bennett, M. (2017). Educational change and self-governing agreements: A Yukon first nation case study. Paper presented at the AERA 2017: Achieving the Promise for Indigenous Peoples: Research and praxis I, San Antonio, TX, USA. [Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Liu, H., & Lee, I. (2017). End-to-end trajectory transportation mode classification using Bi-LSTM recurrent neural network. Paper presented at the ISKE 2017: 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Nanjing, China. [I Lee Fellow]

    Long, M., Kidd, G., & Chu, C. M. (2017). Mitigating the risk of assaultive misconduct by juvenile offenders: Determinants and protective factors. Paper presented at the 2017 ACEP: Asian Conference on Education and Psychology, Bangkok, Thailand. [Kidd Fellow]

    Lynch, P., Baird, S., & Rea, J. (2017). Comalco Weipa: An exemplar for vocational education through apprentice and trade training models. Paper presented at the 24th International conference on Learning 2017, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. [Lynch Adjunct]

    M'Balla-Ndi, M., & Forbes, A. (2017). Arts edge at JCU: Reflections on optimising the capstone experience and WIL for liberal arts students. Paper presented at the 20th Annual NZACE Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand. [M'Balla Fellow]

    Martin, M. (2017). The wilderness effect: Healing the human-nature connection in the digital age. Paper presented at the Intersecting Fields Conference, Townsville. [PhD student]

    Martin, M. (2017, September). Urban foraging: Rethinking the human-nature connection in tropical cities. Paper presented at the Tropics of the Imagination Conference, Singapore. [PhD student]

    Menadue, C. B. (2017). Proximal reading: A network-scaled approach to digital literature analysis. Paper presented at the CASE HDR Conference 2017: Intersecting Fields, Townsville. [PhD student]

    Naidoo, P., Pearce, P., & Sharpley, R. (2017). The contributions of enclave tourism to community wellbeing in Mauritius: Host community perspective. Paper presented at the Tourism Outlook Conference 2015, Lombok, Indonesia. [Pearce Fellow]

    Onnis, L.-a. (2017). What can we learn about improving workforce retention from five words? Paper presented at the 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia. [Fellow]

    Sinclair, J., & Lee, I. (2017). A generic cognitive architecture framework with personality and emotions for crowd simulation. Paper presented at the ISKE 2017: 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Nanjing, China. [Lee Fellow]

    Stephens, A., & Reddy, S. (2017). The global political participation and leadership of women: Use of the ISEâ‚„GEMs approach to undertake a UN Women corporate evaluation. Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society 2017 International Evaluation Conference, Canberra. [Stephens Adjunct]

    Walsh, C. (2017, October). Anticipatory early childhood leadership to avoid disruption in early childhood education. Paper presented at the One Step Better: A New Era in Early Childhood Leadership, Townsville. [Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C. (2017, April). Challenge-based technologies education to foster student engagement and achievement. Keynote presentation at the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia Conference, Broome. [Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C. (2017, March). Digital literacies for future thinking. Keynote presentation at the Connect with DigiTech Professional Learning Day, Mackay. [Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Walsh, C. (2017, November). Digital technologies and youth transitions. Keynote presentation at the Tablelands Youth Sector Symposium 2017: Developing Economic and Social Capabilities for Youth, Atherton. [Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Wilkinson, E. L., Lewthwaite, B. E., & McGinty, S. C. (2017). More than the power of two: sharing leadership for social justice in Australian schools with Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Paper presented at the AERA 2017: Achieving the Promise for Indigenous Peoples: research and praxis I, San Antonio, TX, USA. [Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Wronska-Friend, M. (2017). Batik of Java: Inspiration to the world. Keynote paper presented at the International Symposium on Textile Pattern Designs in the Global Entanglement: Katagami, Batik, Sarasa and 'African prints' on the Move, 1800-2000, Art Research Centre at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Kyoto, Japan.


    Windley, G., Crawford, H., Guenther, J., & Monro, D. (Producer). (2017, June 26). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement in VET and employment outcomes: Trends, challenges and strategies [Webinar]. Adelaide: NCVER. [Guenther Adjunct]


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