Book Chapters
Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2010 ). Evidentiality. In P. C. Hogan (Ed.), Cambridge encyclopedia of language sciences (pp. 294-295). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2010). Gender, noun class and language obsolescence: The case of Paumarí. In E. B. Carlin & S. van de Kerke (Eds.), Linguistics and archeology in the Americas: The historization of language and society (Vol. 2, pp. 235-252). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Aikhenvald, A. (2010). Language contact and pragmatic notions: Tariana in its multilingual context. In J. Camacho, R. Gutiérrez-Bravo & L. Sánchez (Eds.), Information structure in Indigenous languages of the Americas: Syntactic approaches (Vol. 225, pp. 17-38). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.
Aikhenvald, A. (2010). Mood. In P. C. Hogan (Ed.), Cambridge encyclopedia of language sciences (pp. 512-513). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aikhenvald, A. (2010). The social life of a language: Will Manambu survive? In J. A. Flores Farfán & F. Ramallo (Eds.), New perspectives on endangered languages: Bridging gaps between sociolinguistics, documentation and language revitalization (Vol. 1, pp. 13-28). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2010). Typological plausibility and historical reconstruction: A puzzle from New Guinea. In T. M. Nikolaeva (Ed.), Studies in linguistics and semiotics: Collection of articles for the anniversary of Viacheslav (pp. 309-317). Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskikh kultur.
Bubandt, N., & Otto, T. (2010). Anthropology and the predicaments of holism. In T. Otto & N. Bubandt (Eds.), Experiments in holism: Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology (pp. 1-15). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bubandt, N., & Otto, T. (2010). Beyond social wholes? Introduction to part 4. In T. Otto & N. Bubandt (Eds.), Experiments in holism: Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology (pp. 251-261). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bubandt, N., & Otto, T. (2010). Beyond structural wholes? Introduction to part 3. In T. Otto & N. Bubandt (Eds.), Experiments in holism: Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology (pp. 177-186). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Courtney, L., Anderson, N., & Lankshear, C. (2010). Middle school students and technology use: Implications from research. In M. Lee & G. Finger (Eds.), Developing a networked school community: A guide to realising the vision. (pp. 229-239). Camberwell: ACER Press.
Cunneen, C. (2010). Framing the crimes of colonialism: Critical images of Aboriginal art and law. In K. Hayward & M. Presdee (Eds.), Framing crime: Cultural criminology and the image (pp. 115-137). London: Routledge.
Cunneen, C. (2010). Stolen generations. In T. Mann (Ed.), Australian law dictionary.Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Dixon, R. M. W. (2010). Gradual loss of a gender contrast. In T. M. Nikolaeva (Ed.),Studies in linguistics and semiotics: Collection of articles for the anniversary of Viacheslav (pp. 300-307). Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskikh kultur.
Fiedler, I., Hartmann, K., Reineke, B., Schwarz, A., & Zimmermann, M. (2010). Subject focus in West African languages. In M. Zimmerman & C. Féry (Eds.), Information structure: Theoretical, typological, and experimental perspectives (pp. 234-257). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fiedler, I., & Schwarz, A. (2010). Introduction. In I. Fiedler & A. Schwarz (Eds.), The expression of information structure: A documentation of its diversity across Africa (Vol. 91, pp. vii-xii). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins.
McIntyre-Tamwoy, S., Best, Y., & Fahey, B. (2010). The Aboriginal values of rainforest. In R. Kitching, R. Braithwaite & J. Cavanagh (Eds.), Remnants of Gondwana: A natural and social history of the Gondwana rainforests of Australia (pp. 235-246). Baulkham Hills, Australia: Surrey Beatty & Sons.
Otto, T. (2010). What happened to cargo cults? Material religions in Melanesia and the West. In B. Kapferer, K. Telle & A. Eriksen (Eds.), Contemporary religiosities: Emergent socialities and the post-nation-state (pp. 82-102). New York: Berghan Books. [Reprint of: Otto, T. (2009). What happened to cargo cults? Material religions in Melanesia and the West. Social Analysis, 53(1), 82-102.]
Otto, T., & Bubandt, N. (2010). Beyond cultural wholes? Introduction to part 2. In T. Otto & N. Bubandt (Eds.), Experiments in holism: Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology (pp. 89-101). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Otto, T., & Bubandt, N. (2010). Beyond the whole in ethnographic practice? Introduction to part 1. In T. Otto & N. Bubandt (Eds.), Experiments in holism: Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology (pp. 19-27). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Post, M. W. (2010). Predicate derivations in the Tani languages: Root, suffix, both or neither? In S. Morey & M. W. Post (Eds.), North east Indian linguistics (Vol. 2, pp. 175-197). New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India.
Schwarz, A. (2010). Verb-and-predication focus markers in Gur. In I. Fiedler & A. Schwarz (Eds.), The expression of information structure: A documentation of its diversity across Africa (Vol. 91, pp. 287-314). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Stevenson, R. B. (2010). Introduction to issues in learning, culture and agency in environmental education. Engaging environmental education: Learning, culture and agency (pp. 3-10). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Stevenson, R. B. & Dillon, J. (2010). Environmental learning and agency in diverse educational and cultural contexts. In R. Stevenson & J. Dillon, J. (Eds.), Engaging environmental education: Learning, culture, and agency (pp. 219-38). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Stoeckl, N. (2010). Bridging the asymmetric divide: background to, and strategies for bridging the divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous economies in northern Australia. In R. Gerritsen (Ed.), North Australian political economy: Issues and agendas (pp. 106-129). Darwin, Australia: Charles Darwin University.