OPEN NOW: $5,000 Scholarship Opportunities available to build regional and community resilience

    Are you passionate about agriculture and want to help your community be resilient to our ever-changing climate?

    The TNQ Drought Hub is offering scholarship opportunities, up to the value of $5000, to JCU students who are interested in undertaking an Honours project in 2024 on a topic that aligns with the following themes:

    • drought and climate change adaptation
    • land management
    • innovation, and technology
    • enhancing skills and human capacity
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait agricultural enterprise

    To apply, please complete the Expression of Interest form:  

    Applications close 30 November.

    The hub currently has eight students who are on the way to reaching their first milestones.

    Declan Cargill’s study aimed to optimize a drone survey method for precise digital terrain modeling in gullied savanna rangelands, found that that camera angles of 70° and 80° consistently produced the most accurate drone-derived digital terrain models which can help with practical applications in optimizing drone survey workflows, erosion monitoring, catchment hydrology analysis, and land condition assessment.

    Jacob Vallely’s study focused on the growth and assimilation of the Bush food industry into the mainstream Australian food market, emphasizing the underrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals in this sector and the protection of their traditional knowledge. It identifies challenges including a historical fear of exploitation, inconsistencies in organic materials, and issues related to supply and demand dynamics.

    To learn more about the students work visit

    For any questions or more information, contact


    Photo of the DJI Phantom 4 used for the drone surveying for Declan Cargill’s study. Courtesy Emily Harrington

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