The Southern Gulf region is situated in the far north-west of Queensland and covers all catchments that drain into the southern Gulf of Carpentaria between Karumba and just west of the Northern Territory border.
The population of the Southern Gulf region is low and dispersed.
Only a small proportion of pastoralists across northern Australia possess characteristics to make them resilient to major stresses and upheaval: strategic planning skills; sound business management principles; preparedness to experiment and try new ideas; and strong links with industry and community networks.
The impact of climate change is becoming evident in the region.
The Region supports diverse ecosystems, wetlands and threatened species. Species considered a priority for climate change are those which have been assessed as vulnerable to climate change and for which the Southern Gulf region provides significant habitat.
Climate change will directly affect the capacity of Southern Gulf natural resource managers to institute best practice production management and to address threats to biodiversity.
Building climate-resilience NRM enterprises starts with making appropriate decisions about land use and water allocation.
Crowley, G. M. (2016). Climate change in the Southern Gulf: A background paper to inform the Southern Gulf Natural Resource Management Plan. Mount Isa: Southern Gulf NRM.
ISBN 978-0-9808776-3-2