2022 Publications

    2022 Publications

    2022 Publications


    Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., & Yeophantong, P. (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Sims]

    Wood, J., Chaiechi, T., & Thirumaran, K. (2022). Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics. London: Routledge. [Fellows: Wood, Chaiechi]

    Book Chapters

    Adam, R., Wijesinghe, T., Ofosu-Asare, Y., and Chigeza, P. (2022). Walking the Mandala. A Big-Little Way of Being and Knowing in Disrupted Worlds. In A. Lasczik & A. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles (Eds.), Arts-Based Thought Experiments for a Posthuman Earth: A Touchstones Companion. Vol. 16, pp. 38-56. Brill. [Fellow: Chigeza]

    Atkinson, B., Wood, J., & Jang, H. (2022). Does Covid-19 Spark the End of Globalisation? In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 535-549). [Fellow: Wood]  

    Azzali, S., Yew, A.S.Y., Chaiechi, T., & Wong, C. (2022). Urbanisation and Well-Being of Ageing Population in the Twenty-first Century: A Scoping Review of Available Assessment Tools. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 129-149). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Basu, S., Pryce, J., & Welters, R. (2022). Community Resilience: Do Differences in COVID-Induced Regional Economic Impacts Draw Different Community Initiatives in Response? A Thematic Analysis. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 337-354). [Fellow: Pryce. Theme leader: Welters]  

    Chaiechi, T. (2022). Foreword- Sustainable and Resilient Economies, Theoretical Considerations. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 1-5). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Chaiechi, T., & Eijdenberg, E. L. (2022). Entrepreneurship, Knowledge-Economy and Economic Success of Cities: A Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 73-94). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Cotter, G., Chaiechi, T., & Gopalkrishnan, N. (2022). Mining the Future: A Meta-ethnographical Synthesis of the Broken Hill Mining Community. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 495-513). [Fellows: Chaiechi, Gopalkrishnan]  

    Eijdenberg, E.L, & Chaiechi, T. (2022). Profiling the tropical entrepreneur. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Chaiechi]

    Engel. S., & Sims. K. (2022) Introduction. In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., and Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Sims]

    Gopalkrishnan, N., & Babacan, H. (2022). Social enterprise and inclusive economic development. In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., and Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellows: Gopalkrishnan, Babacan]  

    Guenther, J., Young, M., & Smede, B. (2021). Ameliorating Digital Inequalities in Remote Australia. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems (pp. 1-21). [Adjunct: Guenther]  

    Hayes. A., & Sims. K. (2022) Violent development in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., and Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Sims]  

    Henry, R., and Wood, M. (2022). Research, Rituals and Reciprocity: The Promises of Hospitality in Fieldwork. In: Storch, A. and Dixon, R.M.W. (Eds.). Brill’s Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture. The Art of Language. Vol. 32, pp. 81-99). [Fellow: Henry and Wood]

    Kapoor, M., Chaiechi, T., Deo, S., Darda, P., Sane, A., & Chitnis, R. (2022). The Kaleidoscope of Changing Values: Are We Heading Towards Responsible Consumption and Sustainable Society? Lessons from Pune, India. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 395-415). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Koczyrkewycz, M., Chaiechi, T., & Beg, R. (2022). How Resilient Is the Investment Climate in Australia? Unpacking the Driving Factors. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 31-48). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Lignier, P., Jarvis, D., Grainger, D., & Chaiechi, T. (2022). Geography, Climate and Life Satisfaction. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 451-473). [Fellows: Jarvis, Chaiechi]  

    McNiven, I. J., David, B., Williams, A., Ulm, S., and Smith, M. A. (2022). Past Aboriginal Populations and Demographic Change Using Radiocarbon Data and Time-Series Analysis. In The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Indigenous Australia and New Guinea. [Theme Leader: Ulm]

    Mushaya, C. R., Chaiechi, T., & Pryce, J. (2022). Integrated Risk Management, a Conduit to Building Resilient and Sustainable Local Government Communities: A Scoping Review. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 515-533). [Fellows: Chaiechi, Pryce]  

    Nile, R. (2022). White Commonwealth and Coloured Empire: Unmasking the ‘Shared’ Colonial History of Australia and India. In Transnational Spaces of India and Australia (pp. 211-229). [Fellow: Nile]

    Osbaldiston, N. (2022). Emotions and under-insurance. In Booth, K., Lucas, C., and French, S. (Eds.), Climate, Society and Elemental Insurance. pp. 156-166. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Osbaldiston]

    Osbaldiston, N. (2022). The view of lifestyle migration: A brief exploration of the ethics of seeking a better way of life. In S. Robertson & R. Roberts (Eds.), Rethinking Privilege and Social Mobility in Middle-Class Migration (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Osbaldiston]  

    Rigg. J., & Sims. K. (2022) Poverty. No meeting of minds. In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., and Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Sims]  

    Rigg. J., & Sims. K. (2022). Introduction. Inequality and inequitable development. In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Sims]  

    Schurmann, A., Pryce, J., & Chaiechi, T. (2022). Sustainable Cities and Modern Built Heritage: The Value of Art Deco in Brisbane. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 269-290). [Fellows: Pryce, Chaiechi]  

    Stewart, P.J., & Strathern, A.J. (2022). Contexts and levels of community violence in highlands Papua New Guinea. In Bastide, L., and Regnier, D. (Eds.), Family Violence and Social Change in the Pacific Islands (1st ed.). Routledge, London. [Fellow: Strathern]

    Sugiharti, D., Chaiechi, T., & Pryce, J. (2022). The Application of Netnography as a Tool for Understanding Visitors’ Resilience: The Case of Villages in Central Java. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 291-314). [Fellows: Chaiechi, Pryce]  

    Thirumaran, K., Khan, G. F., & Wood, J. (2022). Tourism in the tropics: emerging themes and keyword analysis. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Wood]  

    Wang, P., Jang, H. & Wood, J. (2022). Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A tropical region perspective. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Wood]  

    Whitehouse, H. (2022) The Extinction Crisis. In: Sims, K., Banks, N., Engel, S., Hodge, P., Makuwira, J., Nakamura, N., Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., and Yeophantong, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge. [Fellow: Whitehouse]

    Winksel, H. (2022). Effects of Spoken and Written Language on Cognition: Evidence from Thai and other Asian languages. In The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics: Routledge. [Fellow: Winskel]

    Wood, J., Jang, H., & Atkinson, B. (2022). Covid-19. Its impact on trade and development in the ASEAN region. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Wood]  

    Wu, J., Wood, J., & Jang, H. (2022). An assessment of trade facilitation impacts on China's outward foreign direct investment to ASEAN countries. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Wood]  

    Zahra, S., McCarthy, B., & Chaiechi, T. (2022). Exploring Sustainable Meat Consumption Intentions in a Pakistani Collectivist Culture: Utilising the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In Chaiechi, T. and Wood, J. (eds) Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (pp. 417-436). [Fellow: Chaiechi]  

    Zhang, B., Li J., Chen, C., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2022) A Practical Botnet Traffic Detection System Using GNN. In: Meng W., Conti M. (eds) Cyberspace Safety and Security. CSS 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13172. Springer, Cham. [Fellow: Lee. I.] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-94029-4_5 

    Zhang, H., Wang. P., & Wood, J. (2022). Tourism in the tropics: emerging themes and keyword analysis. In Chaiechi, T.,Wood, J., and Thirumaran, K. (Ed.), Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics (pp. 18). London: Routledge. [Fellow: Wood]

    Journal Articles (A-K)

    Alexander, N., Petray, T., & McDowall, A. (2022). Conscientisation and Radical Habitus: Expanding Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice in Youth Activism Studies. Youth, 2(3), 295-308. [Theme leader: Petray]

    Barnes, M. L., Datta, A., Morris, S., & Zethoven, I. (2022). Navigating climate crises in the Great Barrier Reef. Global Environmental Change. [Fellow: Barnes]

    Bartelet, H.A., Barnes, M.L. & Cumming, G.S. (2022) Determinants, outcomes, and feedbacks associated with microeconomic adaptation to climate changeRegional Enviromental. Change 2259. [Fellow: Barnes]

    Benitez, C. J. R., & Lundberg, A. (2022). Tropical Materialisms: Toward Decolonial Poetics, Practices and Possibilities. eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the Tropics, 21(2), 1-20. [Fellow: Lundberg]

    Benveniste, T., Guenther, J., King, L., & Dawson, D. (2022). Connections, community and context: The importance of post-boarding school pathways and re-engagement for remote Aboriginal students. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 51(1). doi: 10.55146/ajie.2022.48 [Adjunct: Guenther]

    Canuto, K., Preston, R., Rannard, S., Felton-Busch, C., Geia, L., Yeomans, L., Turner, N., Thompson, Q., Carlisle, K., Evans, R., Passey, M., Larkins, S., Redman, MacLaren, M., Farmer, J., Muscat, M. & Taylor, J. (2022). How and why do women's groups (WGs) improve the quality of maternal and child health (MCH) care? A systematic review of the literature. BMJ Open, 12(2), e055756. [Fellow: Redman-MacLaren]

    Carrington, A. (2022). Making sense of the social work field education liaison role and impacts of neoliberalism: An invitation to reflect and reimagine! Social Work Education, 1-14. [Fellow: Carrington]

    Carrington, A. M. (2022). Conscious spiritual theory: a spiritual alternative to critical social work practice. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 1-21 [Fellow: Carrington]

    Castles, A., & Law, L. (2022). Renovating Munro Martin Park in the Arts and Cultural Capital of the North. MC Journal, 25(3). [Fellow: Castles]

    Chhabra, J., Li, W. & McDermott, B. (2022). Predictive Factors for Depression and Anxiety in Men During the Perinatal Period: A Mixed Methods Study. American Journal of Men's Health, 16(1). [Fellow: Li]

    Chinofunga, M.D., Chigeza, P., & Taylor, S. (2022). A Framework for Content Sequencing from Junior to Senior Mathematics Curriculum. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18(4). [Fellows: Chigeza and Taylor]

    Cinner, J. E., Zamborain-Mason, J., Maire, E., Hoey, A. S., Graham, N. A. J., Mouillot, D., Villeger, S., Ferse, S. & Lockie, S. (2022). Linking key human-environment theories to inform the sustainability of coral reefs. Current Biology. [Fellow: Cinner, TCI Director: Lockie]

    Dahms, S., Zutshi, A., & Puri, S. (2022). Service sector subsidiary performance in emerging markets: is it who or what you know? International Journal of Emerging Markets, ahead-of-print. [Fellow: Dahms]

    Datta, A., Barnes, M. L., GChaffin, B., Floyd, T., Morrison, T., & Sutcliffe, S. (2022). Big events, little change: Extreme climatic events have no region-wide effect on Great Barrier Reef governance. Journal of Environmental Management, 320. [Fellow: Barnes]

    Ditchfield, K., Ulm, S., Manne, T., Farr, H., O'Grady, D., & Veth, P. (2022). Framing Australian Pleistocene coastal occupation and archaeology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 293. [Theme Leader: Ulm]

    Fairman, B., Voak, A., & Babacan, H. (2022). Human Mobility and Dismantling Cultural Dominance: Creating Collaborative Conversations to Secure Talent in a Post-COVID worldJournal of Resilient Economies. [Fellows: Fairman, Voak. Researcher: Babacan]

    Fan, J., Yao, X., Zhou, L., Wood, J., & Wang, C. (2022). Food-delivery behavior under crowd sourcing mobility services. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). [Fellow: Wood]

    Fassina, C., Jarvis, D., Tavares, S., & Coggan, A. (2022). Valuation of ecosystem services through offsets: Why are coastal ecosystems more valuable in Australia than in Brazil? Ecosystem Services, 56. [Fellow: Jarvis]

    Gerards, R., & Welters, R. (2022). Job search in the presence of a stressor: Does financial hardship change the effectiveness of job search? Journal of Economic Psychology, 90. [Theme Leader: Welters]

    Gilbert, A.S., Busbridge, R., & Osbaldiston, N. (2022). ‘Living in crisis’: Introduction to a special section. Thesis Eleven. [Fellow: Osbaldiston]

    Glowczewski, B., & Lundberg, A. (2022). Black Seed Dreaming: A Material Analysis of Bruce Pascoe’s “Dark Emu”. eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the Tropics, 21(2), 77-94. [Fellow: Lundberg]

    Gopalkrishnan, N. (2018). Cultural Diversity and Mental Health: Considerations for Policy and Practice. Front Public Health, 6, 179. [Fellow: Gopalkrishnan]

    Guenther, J., Roberts, M., Buzzacott, K., & Dyall, D. (2022). Suicide story: An evaluation of ‘tackling suicide Our Way’. Evaluation Journal of Australasia [Adjunct: Guenther]

    Jasny, L., Sayles, J., Hamilton, M., Roldan Gomez, L., Jacobs, D., Prell, C., Matous, P., Schiffer. E., Guererro. A., & Barnes, M. L. (2022). Participant engagement in environmentally focused social network research. Social Networks. 66 pp 125-138. [Fellow: Barnes]

    Khorshed, M. S., Lindsay, D., McAuliffe, M., West, C., & Wild, K. (2022). Factors Affecting Quality of Care in Maternal and Child Health in Timor-Leste: A Scoping Review. Health Services Insights, 15. [Fellow: Lindsay]

    Kim, C.H., Kuah, A.T.H., & Thirumaran, K. (2022). Morphology for circular economy business models in the electrical and electronic equipment sector of Singapore and South Korea: Findings, implications, and future agenda. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 829-850. [Fellow: Kuah]

    Kuah, A. T. H., Xia, Y., & Wang, P. (2022). How Do Corporate Social Responsibility Engagements Drive Consumer–Company Identification in Singapore? Sustainability, 14(10). [Fellow: Kuah]

    Journal Articles (L-Z)

    Lai, N.Y.G., Kuah, A.T.H., Kim, C.H., & Wong, K.H. (2022). Toward sustainable express deliveries for online shopping: Reusing packaging materials through reverse logistics. Thunderbird International Business Review. [Fellow: Kuah]

    Lau, J., Sutcliffe, S., Barnes, M., Mbaru, E., Muly, I., Muthiga, N., Wanyonyi, S., & Cinner, J. E. (2021). COVID-19 impacts on coastal communities in Kenya. Marine Policy, 134, 104803. [Fellows: Barnes and Cinner]

    McDowell, M. C., Eberhard, R., Smith, T. R., Wood, R., Brook, B. W., & Johnson, C. N. (2022). Climate change without extinction: Tasmania's small-mammal communities persisted through the Last Glacial Maximum–Holocene transition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 291. [Adjunct: Eberhard]

    Mafile’o, T., Kokinai, C. W., & Redman-MacLaren, M. (2022). We Story: Decoloniality in Practice and Theory. Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies. [Fellow: Redman-MacLaren]

    Maulingin-Gumbaketi, E., Larkins, S., Whittaker, M., Rembeck, G., Gunnarsson, R., & Redman-MacLaren, M. (2022). Socio-cultural implications for women's menstrual health in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs): a scoping review. Reproductive Health, 19(1), 128. [Fellow: Redman-MacLaren]

    Maxwell, S. J., & Underdown, M. (2022). A potential intellectual property issue with the way in which some nomenclature code decisions are made. The Journal of World Intellectual Property. [Fellow: Underdown]

    Merone, L., Tsey, K., Russell, D., & Nagle, C. (2022). Sex Inequalities in Medical Research: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle), 3(1), 49-59. [Fellow: Tsey]

    Merone, L., Tsey, K., Russell, D., & Nagle, C. (2022). Mind the Gap: Reporting and Analysis of Sex and Gender in Health Research in Australia, a Cross-Sectional Study. Womens Health Reports (New Rochelle), 3(1), 759-767. [Fellow: Tsey]

    Merone, L., Tsey, K., Russell, D., Daltry, A., & Nagle, C. (2022). Self-Reported Time to Diagnosis and Proportions of Rediagnosis in Female Patients with Chronic Conditions in Australia: A Cross-sectional Survey. Womens Health Reports (New Rochelle), 3(1), 749-758. [Fellow: Tsey]

    Munksgaard, N. C., Lee, I., Napier, T., Zwart, C., Cernusak, L. A., and Bird, M. I. (2022). One year of spectroscopic high‐frequency measurements of atmospheric CO2, CH4, H2O and δ13C‐CO2 at an Australian Savanna site. Geoscience Data Journal. [Fellow: Lee]

    Osbaldiston, N. (2022). ‘The Summers Were Getting Hotter’: exploring motivations for migration to Tasmania away from mainland Australia. Australian Geographer, 1-16. [Fellow: Osbaldiston]

    Osborne, R., & Carter, D. (2022) Australian Authors in the House of William Morrow: Writing Good Commercial Fiction for the US Market. Antipodes, 35 (1-2). pp. 145-162. (In Press). [Fellow: Osborne]

    Padakannaya, P., Georgiou, G. K., & Winskel, H. (2022). Scripts’ influence on reading processes and cognition: a preamble. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. [Fellow: Winskel]

    Peters, S., Cook, L., Littlewood, D., Awenat, Y., Drake, R., Gill, J., Gorton, A., Haddock, G., Harris, K., Hozhabrafkan, K., Huggett, C., Kirby, L., Pratt, D., & Gooding, P. (2022). A systematic investigation of the short and long term experiences of taking part in research about suicidal thoughts and acts in the context of a randomised controlled trial. SSM - Mental Health, 2

    Pillai, R. D., Wang, P., & Kuah, A. T. H. (2022). Unlocking corporate social responsibility in smaller firms: Compliance, conviction, burden, or opportunity? Thunderbird International Business Review, 64(6), 627-646. [Fellow: Kuah]

    Pont, S. T., & Underdown, M. (2022). Crafting a Conceptual Framework for Compassion Fatigue. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal, 3(4), pp144-155. [Adjunct: Underdown] 

    Rivera-Araya, M., Rowe, C., Levchenko, V., Ulm, S., & Bird, M. I. (2022). A radiocarbon chronology for Sanamere Lagoon, Cape York Peninsula, using multiple organic fractions. Quaternary Geochronology. [Theme Leader: Ulm] 

    Salgueiro-Otero, D., Barnes, M. L., & Ojea, E. (2022). Climate adaptation pathways and the role of social-ecological networks in small-scale fisheries. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15526. [Fellow: Barnes]

    Seguin, R., Mouillot, D., Cinner, J., Stuart-Smith, R., Maire, E., Graham, N., Mclean, M., Vigliola, L., & Loiseau, N. (2022). Towards a productivity-based management of tropical reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Portfolio. Pre-print. [Fellow: Cinner] 

    Sims, K. (2022) Book review of "Silencing of a Laotian son: the life, work, and enforced disappearance of Sombath Somphone" by Ng Shui Meng. Bangkok, Thailand, Spirit in Education Movement & INEB, 2022. ISBN: 978-616-8209-51-6. Asian Studies Review. (In Press). [Fellow: Sims]

    Siminjutak, P., Voak, A., Fairman, B. (2022). A historical account of VET interventions in Indonesia: Which way forward? Asian Journal of University Education, 18(2), 544-553. [Fellow: Voak, Adjunct: Fairman]

    Sims, K. (2022). BRI as cognitive empire: Epistemic violence, ethnonationalism and alternative imaginaries in Zomian highlands. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. [Fellow: Sims]

    Smallhorn-West, P., Cohen, P. J., Kukiti, E., Rabbitt, S., Rikio, A., Sori, F., Tapala, S., Warren, R., Boso, D., & Foale, S. (2022). Ten years of dynamic co-management of a multi-species reef fishery. Coral Reefs. [Fellow: Foale]

    Smallhorn-West, P. F., Cohen, P. J., Morais, R. A., Januchowski-Hartley, F. A., Ceccarelli, D., Malimali, S. Stone, K., Warren, R., & Cinner, J. E. (2022). Hidden benefits and risks of partial protection for coral reef fisheries. Ecology and Society, 27(1). [Fellow: Cinner]

    Smith, B. (2022). Walking the stories of colonial ghosts: A method of/against the geographically mundane. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1-25. [Fellow: Smith]

    Smyth, W., McArdle, J., Body-Dempsey, J., Manickam, V., Swinbourne, A., Lee, I., Holdsworth, J., Omonaiye, O., & Nagle, C. (2022). Immersive virtual reality in a northern Queensland haemodialysis unit: Study protocol for a cross-over randomized controlled feasibility trial (ACTRN12621000732886). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 28, 100956. [Fellow: Lee]

    Street, C., Robertson, K., Smith, J., Guenther, J., Larkin, S., Motlap, S., Ludwig, W., Woodroffe, T., Gillan, K., Ober, R., Shannon, V., & Maypilama, E. (2022). Negotiating Indigenous higher education policy analysis at the cultural interface in the Northern Territory, Australia. Critical Studies in Education, 1-17. [Adjunct: Guenther]

    Velazquez, M., Petray, T. L., & Miles, D. (2022). The Impacts of Drug and Alcohol use on Sentencing for First Nations and Non-Indigenous Defendants. Race and Justice [Theme leader: Petray]

    Williams, G., & Kinchin, I. (2022). The application of discrete choice experiments eliciting young peoples' preferences for healthcare: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Health Economics. [Adjunct: Kinchin]

    Wooltorton, S., Guenther, J., Poelina, A., Blaise, M., Collard, L., & White, P. (2022). Learning regenerative cultures: Indigenous nations in higher education renewal in Australia. Asia Pacific Education Review. [Fellow: White]

    Wooltorton, S., Guenther, J., Wilks, J., &  Dwyer, A. (2022). Aboriginal Nation: A strong Kimberley tertiary education narrative. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 51(1). [Adjunct: Guenther]

    Wooltorton, S., Poelina, A., Poelina, V., Guenther, J., & Perdrisat, I. (2022). Feed the Little Children evaluative research report. Nulungu Reports. [Adjunct: Guenther]


    Gabriel, J., Specht, J., Kelly, M., Wood, M., Foale, S., McIntyre-Tamwoy, S., Leavesley, M., Bourke, M., Gill, D., Sounier, J., Guillot, F., Bence, P., Crayn, D., & Venter, F. (2022) The Nakanai Mountain Ranges of East New Britain Papua New Guinea. E: Booklet Version 2. Report. The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia. [Fellow: Foale]


    Lindsay, D., Ahern, T., McAuliffe, M., & Pardon, M. (2022) A study of students in nursing or midwifery (SIN/SIM) in North Queensland. In: Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Symposium Abstract Book. 110. p. 10. From: CDNM 2022: Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Symposium, 29-30 March 2022, Twin Waters, QLD, Australia. [Fellow Lindsay]


    Arenas, A., Birdsall, S.E., Covitt, B.A., Whitehouse, H., Evans, N., Rodrigues, C., Page, E and Smith, K.J. (2022). JEE stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The Journal of Environmental Education, 53(1), 1-3. [Fellow: Whitehouse]

    Sims, Kearrin (2022) Economic progress brings new challenges in Laos. East Asia Forum. [Fellow: Sims]


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