2018 publications

    2018 publications


    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (Ed.). (2018). The Oxford handbook of evidentiality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Blackman, A., Kon, D., & Clutterbuck, D. (2018). Coaching and mentoring in the Asia Pacific. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Dixon, R. M. W. (2018). The unmasking of English dictionaries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Dixon, R. M. W. (2018). "We used to eat people" Revelations of a Fiji Islands traditional village. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company.

    Jones, P., Miles, D., & Gopalkrishnan, N. (2018). Intercultural learning: Critical preparation for international student travel. Sydney: UTS Press. doi:10.5130/978-0-9945039-9-2 [Miles & Gopalkrishnan Fellows]

    Jongen, C., McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R., & Clifford, A. (Eds.). (2018). Cultural competence in health: A review of the evidence. Singapore: Springer. [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    Li, W. W., Hodgetts, D., & Foo, K. H. (Eds.). (2018). Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Li Fellow]

    McGinty, S., Wilson, K., Thomas, J., & Lewthwaite, B. (Eds.). (2018). Gauging the value of education for disenfranchised youth. Leiden: Brill. [Lewthwaite Fellow; Thomas PhD student]

    Newlands, M. (2018). Environmental activism and the media: The politics of protest. New York: Peter Lang. [Fellow]

    Osbaldiston, N. (2018). Towards a sociology of the coast: Our past, present and future relationship to the shore. London: Springer. [Fellow]

    Peltonen, T., Gaggiotti, H., & Case, P. (Eds.). (in press). Origins of organizing. Edward Elgar Publishing. [Case Fellow]

    Book chapters

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). Evidentiality and language contact. In A. Y. Aikhenvald (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of evidentiality (pp. 148-174). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). 'Me', 'us', and 'others': Expressing the self in Arawak languages of South America, with a focus on Tariana. In M. Huang & K. M. Jaszczolt (Eds.), Expressing the self: Cultural diversity and cognitive universals (pp. 13-39). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). The magic of names: A fieldworker's perspective. In H. Sarvasy & D. Forker (Eds.), Word hunters: Field linguists on fieldwork (pp. 9-27): John Benjamins Publishing.

    Berris, K., Barth, M., Moonery, T., Paton, D., Kinloch, M., Copley, P., Macguire, A., Crowley, G., & Garnett, S. T. (2018). From the brink of extinction: Successful recovery of the glossy black-cockatoo on Kangaroo Island. In S. Garnett, J. Woinarski, D. Lindenmayer & P. Latch (Eds.), Recovering Australian threatened species: A book of hope (pp. 75-84). Clayton South, VIC: CSIRO Publishing. [Crowley Adjunct]

    Blackman, A., & Clutterbuck, D. (2018). What does good practice look like? In A. Blackman, D. Kon & D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), Coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific (pp. 39-53). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Boon, H. J. (2018). Explicit ethics education for prospective teachers: An essential precursor for quality teaching - ethics training for pre-service teachers. In S. S. Sethy (Ed.), Higher education and professional ethics: Roles and responsibilities of teachers. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Boon Fellow]

    Boon, H. J. (2018). Modeling disaster resilience. In C. N. Madu & C.-H. Kuei (Eds.), Handbook of disaster risk reduction and management (pp. 407-431). New York: World Scientific Publishing. [Boon Fellow]

    Boström, M., Davidson, D. J., & Lockie, S. (2018). Conclusions: A proposal for a brave new world of conceptual reflexivity. In M. Boström & D. Davidson (Eds.), Environment and society: Concepts and challenges (pp. 351-373). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Brodie, J., Grech, A., Pressey, B., Day, J., Dale, A. P., Morrison, T., & Wenger, A. (in press). The future of the Great Barrier Reef: The water quality imperative. In E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, & R. Ramachandran (Eds.), Coasts and estuaries: The future. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [Pressey Fellow]

    Clutterbuck, D., Blackman, A., & Kon, D. (2018). Lessons learnt. In A. Blackman, D. Kon & D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), Coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific (pp. 225-231). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Cunneen, C. (2018). Indigenous challenges for southern criminology. In K. Carrington, R. Hogg, J. Scott & M. Sozzo (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of criminology and the global south (pp. 19-41). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Cunneen, C. (2018). Indigenous people, resistance and racialised criminality. In M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds.), Media, crime and racism (pp. 277-299). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Dale, A. (2018). Governing north Australian landscapes for a better future. In J. Russell-Smith, G. James, H. Pedersen, & K. K. Sangha (Eds.), Sustainable land sector development in northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    Deger, J. (2018). Gardner, Robert (1925–2014). In H. Callan (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

    Deger, J. (2018). Shimmer. In H. Callan (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

    Fantin, S., & Fourmile, G. G. (2018). Design in perspective: Reflections on intercultural design practice in Australia. In E. Grant, K. Greenop, A. L. Refiti, & D. J. Glenn (Eds.), The handbook of contemporary Indigenous architecture (pp. 433-464). Singapore: Springer. [Fantin Adjunct]

    Forker, D. (2018). Evidentiality and its relations with other verbal categories. In A. Y. Aikhenvald (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of evidentiality (pp. 65-84). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Forker Adjunct]

    Forker, D. (2018). Evidentiality in Nakh-Daghestanian languages. In A. Y. Aikhenvald (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of evidentiality (pp. 490-509). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Forker Adjunct]

    Gair, S. (2018). Looking back - looking forward: past, current, and future child adoptions in Australia. In S. Rice, A. Day, & L. Briskman (Eds.), Social work in the shadow of the law (5th ed., pp. 36-53). Sydney: Federation Press. [Gair Fellow]

    Gerritsen, R., Whitehead, P., & Stoeckl, N. (2018). Economic development across the north: Historical and current context of possible alternatives. In J. Russell-Smith, G. James, H. Pedersen, & K. K. Sangha (Eds.), Sustainable land sector development in northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    Holley, K., Kuzhabekova, A., Osbaldiston, N., Cannizzo, F., Mauri, C., Simmonds, S., . . . van der Weijden, I. (2018). Global perspectives on the postdoctoral scholar experience. In A. J. Dinin (Ed.), The postdoc landscape: The invisible scholars (pp. 203-226): Academic Press. [Osbaldiston Fellow]

    Kon, D., & Blackman, A. (2018). Key challenges for coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific. In A. Blackman, Kon, Derrick, and Clutterbuck, David (Ed.), Coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific (pp. 23-38). Milton Park: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Lewthwaite, B., Babacan, H., te Riele, K., Murray, D., & Thomas, J. (2018). Overview, conclusions and implications. In S. McGinty, K. Wilson, J. J. Thomas & B. Lewthwaite (Eds.), Gauging the value of education for disenfranchised youth (pp. 131-146). Leiden: Brill. [Lewthwaite Fellow; Babacan Adjunct; Thomas PhD student]

    Li, S., Blackman, A., & Carter, A. (2018). Coaching in Asia Pacific from the perspective of the coachee. In A. Blackman, D. Kon & D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), Coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific (pp. 167-171). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Li, W., & He, L. (2018). Intercultural psychology in the greater China region. In W. Li, D. Hodgetts, & K. H. Foo (Eds.), Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology (pp. 8-31). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Li Fellow]

    Li, W., Hodgetts, D., & Foo, K. (2018). An intercultural approach to the psychology of culture. In W. Li, D. Hodgetts, & K. H. Foo (Eds.), Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology (pp. 1-7). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Li Fellow]

    Li, W., Hodgetts, D., & Chhabra, J. (2018). Intercultural psychology in the Asia-Pacific region: Recounting the present and looking to the future. In W. Li, D. Hodgetts, & K. Foo (Eds.), Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology (pp. 232-239). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Li Fellow]

    Lockie, S., & Wong, C. (in press). Conflicting temporalities of social and environmental change. In M. Boström & D. Davidson (Eds.), Environment and society: Concepts and challenges. London: Palgrave and Macmillan.

    McGinty, S., Bursey, S., & Babacan, H. (2018). I just want an education! Young people’s perspectives. In S. McGinty, K. Wilson, J. Thomas & B. Lewthwaite (Eds.), Gauging the value of education for disenfranchised youth (pp. 63-81). Leiden: Brill. [Babacan Adjunct; Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Miles, D., & Day, A. (2018). Record keeping. In S. Rice, A. Day, & L. Briskman (Eds.), Social work in the shadow of the law (5th ed., pp. 440-455). Sydney: Federation Press. [Miles Fellow]

    Murphy, P. (2018). A neo-Calvinist sociology: John Carroll's metaphysical modernity. In S. James (Ed.), Metaphysical sociology: On the work of John Carroll. Abingdon: Routledge. [Murphy Fellow]

    Mustika, P. L., Welters, R., & Setiasih, N. (2018). Tourist satisfaction and expenditures in a reef-adjoining dolphin watching industry in Lovina, Bali Indonesia. In B. Prideaux & A. Pabel (Eds.), Coral reefs: Tourism, conservation and management (pp. 184-197). Abingdon: Routledge. [Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Nelson, P. N., Huth, N., Sheaves, M., Bessou, C., Pardon, L., Lim, H., & Kookana, R. S. (2018). Modelling environmental impacts of agriculture, focusing on oil palm. In A. Rival (Ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm - Volume 2: Diseases, pests, quality and sustainability (pp. 265-314). Cambridge: Burleigh Dodd Science Publishing. [Nelson Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Mohammadi, Z. (2018). Love, romance, and behavior. In J. M. Rickly & E. S. Vidon (Eds.), Authenticity and tourism (pp. 71-87): Emerald Publishing Limited. [Pearce Fellow]

    Pierce, D., Gurgul, K., Hubbard, S., & Blackman, A. (2018). Empowering women leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In A. Blackman, D. Kon & D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), Coaching and mentoring in Asia Pacific (pp. 133-139). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Blackman Fellow]

    Probyn, E. (2018). Mediating fish: Mediatization, consumer choice, and media morality. In J. Dürrschmidt & Y. Kautt (Eds.), Globalized eating cultures: Mediation and mediatization (pp. 247-266). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [Probyn Adjunct]

    Salter, P., Halbert, K., Howard, E., Singh, M., Miles, D., Jones, P., . . . Han, J. (2018). Local connections, global perspectives. In T. Hall, T. Gray, G. Downey, & M. Singh (Eds.), The globalisation of higher education: Developing internationalised education in research and practice (pp. 61-78). Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan. [Miles Fellow]

    Sims, K. (2018). More growth, less freedom? Charting development pathways in Lao PDR. In B. Howe (Ed.), National security, statecentricity, and governance in East Asia. Security, development and human rights in East Asia (pp. 127-149). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [Fellow]

    Stephens, A., & Liley, W. (2018). We use systemic empowerment to prevent interpersonal harm. Will you? In M. C. Edson (Ed.), Handbook of systems sciences. Tokyo: Springer. [Stephens & Liley Adjuncts]

    Stephens, A., Opperman, E., & Dale, A. (2018). Revisiting governance systems analysis in Northern Australia: Exploring critical systems thinking as a framework for engaging with multiplicity and incommensurability. In R. Wallace, S. Harwood, R. Gerritson, B. Prideaux, T. Brewer, L. Rosenman, & A. Dale (Eds.), Rethinking northern Australia development. Canberra, ACT: ANU Press. [Stephens Fellow]

    Stevenson, R. B., Mannion, G., & Evans, N. S. (in press). Childhoodnature pedagogies and place: An overview and analysis. In A. Cutter-Mackenzie, K. Malone, & E. Barratt Hacking (Eds.), Research handbook on childhoodnature: Assemblages of childhood and nature research (pp. 1-21). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51949-4_76-1 [Stevenson Adjunct]

    Stevenson, R. B., & Smith, G. A. (2018). Environmental educators learning and theorizing place-responsive pedagogy. In P. Renshaw & R. Tooth (Eds.), Diverse pedagogies of place: Educating students in and for local and global environments (pp. 190-210). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [Stevenson Adjunct]

    Stoeckl, N., Larson, S., Thomas, J., Hicks, C., Pascoe, S., & Marsh, H. (2018). Socioeconomic impacts of changes to marine fisheries and aquaculture that are brought about through climate change. In B. F. Phillips & M. Pérez-Ramírez (Eds.), Climate change impacts on fisheries and aquaculture (pp. 925-958). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Thomas, J. (2018). Flexible learning options in the neoliberal educational landscape. In S. McGinty, K. Wilson, J. Thomas & B. Lewthwaite (Eds.), Gauging the value of education for disenfranchised youth (pp. 13-28). Leiden: Brill. [Thomas PhD student]

    Thomas, J., & Welters, R. (2018). The importance of belonging: The impact of young people’s sense of belonging at school on their quality of life as young adults. In S. McGinty, K. Wilson, J. Thomas & B. Lewthwaite (Eds.), Gauging the value of education for disenfranchised youth (pp. 105-129). Leiden: Brill. [Welters Theme Leader and Fellow; Thomas PhD student; Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Treis, Y., & Wojtylak, K. (in press). On the expression of comparison: Contributions to the typology of comparative constructions from lesser-known languages. Dartmouth College.

    Wojtylak, K. I. (2018). Evidentiality in Boran and Witotoan languages. In A. Y. Aikhenvald (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of evidentiality (pp. 388-408). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Wojtylak PhD student]

    Wu, M. Y., & Pearce, P. (2018). Factors affecting how young hosts welcome tourists: An Asian case study. In Y. Wang, A. Shakeela, A. Kwek & C. Khoo-Lattimore (Eds.), Managing Asian destinations. Perspectives on Asian tourism (pp. 241-260). Singapore: Springer.

    Journal articles (A-K)

    Adams, V. M., Mills, M., Weeks, R., Segan, D. B., Pressey, R. L., Gurney, G. G., . . . Álvarez-Romero, J. G. (2018). Implementation strategies for systematic conservation planning. Ambio. doi:10.1007/s13280-018-1067-2 [Pressey Fellow]

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). Disentangling a versatile prefix: The nature and development of a polysemous marker in Arawak languages. International Journal of American Linguistics, 84(1), 1-49. doi:10.1086/694608

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). How to copy your neighbors’ ways: A cross-generational perspective on nominalizations in Tariana. STUF- Language Typology and Universals, 71(1), 73-98. doi:10.1515/stuf-2018-0004

    Aikhenvald, A. Y. (2018). Worlds apart: Language survival and language use in two Middle Sepik communities [Des mondes à part : Survie et usage du langage dans deux communautés du Moyen Sepik]. Le Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 146, 203-212. doi:10.4000/jso.8148

    Akosah-Twumasi, P., Emeto, T. I., Lindsay, D., Tsey, K., & Malau-Aduli, B. S. (2018). A systematic review of factors that influence youths career choices—the role of culture. Frontiers in Education, 3(58). doi:10.3389/feduc.2018.00058

    Alexander, K. S., Parry, L., Thammavong, P., Sackloham, S., Pasouvang, S., Connell, J. G., . . . Case, P. (2018). Rice farming systems in Southern Lao PDR: Interpreting farmers' agricultural production decisions using Q methodology. Agricultural Systems, 160, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2017.10.018 [Case Fellow]

    Álvarez-Romero, J. G., Mills, M., Adams, V. M., Gurney, G. G., Pressey, R. L., Weeks, R., . . . Storlie, C. J. (2018). Research advances and gaps in marine planning: towards a global database in systematic conservation planning. Biological Conservation. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.06.027 [Pressey Fellow]

    Álvarez‐Romero, J. G., Munguía‐Vega, A., Beger, M., Mancha‐Cisneros, M. M., Suárez‐Castillo, A. N., Gurney, G. G., . . . Torre, J. (2018). Designing connected marine reserves in the face of global warming. Global Change Biology, 24(2), e671-e691. doi:10.1111/gcb.13989 [Pressey Fellow]

    Antunes, E., Jacob, M. V., Brodie, G., & Schneider, P. A. (2018). Isotherms, kinetics and mechanism analysis of phosphorus recovery from aqueous solution by calcium-rich biochar produced from biosolids via microwave pyrolysis. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6(1), 395-403. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2017.12.011 [Schneider Fellow]

    Antunes, E., Jacob, M. V., Brodie, G., & Schneider, P. A. (2018). Microwave pyrolysis of sewage biosolids: Dielectric properties, microwave susceptor role and its impact on biochar properties. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 129, 93-100. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2017.11.023 [Schneider Fellow]

    Asugeni, R., Redman-MacLaren, M., Asugeni, J., Esau, T., Timothy, F., Massey, P., & MacLaren, D. (2017). A community builds a “bridge”: an example of community-led adaptation to sea-level rise in East Kwaio, Solomon Islands. Climate and Development, 1-6. doi:10.1080/17565529.2017.1411239 [MacLaren Fellow]

    Aswani, S., Basurto, X., Ferse, S., Glaser, M., Campbell, L., Cinner, J. E., . . . Christie, P. (2017). Marine resource management and conservation in the Anthropocene. Environmental Conservation, 45(2), 192-202. doi:10.1017/S0376892917000431 [Cinner Fellow]

    Babacan, A., & Babacan, H. (2018). Repositioning lifelong learning in legal education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20(2), 122-148. doi:10.5456/WPLL.20.2.122 [H babacan Adjunct]

    Baglow, L., & Gair, S. (2018). Australian social work students: Balancing tertiary studies, paid work and poverty. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017318760776 [Gair Fellow]

    Bailie, J., Cunningham, F. C., Bainbridge, R. G., Passey, M. E., Laycock, A. F., Bailie, R. S., . . . Peiris, D. (2018). Comparing and contrasting ‘innovation platforms’ with other forms of professional networks for strengthening primary healthcare systems for Indigenous Australians. BMJ Global Health, 3(3). doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000683 [Bainbridge Adjunct]

    Balaratnasingam, S., Chapman, M., Chong, D., Hunter, E., Lee, J., Little, C., . . . Janca, A. (2018). Advancing social and emotional well-being in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Clinicians’ reflections. Australasian Psychiatry. doi:10.1177/1039856218789765 [Hunter Adjunct]

    Beerling, D. J., Leake, J. R., Long, S. P., Scholes, J. D., Ton, J., Nelson, P. N., . . . Hansen, J. (2018). Farming with crops and rocks to address global climate, food and soil security. Nature Plants. doi:10.1038/s41477-018-0108-y [Nelson Fellow]

    Benjamin, J., O'Leary, M., Ward, I., Hacker, J., Ulm, S., Veth, P., . . . Bailey, G. (2018). Underwater archaeology and submerged landscapes in western Australia. Antiquity, 92(363), e10. doi:10.15184/aqy.2018.103 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Bergseth, B. J., Gurney, G. G., Barnes, M. L., Arias, A., & Cinner, J. E. (2018). Addressing poaching in marine protected areas through voluntary surveillance and enforcement. Nature Sustainability, 1(8), 421-426. doi:10.1038/s41893-018-0117-x [Cinner Fellow]

    Bermingham, L., & Lee, I. (2018). A probabilistic stop and move classifier for noisy GPS trajectories. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. doi:10.1007/s10618-018-0568-8 [Lee Fellow]

    Beyer, H. L., Kennedy, E. V., Beger, M., Chen, C. A., Cinner, J. E., Darling, E. S., . . . Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2018). Risk-sensitive planning for conserving coral reefs under rapid climate change. Conservation Letters. Retrieved from doi:10.1111/conl.12587 [Cinner Fellow]

    Bird, M. I., Beaman, R. J., Condie, S. A., Cooper, A., Ulm, S., & Veth, P. Palaeogeography and voyage modeling indicates early human colonization of Australia was likely from Timor-Roti. Quaternary Science Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.04.027 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Bodak, M., Harrison, H., Lindsay, D., & Holmes, C. The experiences of sessional staff teaching into undergraduate nursing programmes in Australia: A literature review. Collegian. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2018.05.004 [Lindsay Fellow]

    Bohanna, I., Fitts, M. S., Bird, K., Fleming, J., Gilroy, J., Esterman, A., . . . Clough, A. R. (2018). The transition from hospital to home: Protocol for a longitudinal study of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Brain Impairment, 1-12. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2018.1 [Bohanna & Clough Fellows]

    Bradbury, R. S., Harrington, H., Kekeubata, E., Esau, D., Esau, T., Kilivisi, F., . . . MacLaren, D. (2018). High prevalence of ascariasis on two coral atolls in the Solomon Islands. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 112(4), 193-199. doi:10.1093/trstmh/try041 [MacLaren Fellow]

    Cabrilo, S., & Dahms, S. (2008). How strategic knowledge management drives intellectual capital to superior innovation and market performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(3), 621-648. doi:10.1108/JKM-07-2017-0309 [Dahms Fellow]

    Cai, G., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Itinerary recommender system with semantic trajectory pattern mining from geo-tagged photos. Expert Systems with Applications, 94, 32-40. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.10.049 [I. Lee Fellow]

    Cai, G., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Mining mobility patterns from geotagged photos through semantic trajectory clustering. Cybernetics and Systems, 49(4), 234-256. doi:10.1080/01969722.2018.1448236 [I. Lee Fellow]

    Cai, G., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Mining semantic trajectory patterns from geo-tagged data. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 33(4), 849-862. doi:10.1007/s11390-018-1860-1 [I. Lee Fellow]

    Campbell, S., McCalman, J., Redman-MacLaren, M., Canuto, K., Vine, K., Sewter, J., & McDonald, M. (2018). Implementing the Baby One Program: A qualitative evaluation of family-centred child health promotion in remote Australian Aboriginal communities. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1), art. 73. doi:10.1186/s12884-018-1711-7 [McCalman & Redman-Maclaren Adjuncts]

    Chaudhury, S., & Lundberg, A. (2018). Singapore as a creative city: Vignettes from the perspective of la flâneuse tropique. eTropic, 17(2), 110-131. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.2.2018.3660 [Lundberg Fellow]

    Chaudhury, S., & Lundberg, A. (2018). Tropical flânerie and the creative Asian city: A perambulation of literature. eTropic, 17(1), 74-89. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.1.2018.3643 [Lundberg Fellow]

    Chung, H.-M., & Dahms, S. (in press). Ownership strategy and foreign affiliate performance in multinational family business groups: A double-edged sword. Journal of International Management. [Dahms Fellow]

    Cinner, J. E., Adger, W. N., Allison, E. H., Barnes, M. L., Brown, K., Cohen, P. J., . . . Morrison, T. H. (2018). Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities. Nature Climate Change, 8(2), 117-123. doi:10.1038/s41558-017-0065-x [Cinner Fellow]

    Cinner, J. E., Maire, E., Huchery, C., MacNeil, M. A., Graham, N. A. J., Mora, C., . . . Mouillot, D. (2018). Gravity of human impacts mediates coral reef conservation gains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1708001115 [Cinner Fellow]

    Clough, A. R., Fitts, M. S., Muller, R., Ypinazar, V., & Margolis, S. (2018). A longitudinal observation study assessing changes in indicators of serious injury and violence with alcohol controls in four remote indigenous Australian communities in far north Queensland (2000–2015). BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1126. doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6033-1 [Clough Fellow]

    Clough, A. R., Grant, K., Robertson, J., Wrigley, M., Nichols, N., & Fitzgibbon, T. (2018). Interventions to encourage smoke-free homes in remote indigenous Australian communities: a study protocol to evaluate the effects of a community-inspired awareness-raising and motivational enhancement strategy. BMJ Open, 8(3). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018955 [Clough Fellow]

    Cunneen, C. (2018). Sentencing, punishment and Indigenous people in Australia. Journal of Global Indigeneity, 3(1). http://ro.uow.edu.au/jgi/vol3/iss1/4

    Cunneen, C., Goldson, B., & Russell, S. (2018). Human rights and youth justice reform in England and Wales: A systemic analysis. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 1-26. doi:10.1177/1748895817721957

    Dahms, S. (in press). Antecedents of network strength in foreign-owned subsidiaries: Locational, expatriate, and industrial conditions. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development. [Fellow]

    Dahms, S. (in press). The influence of competences and institutions on the international market orientation in foreign-owned subsidiaries. European Journal of International Management. [Fellow]

    Dale, A. P. (2018). From conflict to collaboration: Can better governance systems facilitate the sustainable development of the northern pastoral industry, communities and landscapes? The Rangeland Journal. doi:10.1071/RJ18010

    Dale, A. P., Vella, K., Gooch, M., Potts, R., Pressey, R. L., Brodie, J., & Eberhard, R. (2018). Avoiding implementation failure in catchment landscapes: A case study in governance of the Great Barrier Reef. Environmental Management, 62(1), 70-81. doi:10.1007/s00267-017-0932-2

    Daniel, R. (2018). Arts and culture in an era of austerity: Key stakeholder views on the current and future Australian context. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 1-12. doi:10.1080/10286632.2017.1361943 [Fellow]

    Daniel, R., Fleischmann, K., & Welters, R. (2018). Creativity in the ‘Torrid’ zone: Policy, creative industries and the vision for Northern Australia. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 24(4), 451-465. doi:10.1080/10286632.2016.1221949 [Daniel & Fleischmann Fellows; Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Diamandi, S., Hudson, C., & Zuchowski, I. (2018). Field education for international students in Australia: Preparing students and the sector. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 20(1), 80-92. [Zuchowski Fellow]

    Disspain, M. C. F., Ulm, S., Draper, N., Newchurch, J., Fallon, S., & Gillanders, B. M. (2018). Long-term archaeological and historical archives for mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus, populations in eastern South Australia. Fisheries Research, 205, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.03.009 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Doran, C. M., & Kinchin, I. (2017). A review of the economic impact of mental illness. Australian Health Review. doi:10.1071/AH16115 [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Dyer, M. (2018). Transforming communicative spaces: The rhythm of gender in meetings in rural Solomon Islands. Ecology and Society, 23(1). doi:10.5751/ES-09866-230117 [PhD student]

    Dyer, M. (2018). Ungrounded cosmopolitanism: Intersections of moral responsibility and gender in environmental activism in rural Solomon Islands. Women's Studies International Forum, 67, 128-135. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2017.04.006 [PhD student]

    Farr, M., & Stoeckl, N. (in press). Overoptimism and the undervaluation of ecosystem services: A case-study of recreational fishing in Townsville, adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.02.010 [Stoeckl Adjunct]

    Filer, C., & Gabriel, J. (2018). How could Nautilus Minerals get a social licence to operate the world's first deep sea mine? Marine Policy, 95, 394-400. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.12.001 [Gabriel Fellow]

    Fleischmann, K. (in press). Online design education: Searching for a middle ground. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. doi:10.1177/1474022218758231 [Fellow]

    Forker, D. (2018). Gender agreement is different. Linguistics, 56(4). doi:10.1515/ling-2018-0013 [Adjunct]

    Gair, S. (2018). Upholding social justice: Obligation or optional extra in social work? Critical reflections on a classroom-based inquiry. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27(2), 140-156. doi:10.1080/15313204.2017.1409674 [Fellow]

    Gair, S., & Baglow, L. (2018). Australian social work students Balancing study, work, and field placement: Seeing it like it is. Australian Social Work, 71(1), 46-57. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2017.1377741 [Gair Fellow]

    Gair, S., & Baglow, L. (2018). Social justice in a tertiary education context: Do we practice what we preach? Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. doi:10.1177/1746197918793059 [Gair Fellow]

    Gair, S., & Baglow, L. (2018). "We barely survived": Social work students' mental health vulnerabilities and implications for educators, universities and the workforce. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 30(1), 32-44. [Gair Fellow]

    Gair, S., Zuchowski, I., Munns, L., Thorpe, R., & Henderson, D. (2018). Grandparents matter: Optimizing grandparents' involvement after child safety concerns. Child & Family Social Work, 1-9. doi:10.1111/cfs.12464 [Gair Fellow]

    Geerlings, L. R. C., & Lundberg, A. (2018). Global discourses and power/knowledge: theoretical reflections on futures of higher education during the rise of Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38(2), 229-240. doi:10.1080/02188791.2018.1460259 [Geerlings & Lundberg Fellows]

    Geerlings, L. R. C., Thompson, C. L., Bouma, R., & Hawkins, R. (2018). Cultural competence in clinical psychology training: A qualitative investigation of student and academic experiences. Australian Psychologist, 53(2), 161-170. doi:10.1111/ap.12291 [Geerlings & Hawkins Fellows]

    Geerlings, L. R. C., Thompson, C. L., Kraaij, V., & Keijsers, G. P. J. (2018). Culturally competent practice: A mixed methods study among students, academics and alumni of clinical psychology master’s programs in the Netherlands. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 14(1), 88-106. doi:10.5964/ejop.v14i1.1461 [Geerlings Fellow]

    Goldberg, J., Marshall, N., Birtles, R. A., Case, P., Curnock, M., & Gurney, G. (in press). On the relationship between attitudes and environmental behaviours of key Great Barrier Reef user groups. Ecology and Society, 23(2). art. 19. [Case Fellow]

    Goldberg, J., Birtles, A., Marshall, N., Curnock, M., Case, P., & Beeden, R. (2018). The role of Great Barrier Reef tourism operators in addressing climate change through strategic communication and direct action. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(2), 238-256. doi:10.1080/09669582.2017.1343339 [Case Fellow]

    Goodrick, I., & Nelson, P. N. (2018). Mineralisation of soil organic carbon in two Andisols under oil palm: an incubation study into controlling factors. Soil Research, 56(1), 105-112. doi:10.1071/SR16089 [Nelson Fellow]

    Gopalkrishnan, N. (in press). Cultural diversity and mental health: Considerations for policy and practice. Frontiers in Public Health. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00179 [Fellow]

    Gould, G., Stevenson, L. C., Cadet-James, Y., & Clough, A. R. (2018). Cultural challenges when developing anti-tobacco messages for Indigenous Australians. Health Promotion International, 33(2), 345-355. doi:10.1093/heapro/daw072 [Clough Fellow]

    Grimbacher, P. S., Edwards, W., Liddell, M. J., Nelson, P. N., Nichols, C., Wardhaugh, C. W., & Stork, N. E. (2018). Temporal variation in abundance of leaf litter beetles and ants in an Australian lowland tropical rainforest is driven by climate and litter fall. Biodiversity and Conservation. doi:10.1007/s10531-018-1558-2 [Nelson Fellow]

    Guenther, J., & Osborne, S. (2018). Red dirt education leaders ‘caught in the middle’: Priorities for local and nonlocal leaders in remote schools. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-13. doi:10.1017/jie.2018.17 [Guenther Adjunct]

    Guo, Y., Wood, J., Pan, W., & Meng, Q. (2018). Inventory optimization of airport perishable emergency supplies with replacement strategy facing stochastic occurrence time by CVaR approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.04.027 [Wood Fellow]

    Haig, G., & Forker, D. (2018). Agreement in grammar and discourse: A research overview. Linguistics, 56(4). doi:10.1515/ling-2018-0014 [Forker Adjunct]

    Hamel, M. A., Pressey, R. L., Evans, L. S., & Andréfouët, S. (2018). The importance of fishing grounds as perceived by local communities can be undervalued by measures of socioeconomic cost used in conservation planning. Conservation Letters, 11(1), e12352. doi:10.1111/conl.12352 [Pressey Fellow]

    Hamilton, J. R., Tee, S., & Prideaux, M. (in press). Gauging major auto racing event tourists at a regional destination. Event Management. [Hamilton Fellow]

    Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2018). Bullying and the nursing profession in Australia: An integrative review of the literature. Collegian. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2018.06.004 [Lindsay Fellow]

    Hawkins, R., & McWaters, S. C. (2018). Asylum seekers prejudice: Tertiary education, the media, and the government. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3(4), 13-29. http://www.ijicc.net/index.php/past-editions/30-vol-3-iss-4-2018.html [Hawkins Fellow]

    Heyeres, M., Kinchin, I., Whatley, E., Brophy, L., Jago, J., Wintzloff, T., . . . Tsey, K. (2018). Evaluation of a residential mental health recovery service in North Queensland. Frontiers in Public Health, 6(123). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00123 [Kinchin Adjunct; Gopalkrishnan & Tsey Fellows]

    Heyeres, M., McCalman, J., Langham, E., Bainbridge, R., Redman-MacLaren, M., Britton, A., . . . Tsey, K. (2018). Strengthening the capacity of education staff to support the wellbeing of Indigenous students in boarding schools: A participatory action research study. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-14. doi:10.1017/jie.2017.42 [McCalman, Bainbridge & Tsey Fellows]

    Hutchings, K., Bainbridge, R., Bodle, K., & Miller, A. (2018). Determinants of attraction, retention and completion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher degree research students: A systematic review to inform future research directions. Research in Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s11162-018-9511-5 [Bainbridge Fellow]

    Jacups, S. P., Kinchin, I., & McConnon, K. M. (2018). Ear, nose, and throat surgical access for remote living Indigenous children: What is the least costly model? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. doi:10.1111/jep.13044

    Jacups, S., Rogerson, B., & Kinchin, I. (2018). An innovative approach to address homelessness in regional Australia: Participant evaluation of a co-payment model. Public Health, 156, 26-33. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2017.11.021 [Jacups & Kinchin Adjuncts]

    Jarvis, D., Stoeckl, N., Addison , J., Larson, S., Hill, R., Pert, P., & Watkin Lui, F. (in press). Are Indigenous Land and Sea Management Programs a pathway to Indigenous economic independence? The Rangeland Journal.

    Jarvis, D., Stoeckl, N., Hill, R., & Pert, P. (in press). Indigenous land and sea management programs: Can they promote regional development and help “close the (income) gap”? Australian Journal of Social Issues. doi:10.1002/ajs4.44 [Stoeckl Adjunct]

    Jones, P., Rowe, S., & Miles, D. (2018). Beyond practical preparation: A critical approach to preparing social work students for international study experiences. International Social Work. doi:10.1177/0020872817695390 [Miles Fellow]

    Jun, S., Wood, J., & Park, S. (2018). Multivariate multiple regression modelling for technology analysis. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(3), 311-323. doi:10.1080/09537325.2017.1309015 [Wood Fellow]

    Kenady, S. L., Lowe, K. M., Ridd, P. V., & Ulm, S. Creating volume estimates for buried shell deposits: A comparative experimental case study using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity under varying soil conditions. Archaeological Prospection. doi:10.1002/arp.1594 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Kenady, S. L., Lowe, K. M., & Ulm, S. (2018). Determining the boundaries, structure and volume of buried shell matrix deposits using ground-penetrating radar: A case study from northern Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 17, 538-549. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.12.015 [Ulm Theme Leader and Fellow]

    Khan, A. K., Miles, D., & Francis, A. (2018). Re-visioning child protection management embedded in family empowerment. Children Australia, 43(3), 208-216. doi:10.1017/cha.2018.33 [Miles Fellow]

    Kinchin, I., & Doran, C. (2018). The cost of youth suicide in Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4), 672. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040672 [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Kinchin, I., Jacups, S., Mann, J., Quigley, R., Harvey, D., Doran, C. M., & Strivens, E. (2018). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a community-based model of care for older patients with complex needs: a study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial using a stepped wedge cluster design. Trials, 19(1), 668. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-3038-0

    Kinner, S., Tibble, H., Hail-Jares, K., Borschmann, R., Spittal, M., Clough, A., . . . Cadet-James, Y. (2018). Deaths in young people after contact with the youth justice system: A retrospective data linkage study. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3(4), 308. doi:10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.899 [Clough Fellow]

    Kohlberger, M. (2018). A cline between nouns and verbs: Nominalizations in Shiwiar (Chicham). STUF-Language Typology and Universals, 71(1), 151-168. doi:10.1515/stuf-2018-0007 [Adjunct

    Kreij, A., Scriffignano, J., Rosendahl, D., Nagel, T., & Ulm, S. (2018). Aboriginal stone-walled intertidal fishtrap morphology, function and chronology investigated with high-resolution close-range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle photogrammetry. Journal of Archaeological Science, 96, 148-161. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2018.05.012 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Kuah, A. T. H. (2018). Tropical urbanisation and the life of public housing in Singapore. eTropic, 17(1), 41-59. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.1.2018.3641 [Fellow]

    Journal articles (L-Z)

    Larson, S., Stoeckl, N., Jarvis, D., Addison, J., Prior, S., & Esparon, M. (2018). Using measures of wellbeing for impact evaluation: Proof of concept developed with an Indigenous community undertaking land management programs in northern Australia. Ambio. doi:10.1007/s13280-018-1058-3 [Stoeckl Adjunct]

    Lasen, M., Evans, S., Tsey, K., Campbell, C., & Kinchin, I. (2018). Quality of WIL assessment design in higher education: A systematic literature review. Higher Education Research and Development, 1-17. doi:10.1080/07294360.2018.1450359 [Tsey Fellow; Lasen Adjunct]

    Lau, J. D., Hicks, C. C., Gurney, G. G., & Cinner, J. E. (2018). Disaggregating ecosystem service values and priorities by wealth, age, and education. Ecosystem Services, 29, Part A, 91-98. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.12.005 [Cinner Fellow]

    Li, W., & Forbes, A. (in press). Fang-tan in research among Chinese communities in New Zealand and Australia: A cultural approach to engagement. Qualitative Research in Psychology. doi:10.1080/14780887.2017.1416804 [Li Fellow]

    Li, J., Pearce, P. L., & Low, D. (2018). Media representation of digital-free tourism: A critical discourse analysis. Tourism Management, 69, 317-329. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2018.06.027 [Pearce Fellow]

    Li, Q., Stoeckl, N., King, D., & Gyuris, E. (2018). Using both objective and subjective indicators to Investigate the impacts of coal mining on wellbeing of host communities: A case-study in Shanxi Province, China. Social Indicators Research, 137(3), 895-921. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1624-2 [Li PhD student]

    Liu, S., & Lee, I. (2018). Discovering sentiment sequence within email data through trajectory representation. Expert Systems with Applications, 99, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.01.026 [Lee Fellow]

    Liu, S., & Lee, I. (2018). Email sentiment analysis through k-means labeling and support vector machine classification. Cybernetics and Systems, 49(3), 181-199. doi:10.1080/01969722.2018.1448242 [Lee Fellow]

    Llewellyn, L. L., Boon, H. J., & Lewthwaite, B. E. (2018). Effective behaviour management strategies for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: A literature review. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1). [Boon & Lewthwaite Fellows]

    Lockie, S. (2018). Privilege and responsibility in environmental justice research. Environmental Sociology, 4(2), 175-180. doi:10.1080/23251042.2018.1460936

    Lundberg, A. (2018). Living cities: Tropical imaginaries. eTropic, 17(1), 1-5. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.1.2018.3638 [Fellow]

    Lundberg, A. (2018). Tropical imaginaries in living cities. eTropic, 17(2), 1-7. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.2.2018.3651 [Fellow]

    MacDonald, G., & Boon, H. (2018). Building school capacity to support students from Australian Defence Force families during parental deployment. Australian Journal of Education, 62(1), 5-20. doi:10.1177/0004944118755779 [Boon Fellow]

    Magris, R. A., Grech, A., & Pressey, R. L. (2018). Cumulative human impacts on coral reefs: Assessing risk and management implications for Brazilian coral reefs. Diversity, 10(26). doi:10.3390/d10020026 [Pressey Fellow]

    Maire, E., Villéger, S., Graham, N. A. J., Hoey, A. S., Cinner, J., Ferse, S. C. A., . . . Mouillot, D. (2018). Community-wide scan identifies fish species associated with coral reef services across the Indo-Pacific. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1883). doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.1167 [Cinner Fellow]

    Marks, M., Esau, T., Asugeni, R., Harrington, R., Diau, J., Toloka, H., . . . Mabey, D. C. W. (2018). Point-of-care tests for syphilis and yaws in a low-income setting: A qualitative study of healthcare worker and patient experiences. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(4), 1-10. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0006360 [Redman-MacLaren & MacLaren Fellows]

    Marks, M., Toloka, H., Baker, C., Kositz, C., Asugeni, J., Puiahi, E., . . . Steer, A. C. (2018). Randomized trial of community treatment with Azithromycin and Ivermectin mass drug administration for control of scabies and impetigo. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 574-574. doi:10.1093/cid/ciy574 [Redman-MacLaren & MacLaren Fellows]

    Marshall, N., Barnes, M. L., Birtles, A., Brown, K., Cinner, J., Curnock, M., . . . Tobin, R. (2018). Measuring what matters in the Great Barrier Reef. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.1808 [Gooch Adjunct; Cinner Fellow]

    Martin, M. (2018). Urban foraging: Rethinking the human-nature connection in cities. eTropic, 17(1), 149-163. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.1.2018.3647 [PhD student]

    McCalman, J., Bailie, R., Bainbridge, R., McPhail-Bell, K., Percival, N., Askew, D., . . . Tsey, K. (2018). Continuous quality improvement and comprehensive primary healthcare: A systems framework to improve service quality and health outcomes. Frontiers in Public Health. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00076 [McCalman & Bainbridge Adjuncts]

    McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R., Brown, C., & Tsey, K. (2018). The Aboriginal Australian Family Well-being Program: A historical analysis of the conditions that enabled its spread. Frontiers in Public Health. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00026 [McCalman, Bainbridge & Tsey Fellows]

    McLeod, I., Schmider, J., Creighton, C., & Gillies, C. (2018). Seven pearls of wisdom: Advice from Traditional Owners to improve engagement of local Indigenous people in shellfish ecosystem restoration. Ecological Management & Restoration, 19(2), 98-101. doi:10.1111/emr.12318 [Schmider Adjunct]

    McPhail-Bell, K., Matthews, V., Bainbridge, R., Redman-MacLaren, M. L., Askew, D., Ramanathan, S., . . . Bailie, R. (2018). An ‘all teach, all learn’ approach to research capacity strengthening in Indigenous primary health care continuous quality improvement. Frontiers in Public Health. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00107 [Bainbridge Adjunct]

    McWaters, S. C., & Hawkins, R. (2018). The imagined contact hypothesis: Prejudice towards asylum seekers in Australia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3(4), 197-210. http://www.ijicc.net/index.php/past-editions/30-vol-3-iss-4-2018.html [Hawkins Fellow]

    Menadue, C. B. (2018). Cities in flight: A descriptive examination of the tropical city imaged in twentieth century science fiction. eTropic, 17(2), 62-82. doi:10.25120/etropic.17.2.2018.3658 [PhD student & Postdoc Fellow]

    Menadue, C. B., & Jacups, S. (2018). Who reads science fiction and fantasy, and how do they feel about science? Preliminary findings from an online survey. SAGE Open, 8(2). doi:10.1177/2158244018780946 [Menadue PhD student & Postdoc Fellow; Jacups Adjunct]

    Miles, D., Harris, N., & Dhephasadin Na Ayudhaya, P. (2018). Stepping forward to learn: Thai students reflect on hosting Australian international exchange students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 1-17. doi:10.1177/1028315318797177 [Miles Fellow]

    Miles, D., Mensinga, J., & Zuchowski, I. (2018). Harnessing opportunities to enhance the distance learning experience of MSW students: An appreciative inquiry process. Social Work Education, 37(6), 705-717. doi:10.1080/02615479.2018.1447557 [Miles & Zuchowlski Fellows]

    Miller, D. J., Hald, G. M., & Kidd, G. (2018). Self-perceived effects of pornography consumption among heterosexual men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 19(3), 469-476. [Kidd Fellow]

    Mills, R., Tomas, L., Whiteford, C., & Lewthwaite, B. (2018). Developing middle school students’ interest in learning science and geology through Slowmation. Research in Science Education.[Lewthwaite Fellow]

    Mills, R., Tomas, L., & Lewthwaite, B. (2018). The Impact of Student-Constructed Animation on Middle School Students’ Learning about Plate Tectonics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(2), 165-177. doi:10.1007/s10956-018-9755-z

    Mizrahi, M. i., Diedrich, A., Weeks, R., & Pressey, R. L. (2018). A systematic review of the socioeconomic factors that influence how marine protected areas impact on ecosystems and livelihoods. Society & Natural Resources, 1-17. doi:10.1080/08941920.2018.1489568 [Pressey Fellow]

    Moglia, M., Alexander, K. S., Thephavanh, M., Thammavong, P., Sodahak, V., Khounsy, B., . . . Case, P. (2018). A Bayesian network model to explore practice change by smallholder rice farmers in Lao PDR. Agricultural Systems, 164, 84-94. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2018.04.004 [Case Fellow]

    Morales, S. E., Trouche, B., Wakelin, S., Banabas, M., & Nelson, P. N. (2018). Shifts in prokaryotic communities under forest and grassland within a tropical mosaic landscape. Applied Soil Ecology. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.11.028 [Nelson Fellow]

    Moss, P. T., Ulm, S., Mackenzie, L., Wallis, L. A., Rosendahl, D., & Steinberger, L. (2016). Robust local vegetation records from dense archaeological shell matrixes: A palynological analysis of the Thundiy shell deposit, Bentinck Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. doi:10.1007/s12520-016-0394-0 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Murphy, F., & Nile, R. (2018). Gallipoli's troubled hearts: Fear, nerves and repatriation. Studies in Western Australian History, 32, 25-38. [Nile Fellow]

    Naidoo, P., & Pearce, P. L. (2016). Enclave tourism versus agritourism: The economic debate. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-20. doi:10.1080/13683500.2016.1235554 [Pearce Fellow]

    Nakata, M., Nakata, V., Day, A., Martin, G., & Peachey, M. (2018). Indigenous undergraduates’ use of supplementary tutors: Developing academic capabilities for success in higher education studies. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-10. doi:10.1017/jie.2017.39

    Neden, J., Townsend, R., & Zuchowski, I. (2018). Towards sustainability in Australian social work field education. Australian Social Work, 71(3), 345-357. doi:10.1080/0312407X.2018.1465576 [Zuchowski Fellow]

    Nicholas, C., Welters, R., & Murphy, L. (2018). Does social capital help communities to cope with long-distance commuting? Regional Studies, 1-12. doi:10.1080/00343404.2018.1437899 [Welters Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Njaramba, J., Whitehouse, H., & Lee-Ross, D. (2018). Approach towards female African migrant entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues, 5(4), 1043-1053. doi:10.9770/jesi.2018.5.4(24) [Lee-Ross Fellow]

    Onnis, L.-a. (in press). Human resource management policy choices, management practices and health workforce sustainability: Remote Australian perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12159 [Fellow]

    Onnis, L., Klieve, H., & Tsey, K. (2018). The evidence needed to demonstrate impact: a synthesis of the evidence from a phased social and emotional wellbeing intervention. Evaluation and Program Planning, 70, 35-43. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.05.003 [Onnis Fellow]

    Osborne, S., Rigney, L.-I., Benveniste, T., Guenther, J., & Disbray, S. (2018). Mapping boarding school opportunities for Aboriginal students from the Central Land Council Region of Northern Territory. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-17. doi:10.1017/jie.2018.1 [Guenther Adjunct]

    Overall, S. E., & Wojtylak, K. I. (2018). Nominalization in Northwest Amazonia: Introduction. STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 71(1), 1-18. doi:10.1515/stuf-2018-0001 [Wojtylak PhD student]

    Pattnaik, I., Lahiri-Dutt, K., Lockie, S., & Pritchard, B. (2018). The feminization of agriculture or the feminization of agrarian distress? Tracking the trajectory of women in agriculture in India. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1-18. doi:10.1080/13547860.2017.1394569

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2018). Entertaining international tourists: An empirical study of an iconic site in China. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(5), 772-792. doi:10.1177/1096348015598202 [Pearce Fellow]

    Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2018). A mobile narrative community: Communication among senior recreational vehicle travellers. Tourist Studies, 18(2), 194-212. doi:10.1177/1468797617723469 [Pearce Fellow]

    Percival, N. A., McCalman, J., Armit, C., O’Donoghue, L., Bainbridge, R., Rowley, K., . . . Tsey, K. (2018). Implementing health promotion tools in Australian Indigenous primary health care. Health Promotion International, 33(1), 92-106. doi:10.1093/heapro/daw049 [McCalman & Bainbridge Fellows]

    Petray, T., & Pendergrast, N. (in press). Challenging power and creating alternatives: Integrationist, antisystemic and non-hegemonic approaches in Australian social movements. Journal of Sociology. [Petray Fellow]

    Pharino, C., Pearce, P., & Pryce, J. (2018). Paranormal tourism: Assessing tourists' onsite experiences. Tourism Management Perspectives, 28, 20-28. doi:10.1016/j.tmp.2018.06.003 [Pearce Fellow]

    Piotto, E. L., Ross, A., Perryman, C., & Ulm, S. (2018). Deliberate selection of rocks in the construction of the Gummingurru Stone Arrangement Site Complex, Darling Downs, Queensland. Piotto, 21, 27-38. doi:10.25120/qar.21.2018.3649 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Probyn, E. (in press). The ocean returns: Mapping a mercurial Anthropocean. Social Science Information. doi:10.1177/0539018418792402 [Adjunct]

    Redman-MacLaren, M., Barrington, D. J., Harrington, H., Cram, D., Selep, J., & MacLaren, D. (2018). Water, sanitation and hygiene systems in Pacific Island schools to promote the health and education of girls and children with disability: A systematic scoping review. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 8(3), 386-401. doi:10.2166/washdev.2018.274 [Redman-MacLaren & MacLaren Fellows]

    Rehn, A., Holdsworth, J., Hamilton, J., & Tee, S. (2018). An input-centric performance model for computational offloading of mobile applications. Journal of Systems and Software, 138, 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2017.12.010 [Hamilton Fellow]

    Rudolph, J., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Shanley, D. C., & Hawkins, R. (2018). Child sexual abuse prevention opportunities: Parenting, programs, and the reduction of risk. Child Maltreatment, 23(1), 96-106. doi:10.1177/1077559517729479 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Rudolph, J., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Shanley, D. C., Walsh, K., & Hawkins, R. (2018). Parental discussion of child sexual abuse: Is it associated with the parenting practices of involvement, monitoring, and general communication? Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1-22. doi:10.1080/10538712.2018.1425946 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Saiz, G., Goodrick, I., Wurster, C., Nelson, P., Wynn, J., & Bird, M. (2018). Preferential production and transport of grass-derived pyrogenic carbon in NE-Australian savanna ecosystems. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5. doi:10.3389/feart.2017.00115 [Nelson Fellow]

    Sheaves, M., Johnston, R., Miller, K., & Nelson, P. N. (2018). Impact of oil palm development on the integrity of riparian vegetation of a tropical coastal landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 262, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2018.04.011 [Nelson Fellow]

    Sims, K. (2018). Teaching development studies in times of change. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 59(2), 147-158. doi:10.1111/apv.12195 [Fellow]

    Sloss, C. R., Nothdurft, L., Hua, Q., O’Connor, S. G., Moss, P. T., Rosendahl, D., . . . Ulm, S. (2018). Holocene sea-level change and coastal landscape evolution in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. The Holocene, doi:10.1177/0959683618777070 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Smith, J., Griffiths, K., Judd, J., Crawford, G., D'Antoine, H., Fisher, M., Bainbridge, R., & Harris, P. (2018). Ten years on from the World Health Organization Commission of Social Determinants of Health: Progress or procrastination? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 29(1), 3-7. doi:10.1002/hpja.48 [Bainbridge Adjunct]

    Stephens, A., Lewis, E. D., & Reddy, S. (2018). Towards an inclusive systemic evaluation for the SDGs: Gender equality, environments and marginalized voices (GEMs). Evaluation, 24(2), 220-236. doi:10.1177/1356389018766093 [Stephens Adjunct]

    Stephens, A., & Monro, D. (2018). Training for life and healing: The systemic empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women through vocational education and training. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-14. doi:10.1017/jie.2018.5 [Stephens Adjunct]

    Stephens, A., Taket, A., & Gagliano, M. (2018). Ecological justice for nature in critical systems thinking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. [Stephens Adjunct]

    Stephens, A., & Zoellner, D. (2018). The changing balances of equity, control and market choice in the Indigenous vocational education and training sector. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts.[Stephens Adjunct]

    Stevens, B., Watt, K., Brimblecombe, J., Clough, A., & Judd, J. (2018). Development of a locally produced, balanced protein–energy food-based supplement and its acceptance by undernourished pregnant women in Northern Bangladesh. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 13(1), 100-115. doi:10.1080/19320248.2016.1227756 [Clough Fellow]

    Stevens, B., Watt, K., Brimbecombe, J., Clough, A., Judd, J. A., & Lindsay, D. (2018). A village-matched evaluation of providing a local supplemental food during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh: A preliminary study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1), 286. doi:10.1186/s12884-018-1915-x [Clough Fellow]

    Stoeckl, N., Hicks, C., Farr, M., Grainger, D., Esparon, M., Thomas, J., & Larson, S. (2018). The crowding out of complex social goods. Ecological Economics, 144, 65-72. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.07.021

    Street, C., Smith, J., Robertson, K., Motlap, S., Ludwig, W., Gillan, K., & Guenther, J. (2018). A historical overview of responses to Indigenous higher education policy in the NT: Progress or procrastination? The Australian Universities' Review, 60(2), 38-48.n [Guenther Adjunct]

    Suthikorn, K., & Dahms, S. (2018). Headquarters value added and subsidiary performance: Insights from Thailand. Review of International Business and Strategy, 28(2), 150-168. doi:10.1108/RIBS-11-2017-0099 [Dahms Fellow]

    Teel, T. L., Anderson, C. B., Burgman, M. A., Cinner, J., Clark, D., Estévez, R. A., . . . St. John, F. A. V. (2018). Publishing social science research in Conservation Biology to move beyond biology. Conservation Biology, 32(1), 6-8. doi:10.1111/cobi.13059 [Cinner Fellow]

    Townshend, K., Caltabiano, N. J., Powrie, R., & O’Grady, H. (2018). A preliminary study investigating the effectiveness of the Caring for Body and Mind in Pregnancy (CBMP) in reducing perinatal depression, anxiety and stress. Journal of Child and Family Studies. doi:10.1007/s10826-017-0978-z [Townshend PhD student]

    Tsey, K. (2018). The Search for Sustainable Disposal of Dead Bodies: The Case of Botoku, Rural Ghana. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(5), 23-30.

    Tsey, K., Lui, S. M. (Carrie), Heyeres, M., Yan, L. & Pryce, J. (2018). Developing Soft Skills: Exploring the Feasibility of an Australian Well-Being Program for Health Managers and Leaders in Timor-Leste. Sage Open, 8(4), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244018811404

    Tsey, K., & Warne, S. (2018). The Feasibility of Cassava as Sustainable Source of Clean Energy Production in Ghana: A Concept Proposal. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(07), 25-28.

    Vavrova, D. (2018). [Film review] Long Story Short. Director, Natalie Bookchin. 2016. 45 minutes. Urbanities, 8(1), 96-97.

    Vávrová, D. (2018). The rocking of canoe and custom: Shifts in Ambonwari’s perception of invisible realm, secrecy and village hierarchy [Le balancement de la pirogue et la coutume : changements de la perception du monde invisible, du secret et la hiérarchie villageoise à Ambowari]. Le Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 146, 55-62.

    Veles, N., Carter, M., & Boon, H. (2018). Complex collaboration champions: University third space professionals working together across borders. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. doi:10.1080/13603108.2018.1428694 [Boon Fellow]

    Vincent, G., Kinchin, I., Ferguson, S., & Jay, S. (2018). The cost of inadequate sleep among on-call workers in Australia: A workplace perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), 398. doi:10.3390/ijerph15030398 [Kinchin Adjunct]

    Wang, Y., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). DNA-chart visual tool for topological higher order information from spatio-temporal trajectory dataset. Expert Systems with Applications, 108, 28-35. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.04.036 [I Lee Fellow]

    Wang, P., & Kuah, A. T. H. (2018). Green marketing cradle-to-cradle: Remanufactured products in Asian markets. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(5), 783-795. doi:10.1002/tie.21925 [Kuah Fellow]

    Wang, W., Yi, L., Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., & Huang, S. (2018). Examining Chinese adult children’s motivations for traveling with their parents. Tourism Management, 69, 422-433. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2018.06.024 [Pearce Fellow]

    Wei, F., Costanza, R., Dai, Q., Stoeckl, N., Gu, X., Farber, S., . . . Zhang, W. (2018). The value of ecosystem services from giant panda reserves. Current Biology, 28(13), 2174-2180.e2177. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.046  [Stoeckl Adjunct]

    Welters, R., Daniel, R., & Fleischmann, K. (2018). Creative industries in a regional city: How much work is lost to rivals based elsewhere? Local Economy, 33(1), 63-84. doi:10.1177/0269094218757653 [Welters Theme Leader & Fellow; Daniel & Fleischmann Fellows]

    Welters, R., Lewthwaite, B., Thomas, J., & Wilson, K. (2018). Re-engaged students’ perceptions of mainstream and flexible learning environments – a ‘semi-quantitative’ approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-17. doi:10.1080/13603116.2018.1447613 [Welters Theme Leader & Fellow; Lewthwaite Fellow; Thomas PhD student]

    West, C., Muller, R., & Clough, A. R. (2018). Injuries and alcohol management plans in remote Indigenous communities: A two-community comparison. Injury Prevention, 24(3), 236-239. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042151 [Clough Fellow]

    West, C., Muller, R., Clough, A. R., & Fitts, M. S. (2018). Have alcohol management plans reduced violence against women in Cape York, Australia? Violence Against Women. doi:10.1177/1077801217742756 [Clough Fellow]

    White, C., Shanley, D. C., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Walsh, K., Hawkins, R., & Lines, K. (2018). “Tell, tell, tell again”: The prevalence and correlates of young children’s response to and disclosure of an in-vivo lure from a stranger. Child Abuse & Neglect, 82, 134-143. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.06.001 [Hawkins Fellow]

    White, C., Shanley, D. C., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Walsh, K., Hawkins, R., Lines, K., & Webb, H. (2018). Promoting young children’s interpersonal safety knowledge, intentions, confidence, and protective behavior skills: Outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse & Neglect, 82, 144-155. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.05.024 [Hawkins Fellow]

    Williams, A. N., Ulm, S., Sapienza, T., Lewis, S., & Turney, C. S. M. (2018). Sea-level change and demography during the last glacial termination and early Holocene across the Australian continent. Quaternary Science Reviews, 182, 144-154. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.030 [Ulm Theme Leader and Fellow]

    Wilson, B., Abbott, T., Quinn, S. J., Guenther, J., McRae-Williams, E., & Cairney, S. (2018). Empowerment is the basis for improving education and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in remote Australia. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1-9. doi:10.1017/jie.2018.2 [Guenther Adjunct]

    Wojtylak, K. I. (in press). Comparative constructions in Murui (Witotoan, Northwest Amazonia). Linguistic Discovery.

    Wojtylak, K. I. (2018). Nominalizations in Murui (Witotoan). STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 71(1), 19-46. doi:10.1515/stuf-2018-0002

    Wong, C., & Lockie, S. (2018). Sociology, risk and the environment: A material-semiotic approach. Journal of Risk Research. doi:10.1080/13669877.2017.1422783

    Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2018). Gap time and Chinese tourists: Exploring constraints. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(10), 1171-1186. doi:10.1080/13683500.2017.1415868 [Pearce Fellow]

    Yagi, C., & Pearce, P. L. (2018). European castles through Japanese eyes and minds. European Journal of Tourism Research, 19, 5-22. [Pearce Fellow]

    Yan, L., Yinghong, Y., Lui, S. M. C., Whiteside, M., & Tsey, K. (2018). Teaching “soft skills” to university students in China: The feasibility of an Australian approach. Journal of Educational Studies. doi:10.1080/03055698.2018.1446328

    Yinghong, Y., Yan, L., Lui, S. M. C., Kinchin, I., Heyeres, M., & Tsey, K. (2018). County development and sustainability in China: A systematic scoping of the literature. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(2), 19-36. [Lui Fellow & Kinchin Adjunct]

    Zhang, D., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Hierarchical trajectory clustering for spatio-temporal periodic pattern mining. Expert Systems with Applications, 92(Supplement C), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.09.040 [Ickjai Lee Fellow]

    Zuchowski, I., Cleak, H., Nickson, A., & Spencer, A. (2018). A National Survey of Australian Social Work Field Education Programs: Innovation with Limited Capacity. Australian Social Work, 72(1), 75-90. doi:10.1080/0312407x.2018.1511740

    Zuchowski, I., Cleak, H., Nickson, A., & Spencer, A. (in press). Innovation with limited capacities: A national survey of Australian field education programs. Australian Social Work. [Zuchowski Fellow]

    Zuchowski, I., Gair, S., Henderson, D., & Thorpe, R. (in press). Convenient yet neglected: the role of grandparent kinship carers. British Journal of Social Work. [Zuchowski & Gair Fellows]

    Zuchowski, I., Miles, D., Howard, E., Harris, N., & Francis, A. (2018). Sustaining quality learning abroad opportunities in Australian schools of social work. International Social Work, 62(2), 980-993. doi:10.1177/0020872818757590

    Zuchowski, I., Miles, D., Woods, C., & Tsey, K. (in press). Continuous quality improvement processes in child protection: A systematic literature review. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:10.1177/1049731517743337 [Zuchowski, Miles & Tsey Fellows]


    Dale, A., Wren, L., Fraser, D., Talbot, L., Hill, R., Evans-Illidge, L., Forester, T., Winer, M., George, M., Gooch, M., Hale, L., Morris, S., Carmody, J. (2018). Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef: The Next Generation of Reef 2050 Actions. Retrieved from http://www.environment.gov.au/marine/gbr/publications/reef-2050-traditional-owners-next-generation

    Gabriel, J., Specht, J., Leavesley, M., Kelly, M., Wood, M., Foale, S., Filer, C., McIntyre-Tamwoy, S., Bourke, R., Michael, G., & Sounier, J.-P. (2018). The Nakanai Ranges of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Cairns: James Cook University. [Gabriel & Foale Fellows]

    Gooch, M., Dale, A., Marshall, N., & Vella, K. (2018). Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Burdekin Region focus. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Gooch, M., Dale, A., Marshall, N., & Vella, K. (2018). Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Burnett-Mary Region focus. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Gooch, M., Dale, A., Marshall, N., & Vella, K. (2018). Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Mackay-Whitsunday Region focus. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Gooch, M., Dale, A., Marshall, N., & Vella, K. (2018). Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Wet Tropics Region focus. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Gooch, M., Dale, A., Marshall, N., & Vella, K. (2018). Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: An Eastern Cape York Region focus. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Gooch, M., Marshall, N., Dale, A., & Vella, K. (2018). Final report: Trialling an assessment and monitoring program for the human dimensions of the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.

    Liley, W., & Stephens, A. (2018). The Cooktown Ten: A problem structuring model for violence prevention: Addressing violence through primary care. Cairns: James Cook University.


    Bergseth, B. J. (2018). Poaching in marine protected areas: drivers of and responses to illegal fishing. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Joshua Cinner (Fellow)]

    Bermingham, L. L. (2018). From spatio-temporal trajectories to succinct and semantically meaningful patterns. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Ickjai Lee (Fellow)]

    Eberhard, R. (2018). The metagovernance of Australian water policy: Practices, rationales and outcomes. (PhD), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.

    Nicholas, C. R. (2018). Long distance commuting into Australian regions: its determinants and impacts on wellbeing in the region and social capital's capacity to mediate those impacts. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Anna Blackman (Fellow)]

    Tanner, H. A. (2018). Migrancy: A journey of yearning and a quest for home in the context of contemporary art. (PhD), James Cook University, Townsville. [Supervisor: Naylor (Fellow)]

    Conference papers

    Gurtner, Y. (2018). Understanding the use of social media in the disaster context - a tropical cyclone Debbie case study. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, Gold Coast. [Fellow]

    Jones, P., & Miles, D. (2018). Relationship-building and reciprocity as foundations for sustainability in international student mobility. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018: Environmental and community sustainability; human solutions in an evolving society, Dublin, Ireland. [Miles Fellow]

    Le Queux, S., Kuah, A. T. H., & Leggatt, C. (2018). Manpower under tripartism in Singapore. Paper presented at the 36th International Labour Process Conference: Class and the Labour Process, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [Kuah Fellow]

    Li, W., McDermott, B., & West, C. (2018). Mental health first aid in everyday life: Collaboration for promoting mental health in higher education in China. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, Cairns. [Li Fellow]

    Liu, H., & Lee, I. (2018). End-to-end trajectory transportation mode classification using Bi-LSTM recurrent neural network. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Nanjing, China. [Lee Fellow]

    Liu, S., & Lee, I. (2018). Sentiment classification with medical word embeddings and sequence representation for drug reviews. Paper presented at the International Conference on Health Information Science, Cham. [Lee Fellow]

    Sinclair, J., & Lee, I. (2018). A generic cognitive architecture framework with personality and emotions for crowd simulation. Paper presented at the ISKE 2017: 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Nanjing, China. [Lee Fellow]

    Wojtylak, K. (2018). Language contact in Caquetá and Putumayo river basins in Northwest Amazonia. Paper presented at the SSILA 2018: Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Genealogical and Areal linguistics, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. [PhD student]

    Zhang, D., Lee, K., & Lee, I. (2018). Mining medical periodic patterns from spatio-temporal trajectories. In S. Siuly, I. Lee, Z. Huang, R. Zhou, H. Wang, & W. Xiang (Eds.), International Conference on Health Information Science (pp. 123-133). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [I Lee Fellow]


    Bergseth, B. J., Gurney, G. G., & Cinner, J. (2018, August 17). The majority of people who see poaching in marine parks say nothing. The Conversation. [Cinner Fellow]

    Gair, S. (2018, January 16). Balancing work and tertiary study is harder than in 2012: study. The Conversation. [Fellow]

    Hawkins, R., & Lynas, J. (2018, May 29). Child sexual abuse research quality needs to be improved. Atlas of Science. [Hawkins Fellow]

    Menadue, C. B. (2018, January 25). Farewell Ursula Le Guin – the One who walked away from Omelas. The Conversation. [PhD student]

    Menadue, C. B. (2018, April 6). Stephen Hawking: Blending science with science fiction. The Conversation. [PhD student]

    Ulm, S., Cooper, A., Bird, M., Veth, P., Beaman, R., & Condie, S. (2018, May 21). How to get to Australia … more than 50,000 years ago. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/how-to-get-to-australia-more-than-50-000-years-ago-96118 [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]

    Ulm, S., Williams, A. N., Turney, C., & Lewis, S. (2018, January 16). Australia's coastal living is at risk from sea level rise, but it's happened before. The Conversation. [Ulm Theme Leader & Fellow]


    Art, Science and Community Working Together. (2018). [Video about Creative Ecologies workshop and the Plasticene Marine art exhibition]. Cairns: James Cook University.
    Plastic pollution is having a devastating effect on the ecologies of ocean habitats. Exploring ways to connect art, science and community in addressing such urgent environmental problems, a Creative Ecologies workshop and the Plasticene Marine art exhibition were held at The Cairns.

    Me too (2018). Event curators Jennifer McHugh, Anne Stephens, Mandy Shircore. Compere Naomi De Costa, Sandra Pearson. Panel members: Jules Steer, Jesse Martin,  Richie Bates, Casia Betros, David Warner, Barry Courtney, Ruth Venables, Lee Stewart. Slam poet: Zoe Perwiti. Event crew: Ann Vardanega, Danielle Mitchell, Pheobe Burke, Melissa Kelly, Ronnah King, Quyen Tallardat, Karen Hallard, TJ Agoncillo. Videography: Melissa Kelly, TJ Agoncillo. Photogaphy: Pheobe Burke, Ronnah King. Editing sound: Danielle Mitchell, BenSound.com [Video of event held on 15 May].

    Ulm, S. (2018). Made by people: Sean Ulm’s journey in archaeology [video]. Cairns: CABAH.

    Wojtylak, K. I. (Producer). (2018). The Murui people of Colombia. [video]. Cairns: James Cook University.


    Fraser, J. (2018). Jenny Fraser: She is the woman. @INDIGENOUSX, March 2.

    Newton Cain, T. (2018). Book review: Australia’s foreign aid dilemma. DEVPOLICYBLOG, January 25.

    Newton Cain, T. (2018). Pacific predictions: What to expect in 2018. DEVPOLICYBLOG, January 12.


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