The NT Council of Social Services (NTCOSS) and North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) received funding from the Law Society Public Purposes Trust (NT) in early 2015 to conduct a justice reinvestment (JR) ‘proof of concept’ project in the NT. The project seeks to determine the capacity of JR to reduce incarceration and offending of 10 – 24 year old Indigenous people in Katherine. It is hoped that if successful a JR framework might be used in other NT communities. Project consultations conducted over the last 12 months indicate that stakeholders in Katherine are overwhelmingly in support of introduction of JR. Given this, we will continue to work with the community to progress JR in coming months, dependent on sourcing additional funding and with an immediate focus on setting up a collective impact (CI) framework in Katherine. CI provides a structure within which key stakeholders come together to enact sustainable social change with respect to complex social problems: in this instance, the high level of contact by young Aboriginal people from Katherine with the justice system.
Allison, F. (2016). Justice reinvestment in Katherine: Report on initial community consultations. Cairns: James Cook University.